
32, Female

Hopwood, PA

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter, Junior Firefighter/Explorer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Station 3 - Allison #2
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
My training means alot to me. I honestly just want to finish my training so that I can eventually do this for a career. Not only is it teching me about fire education, but it can somewhat be as a life lesson.
About Me:
Im Katie, both my parents have passed. I just moved to hopwood and got engaged to Steve. (Who is also in my dept.) Im a waitress for Dennys in Uniontown and I babysit. If Im not at work im at training or relaxing at station. I have 2 dogs, a cat, and a snake. I love what I do and thas about it.
Day Job:
Waitress at Dennys & Babysitting.
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Well a few years ago, (when I was about eight) my mom had a car accident. Somehow she lived, Firemen, EMT, and people at the hospital had no idea how she lived. She broke her pelvic in 3 places, split her head open, and a few other "minor injurys. If it wasn't for Allison #1 and 2 firemen.. my mom would of died that night.

September 23rd 2008 my mom died of lung cancer, though if it wasn't for firemen, she would of been gone alot sooner. Therefore I just don't want anyone to end up in my situation. My dad ended up dying in 2007 from a car accident in Cali. Firemen didn't get there soon enough. I feel its my duty to get those people out of trouble so they can go home to there family's and loved ones.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Im saving peoples lives / family members / loved ones.

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  • Tom

    Welcome to FFN from UPSTATE NY
  • WRFD 784

    Welcome to FFN. Sorry to here about your parents. I started out as a junior in my home town and know I am going to be a captain at the department that I am on now. The training that you get as a junior really helps you out in the long run. Go to all the training as possible. Be Safe. WRFD 784
  • Chad King

    I'm a Training Officer, too. So If you have a question on training, fire away. Take Care