
62, Female

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
Many certification's will list some later, Just finishing my Paramedic Internship
About Me:
Let's see what can I say here. I am the grandmother of two beautiful little girls and the mother of one stubborn 22 year old. They are my life away from all the other things I do. I joined the dive team 10 + years ago and my life seemed like it was finally getting started. I became an EMT and joined other groups within Search and Rescue. A few years ago I got this wild idea at 42 of becoming a firefighter. I am so glad I did. I love it, it's so rewarding in so many ways. I have always loved helping others and EMS certainly allows you to do that.

So away from the dept and SAR. I love the outdoors, camping, climbing, repelling, skiing,snowshoeing, diving, sports, hiking, my horse, the beach when it was closer, etc as long as I am outside. I raised my granddaughter from 3ms til she was almost 4. She is my best friend and my greatest supporter. When I am not outside I am spending time with my kitty and/or scrapbooking, TV, reading, writing stories- oh yeah studying for NREMT medic exam. Can't wait til thats over!!!
Day Job:
You mean work?
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I joined the fire dept after working 18 1/2 in the corporate world of banking. While n banking I spent the last 5 years as an EMT and when I decided to change careers firefighting just seem like a good place for me. I love helping people and it offers challenges and rewards.

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  • jc_murphy_firedog

    Hey Froogsey. Good to see you.
  • Bob Kolva

    Did you make it out for the moose rescue?
  • Danny

    Hey there how are ya doing..just stopping into say hi and see how things are going..take care and stay safe out there..