

Georgia, but often pronounced Jawja

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Private EMS
Job Function
EMT - Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
8 total if I count Non-Emergency Tranporting
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
It is in Georgia
Years With Department/Agency
Just starting out with a new company.
My Training:
LIFE; FAMILY; FRIENDS; EMT-Intermediate; EMT-Paramedic; Lots of Certifications within the above. I want to start working on Critical Care Paramedic Certification soon.
About Me:
Started in the business late compared to most people I know. I am a little bit different than most people I know. I work in EMS because it is what I want to do, not because of the paycheck or anything else. I know it where I belong. I also am also kind of geeky. I love to do research. I want to know all the why's and the wherefore's.
Day Job:
24 hour shift with a Private Ambulance Service, not close to any major help.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Because I never want to feel or be helpless in case of an emergency. A friend inspired me to come work with her as a NET driver. The company we were working for had an EMS side of things. The people I met there really helped me along this road.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I get to make a difference in a positive way if at all possible.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Sleep Deprivation; Staying Healthy; Substance Use and Abuse; Spouses and Family members that really don't understand.

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  • Big Jim

    Hey B, thanks for the compliment on the pics. All you have to do to get started is click on HOME. There is a link/button on the homepage that will allow you to download pics. After you get 1 downloaded, then you can do it off your page. The "slideshow" works automatically. Stay safe.
  • GRAMI2007

    Hey B. Thanks for the invite. Looks like we have alot in commom. I am a medical assistant,phlebotomist,911dsp, and I will be done with EMT-I Dec 17th 2008!!!!! I myself have to know the why's and how's!!! I hope we can share stories and advice because this JAWJA girl will take all advice i can obtain. BTW I love that ga spelling!!!!!!!
  • GRAMI2007

    I am too old for all this school stuff!!! lol!! but it is worth it in the end. Now if i can just pass the registry test I will be home free!!! hope you and yours had a good THANKSGIVING DAY.