


United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Other Response Agency Type
Job Function
First Responder, Other
Years in Fire/EMS:
I am not Fire/EMS I am CISM/CISD/CMO
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
My Training:
BS - Psychology
Registered Nurse
About Me:
I have worked as a CMO/CISD and PsyOps consultant with a number of agencies. I have a BS in Psychology and an ADN. I will start on my MSN in the spring following TacMed School. I have 25 years experience in different facets of psych work from direct client care to threat assessment to debriefing. I recently took a sabbatical and returned to school and am now a RN. Next step is my residency program, and TacMed School. They are trying to talk me into becoming a tactical medic instructor! LOL Clearly, there is no escape.

I have a passion for writing, therefore, be forewarned that I am curious and do ask question after question. However, I do respond well to a thump on the head and a STFU.

I have finished two novels and am working on my third. I have also completed the first of 4 cookbooks. I've reached a place that I can devote a lot more time and energy to writing and I'm looking forward to the adventures that brings.

I am an ocean baby and I love being on, in or under the water. I have paddled with King Kam and UHH OC6 teams. I have participated in the Molokai to Oahu run and the Queen Liliuokalani Race which is the longest ocean outrigger canoe race in the world. I really want to attend the Liberty Challenge OC Race in NYC next year. I am a Parrothead, a Detroit Red Wings fan, and I love to cook. I have a raunchy, politically incorrect sense of humor and I tend to say f***, a lot, though I am trying not to, so I'll just apologize up front for that. I prefer cold beer to champagne, being barefoot to wearing shoes and comfort food to haute cuisine. All that said, I do love to go to the city and get dressed up and do the town. And I know for a fact you can always find a place to wear thigh boots. :)~

Aloha nui, everyone, I'm here to get to know folks, share a little aloha and have fun!
Day Job:
Chief Cook and Bottlewasher!
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I am a RN, I was invited by friends to join this site.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
If you aren't on the edge, you are taking up too much room.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Stress Management
Sleep Deprivation
Poor supervisory support

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  • Bob Shepard

    Glad to see you here, all emergency provides are welcome we do work hand in hand
    Glad your here Bob
  • Donna

    Hi Sara. I sent you a friend request. I would love to hear from you soon.
  • curedgirls

    Glad to see you again!