to help others,and to follow in my great great great grand fathers foot steps.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
seeing the smile of the one you saved or from the family memebers of the person. it is a great feeling knowing you helped them ouy
Top Issues Facing Responders:
trainning what can i say, alot of departments dont train daily and they should. and agencies getting the money they need to run and staf the daprtments.
There is more that then anyone knows to being a firefighter. I found that letter in a book. But you are right seeing the smiles on their faces, that makes my heart smile.
soory about not getting back as soon as I should have. I finshed up recruit school again and finally got my assignment. I am 11's on University. It is pretty cool. How have yall been weathering the storms up that way?
Jason G
Apr 20, 2008
Apr 29, 2008
Jason G
Jun 28, 2008