, Female



Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Years With Department/Agency
Day Job:
Special Care Aide
Relationship Status:

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  • Daniele

    It's so good to know that the group home bussiness isn't only dramatic here! I'm just ready to get out of there. I can imagine the whole being one of the guys deal because I fall into that category with ninety percent of my male friends and thus far with the men I work with at my lil' fire dept. My husband admits he's not sure that he's gonna like it that I'm around men all the time dealing with things we do and "bonding". I've assured him that my heart is in the right place, and thats with him... LOL
  • Tony P

    Wow - my little girls would love your background colour!

    Did you have the marshmallows out at that big housefire?

    Been through my photos?
  • Tony P

    Glad you liked the pics. A bit of a pixture, a lot were related to individual threads ;o)

    Eva is there, the third track. I've never felt like putting too much music on here.