Marty Rutledge


McMurdo Station


Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Safety Officer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Antarctic Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
1 year
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Loveland Fire Rescue
My Training:
FFII, ARFF, EMT-B, IV, Hazmat Ops, Wildland
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I really wanted to do a job where I helped people, and I grew up with Johnny and Roy, so it just seemed like the job to go after. Plus the benefits of driving over the speed limit and cutting people's clothes off...

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  • Eddy Styven

    Good to hear you enjoy the Antarctican sun so much !
    Over here riding season has started, sofar we've been to the UK and France with the usual crew.
    Besides these we've been out on local rides and we'd organised the National Burn Camp Run.
    In two weeks we leave for Spain.
    We have rendez-vous with Lolo and the Frenchie's in Paris.
    From there we'll ride on nice back-roads to Spain to arrive there 5 days later.
    Oberst Hans Von Jenner and Randy & Sue 'll be the only Yankees to ride with us this year.
    As you are far away down under, Matt, Brian and Ken also cancelled their
    participation. I presume this ha a lot to do with the global incertain times, which I fully undertand, but regret.
    We 'll have a couple of drinks (sangria's) to your health and hope to be able to drink a couple with you on your hometrip.
    There's a free stay in your Antwerp residence.
    Right now I 'm remodelling the house in order to have it ready when you pass.

    Regretting you wont be with us in Spain, sending you a little bith of European warmth.

    Talk to you soon,

    (Don't pee outside)
  • Eddy Styven

    Good to hear you haven't partly frozen yet !
    We 'll have a couple of drinks when you stop in Belgium later this year.
    Enjoy the Antarctican winter in the meantime, and remember what all Inuit mothers teach their kids as their first sentence : don't ever eat yellow snow !

    Cheers mate,

  • Henrik Schrick

    Hi Marty,

    At this time i am not sure if i will be able to go to Corsica,but i would like to go very much.
    I havent been on my bike too much this year so lets hope next year will be more interesting !!!
