I have been doing alot of training in the past year i will test out of my FF1 in May. when I started back in 1987 ther was not alot of training. the other companies I have served with were small and did mostly in house training. Therefor i don't have tons of training yet but i am working on it, but I do have alot of experience
Makin that first hit on a fire, pullin someone out of a fire or a car.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Training!!! It's not just about puttin the wet stuff on the red stuff anymore. There are lots of Area's we are involved with anymore, Haz-Mat, Terrorism, extrication, in N.C. we got into watercraft fires, water rescue....the list can go on and on. The average guy just can't pick up a knob and flow water anymore it's just to dangerous without having some kind of idea of what your doing.
Feb 12, 2008
Feb 25, 2008
May 29, 2008