TheGreatWhiteBuffalo Gary Landis


Quakertown, PA

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Job Function
Secretary / Treasurer, Firefighter, Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Trumbauersville Volunteer Fire Department Station 58
My Training:
Basic, Advanced, FF!, FF2 Structural Burn, CPR, Hazardous Materials, Tanker Operations, and Pump 1
About Me:
I'm a former firefighter that became a truck driver and had to give up the fire service due the lack of available time to serve.
Day Job:
Truck Driver
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I was a volunteer, with the thought that I could help the community. I had an altruistic belief in giving of my self to help others.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I felt that I was helping people in need.

Comment Wall:

  • sarah arledge

    hi TheGreatWhiteBuffalo Gary Landis welcome to ffn hope you like it here its a great place to be. have a great night stay safe take care
  • Cindy Jodrey

    ok....and u wrote me this why????
  • Cindy Jodrey ya