

Dillsburg, PA

United States

Profile Information:

What State do you live in?
Type of Organization
Volunteer Fire Department
Job Function
Firefighter/Driver Operator
Years in Fire/EMS:
3 Years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Years With Department/Agency
Long Enough
My Training:
Intro Into the Fire Service
Fire Ground Support
Exterior Firefighter
Interior Firefighter
HazMat Awareness
HazMat Ops
Water Rescue Awareness
PA DOH vehicle Rescue Technician
ICS 100
ICS 200
ICS 700
ICS 800
ITLS (International Trauma Life Support)
ABLS (Advanced Burn Life Support)
About Me:
I'm an 18 yr old vollie who love what I do.
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I love helping people. I always wanted to be a firefighter, since I was little and saw the firefighters come to school for fire safety week.
There's nothing like knowing you tried to make a difference
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I love helping people!

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  • John Javelle

    Thanks for the welcome!
  • Firefighter Suspenders

    Thank you and thanks for the welcome!
  • William Bockting

    thanks sarah, b safe out there! the lest we can do,is the best we can do!

    SARAH thanks for the welcome,be safe out there I read your info and can tell your excitement for the fire service will get you as far as you want it good luck.
  • Alexander Korsunsky

    hello sarah nice to meet you thanks for the request just trying to see how other explorers are acting on their departments and how they are taking on the financial tasks and training tasks of firefighting

    "First ones in last ones out every time "
  • Jason Loar

    Thanks for the welcome..... take care and be safe!
  • Fred Zumalt

    Thank's for the welcome. Fred
  • lucas pichette

    Your a very welcoming individual. Thanks
  • Hugo Manuel Drumond Mota Santos

    Thank's for the welcome.
    Azores Portugal
  • Marc C

    Thanks for the welcome Sarah.
  • Harold Fisher III

    Thanks Sarah. Rememeber to be safe out there
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hey Sarah!!

    Thanks for the add...wanna swap a patch? Stay safe!!!

  • richard sees

    Thank you I think I will have fun here.
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Just let me know when you are ready to swap!! Until then, be safe and stay low!!!

  • Dave D.

    thanks. you be safe out there as well. i just joined the dept. and I love it.
  • James Heyder

    Thanks a lot Sarah, same to you.
  • Jesse James Sparks Jr.

    Thank you Ma'am
  • Stan Edwards

    A warm thank you from the Marshall Islands
  • Simon Giles

    Thank you
  • John Wilson

    Thanks for the welcome
  • John Wilson

    Sara, I think it is great that you are a JR firefighter. Thats how I got started back in 1985, now I'm a capt. with paid department with a good crew. My son now has joined the JR fire fighter program in my Vol. dept. he is a senior and in the process of going into the air force fire protection program (if that job well open up) stay safe and I think it is great that we have high school kids willing to put in the time to be JR firefighter.
  • Curt Raue

    Thank you for the welcome. We are having some issues with recruiting people for my volunteer department. I have heard discussions about junior firefighter programs but haven't really talked to any one about them. I may ask you for some info about your program in the future if that is okay.
  • Jeremy Sampson

  • Jeremy Sampson

    Its great that you are a JR I have 10 JRS with my dept the are under my command. And thats how I starter in the fire service. I love working with my guys and girls. Getting them ready for the full time job of a firefighter.
  • Kenneth

    Hi there Sarah!!  Cheers from Hong Kong
  • Dave D.

    hey, do ya;ll get pagers and gear to start off? cuz where im at we didnt get much to start off. but thats understandable
  • Ryan King

     Always do.
  • Elmer Dean Zarn

    Thank You
  • Joseph G Louis

    I just wanted to say thank you to my local firefighters in Rochester NY. I spent an awful lot of time with them this weekend in "crappy snowy" weather and The Greater Rochester Red Cross appreciates everything they do for the community. Stay safe everyone...
  • Anthony T. Burns

    Thanks for the welcome
  • quin lomax

  • Rachel

    Stay Safe!!!
  • Kristopher Schafer

    thanks and be safe
  • FireBoyee

    Thanks a lot! It's good to be here.
  • Arthur S Collatz

    Thanks for the welcome!
  • Ryan Miller

    Thanks! Glad to be a part of it! So your an Junior FF as well i see?
  • Mark A. Jacobs

    thanks,you too will enjoy the rewards of saving lives.
  • Matthew Scott Lamp

    Can You Please Tell Me How You get The Music You Put on Your Page To Automatically Play When Someone Goes To Your place
  • Branden Sellers

    will do tyty,you do the same
  • Jim Silvernail

    Thanks for the welcome
  • bryan graves

    will do thank you,stay safe as well
  • Kyle firefighter Martin

  • Tyler Carpenter

    thanks. same to you!
  • Kyle Murray

    thanks, you stay safe too
  • Elmer Dean Zarn

    Thanks for the welcome. My wife got me started on this site, am just learning how to use it.
  • Gretchen Hallewell

    thank you for the welcome
  • firefighter-343-9-11-01

    i will i hope she gets  better i know its hard for her fam and friends and love ones i hope she will b ok if she needs any thing or u just let me know i will do wat i can
  • Clare Sullivan

    Thanks Sarah nice to be on here

  • Firefighter

    Thanks for the add.

  • Mirel

    Thank you.