

United States

Profile Information:

What State do you live in?
Type of Organization
Volunteer Fire Department
Job Function
Firefighter/Driver Operator
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Proctorsville Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
Firefighter I, Ice and Cold Water Rescue Technician; Graduate full time basic police academy 93rd; Tanker Driver/Operator. I have special training in child sexual abuse and online predators, and active shooter response team tactics.
About Me:
I keep busy, always on the go. I am an artist, a published freelance writer and photographer, a firearms instructor, a volunteer firefighter (driver, pump ops, Fire 1), and an Ice and cold water rescue technician.
Day Job:
Firearms Instructor, author, artist, Okemo Resort Spa
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Tired of my crappy job, I responded to an ad for the sheriff's department and was hired as a deputy. We have 'part time" certification here, requiring a week at the police academy. When I was held back from advancement and desired training, I applied for a full time spot at a local PD, went to the Full Time Basic Academy, 16 weeks of hell, and graduated top of my class, the 93rd. I loved my job, even enjoyed the academy. A combination of politics and a particularly gruesome case had me taking a break. Bored and wanting to still use my skills, I joined our local FD, where my husband is 1st LT. Am I in it for the rush? Sure. But it's really the satisfaction of DOING, helping, being a part of something bigger than yourself, and the closeness of a house family. We have 3 generations in some of the families! And our daughter just joined the junior division. I'm a proud mama. ( She is also darn good with a fire arm!)
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I am a doer. I like to be surrounded by like minded people...people who run towards the problem and not away from it.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Training: there is never enough of it.
Politics: there is no room for it.
Equipment: need more, need newer, and need trained ppl to run it. We have a shortage of VFF's here.

Comment Wall:

  • Timothy John Dodson

    Thanks for the add, Amy!

  • james santaw

    amy this james we talked last night ok if i add you as a friend maybe
  • james santaw

    thank you i couldnt add u before because of this stupid puter it woulndnt let meĀ 

  • james santaw

    thank you for the add

  • Ron King (Fire Chief)

    Thank you for the add Amy. Stay Safe!

  • james santaw

    hello amy how is the weather there in vt lol