Holly Jones

33, Female

Middle River, MD

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer, Fire/Rescue Department - Paid, Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
3 Years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
North East Fire Company, North East , South Mauldin Ave.
Years With Department/Agency
3 Years
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
Vehicular Rescue Tech
Rescue Tech.-Confined Space
Engine Company Opps.
Response To Terrorism
Hazourdous Material Opps.
About Me:
I graduated from the Cecil County School Of Technology in 08' from Fire Science. I was lucky to be accepted, and got many certifications from the class. Now being graduated, I am looking forward to starting a carrer in the U.S Coast Guard for Health Services.
Day Job:
First Mariner Arena
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I dont really have a family from the fire service, I really just was self interested. I went through pre-basic with an open mind and got alot of help from my friends and officers. I got hooked on it, took my first truck ride on my 16th birthday. Was the best present I got. Ill never forget it. Now, I couldnt see myself doing anything else with my time. The feeling that you are making a difference, big or small, is the best feeling in the world. I love being able to help someone, and save lives.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I love being able to make a difference in this world.
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  • Muzaffer GÜVEN

    Happy birthday!
  • Allen

    Happy B-Day, stay safe out there and good luck in school
  • Dennis Brown

    Hi Holly you have a safe Birthday from the jersey shore