Vicky Padua




Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Combination Fire Rescue Department, Law Enforcement
Job Function
Captain, Firefighter
Years in Fire/EMS:
9 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Bureau of Fire Protection Regional Office, philippines
Years With Department/Agency
4 years
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
In my previous assignments, I was assigned as City Fire Marshal in Santa Rosa City Fire Station for almost a year, Municipal Fire Marshal in Alaminos Fire Station for two years and Deputy Municipal Fire Marshal in Cabuyao Fire Station......
About Me:
Being a woman is not a hindrance in doing my job as a firefighter.... I like challenges because its makes me more better persons...
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
to serve the public....

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  • Jason Tankred

    I was at Subic Bay like 6 yrs ago and I was somewhere else down there dont remember but helped the fire department with a fire not far from the bay when i was in the marines. I was thinking of taking a trip in the future back there.
  • Jason Tankred

    Thanks for the add by the way.
  • Treb

    Goodluck to you and pare! I know you'll have a very successful and colorful career in the bureau. just take care always. same with pare. you and pare has always been like a brother and a sister to me. THANK YOU. May God bless and protect your family always...