Debbie Riggs


Decatur, GA

United States

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Why I Joined Fire/EMS
What do wildfires, Pirsch pumpers, Low Country boils, love triangles, surfing, and Pabst Blue Ribbon beer have in common? Answer: Jack Riggs. Or, more specifically, his latest novel "The Fireman’s Wife". With the release of "The Fireman’s Wife" this past spring, Atlanta resident Jack Riggs has been on a whirlwind book tour, eating his way though low country boils, and downing cans of PBR with his many book club hosts, all the while talking about his new characters, Peck and Cassie- a small town fire chief, and his wandering wife. Set in June 1970, a seven month drought has scorched the South Carolina low country. Peck, a cut-off blue jeans kind of guy, has his hands full with the onslaught of the beach tourist season. It’s a dangerous time for firemen. His wife Cassie has her own troubles pulling her away from home and the beach, and ends up in the arms of another man.
On June 29, Riggs was awarded Georgia Author of the Year, Fiction by the Georgia Writer’s Association. And yes, like his character Peck, Riggs loves to surf along the Low Country beaches

Read "The Fireman's Wife", and see an intimate, raw view of the lives of our beloved everyday heros. We love our firemen!

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