Detlef Maushake


Lower Saxony


Profile Information:

What State do you live in?
Type of Organization
Paid Fire Department
Job Function
Company Officer (Captain/Lt/Supervisor), Captain
Years in Fire/EMS:
Vol FF 1980, Paid FF/PM 1995, Wildland FF 1998
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Braunschweig VFD, Salzgitter FD, Waldbrandteam - German wildfire crew
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I have chosen the profession long before I could think. It was my dream to become a FF and I was lucky to have the chance to serve the community and other people!

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  • Bob Kolva

    Detlef you may contact Dave Vanderostyne for information on the building plans at



  • Russ Gregston

    Detlef there is also a welth of training on Firerescue 1 website

  • Anita

    Entschuldigung wegen gerade.... ich haue mich gerade weg vor lachen. Was alles passieren kann wenn Deutsche in einem Amerikanischen Social Network Chat alle paar Wochen mal aufeinander treffen..... " Du warst ziemlich cool !!!! "