Nancy Lankford McCain


Dickinson, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Emergency Management
Job Function
Emergency Management Coordinator/Staff
Years in Fire/EMS:
35 more than less
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Galveston County Office of Emergency Management
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Fort Worth - MedStar, Daniels EMS, Ray Crowder Ambulance Service, City of Forest Hill DPS and a little stint at American Airlines for a change of picture.
My Training:
TX EMT-P retired
CERT Instructor
CISM - Basic , Advanced, WMD & Terrorism
About Me:
Member - CFSI Senate Club
Member - EMAT - Emergency Management Association of TX
Member - NASAR - National Association of Search and Rescue
Member - NVFC - National Volunteer Fire Council
I work to have fun. There is only one goal for the end of every day, everyone goes home!
Day Job:
CERT Instructor - Citizen Corp Facilitator
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
To borrow the line from the song, "It's a family tradition."
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I don't know any other business, tried pushing tin (airlines) I was too real for them. Problem was I understood the difference between life & death.

Comment Wall:

  • Avery W. Hill Sr.

    No im not the founder just was curious is all. I did mention a net a couple years ago due to losing my brothers back on 6-18-2007 and well I kinda did start it but didnt have any takers and looks like i still dont. Well maybe its just not the right time for it. Maybe one day Well sorry you had to leave the job due to health my Dad just had to himself so i know what that does to a fireman.