
35, Female

Fulton, New York

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Pennellville Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
ICS courses 100, 200, 700, & 800. SCBA training i am working on right now.
About Me:
im obviously a new firefighter. working on getting qualified for interior. im the air force as security forces. (small terms.... a cop.) i am stationed in colorado springs colorado. Im in the United States Air Force now. i finished basic military training on 13 february 2009. i am currently taking a break from the fire department for my time in the military. but as soon as i get out i will be a firefighter again. in my heart.... i will always be one. its been my life since i was about 14 years old. and always will be.
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
my father has been a firefighter since before i was born and it is something i always wanted to get into. i enjoy helping people as much as i can.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
i love the adrenaline rush you get when that pager goes off and i feel the need to help people in any way i can.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
not enough people that would sponsor or help out their local fire departments. not enough money for the gear and supplies needed for the firefighters to stay safe in the fires or on any calls.

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  • Mary Ellen Shea

    Welcome to the Nation...if you're a FASNY member stop by the FASNY Members Group
  • Brian Gilbert

  • Tim Meckler # 575

    Welcome to the nation TaraMarie
  • Mike 63 DC

    Thanks for the add, be safe
  • Nathan Burnette

    Thanks for the add... Have fun..
  • Chan Rivera

    hi taraMarie18 want to say hello see u was on line be safe "Chan"
  • David Schneider

    hey! how was ur night? u should have seen the huge drug bust in our town...LOL cops everywhere.
  • Chan Rivera

    hello tara whats up see you on line want to say hi i have new pic of me and my son
  • David Schneider

    It was pretty sweet...it was a 47 year old man and his pregnant 17 year old girlfriend....so it was a bit weird. Some guys need to get their heads knocked in I think.
  • Joseph Gardner

    Just stopping by to say hello! How are things up north?
  • Joseph Gardner

    Things are good here at home, slow at work but that's a good thing, I hope!!!!!!
  • Chan Rivera

    hello great pic.
  • Chan Rivera

    thank you too
  • Chan Rivera

    G M TaraMaruewant to say hello "Chan"
  • FD 46

    thanks for the add keep doing what you do
  • angel carpio

  • angel carpio

    hello here nomas saludandote and commanded greetings by your magnificent work ok that're well and you care bye

    Well im glad to here that. That was a pritty bad wreck. So ho long you been in the fire service?
  • Paramedic872

    I think I was on call with you the other day, I was with Menter, we took a little old lady to the hospital becuase her demtia was getting worse.

    Yea i understand completly i had the same thing happen to me with my current Dept.

    Yes it dose, So dose your firehouse run alot of calls and if so what types?

    We have 360 calls 4 the year so far. most of them are Medical asst. because we do not have an ambulance. But we also have our fair share of MVC and fires.

    I got you so what kind of appartus do you have?

    I got ya we have 3 Engines, a Truck, a Rescue, a Tanker, a Brush truck, and a Command unit. if you wanna check out ours its www.chestertownvfc.org
    the brush truck is the only thing thats different

    Yea the tower we have is a 1989, And when stuphen came and did the ladder test they said that the ladder was in better shape than the ones coming off the factory floor. And one of the Engines is a 1983 Hahn so where probly gitting ready to replace it.
  • Donald Canterbury

    Hey, what's up? Thanks for the add. Take care and stay safe out there.

    I got ya so have you hade anything intersting lately

    Nope a bunch of medical asst. and a few afa's but thats about it. Its been slow here lately

    Yea we had a MVC with intrapment yesterday.

    We dont eather maby 10 a year if where lucky. But we had some storms coming right 4 us last night but the chesapeake bay changed that we dident get any rain or firecalls

    Yea the state right next to us had a house struck by lighting but nothing for us. We did have a wreck with intrapment but i missed it because i was working.

    Yea we had a med asst. tonight but i dident go eather but besides that its been pritty quite around here. So what do you do for fun in your town?

    Yea my town is the same all we do for fun is sit up in the shopping plazas and hang out. So i feel your pain

    Yea but thats one of the joys of living in a small town! lol. So do you guys have a highway or a major roadway that goes through your town?

    I got ya the only highway we have is US 301 and it's about 10 Miles away from the town i live in.

    Yea it kinda sucks living in a small town but i wouldent have it any outher way.
  • Chad King

    Hey there from Belmont, NY
  • Chad King

    Not bad. Gotta catch some zzz's. I got out of work late. I am going to see Boston and Styx in concert tonight in Big Flats, NY. How about U?
  • Chad King

    What's happening up north 2day? Not much down here in the southern tier. Stay Safe.
  • Scott Runkel

    Hey Tara,
    I don't we've formally met-I mean you added me a long time ago and I never introduced myself. Where are my manors? Just wanted to say thanks for the add. I see you're a member of the Coast Guard Auxiliary. Just wanted to say thanks also for your service to our county-I know it's not like the "real" Coast Guard but you guys do a lot of service as well. My FD has an Air Boat that we use primarily for Ice/Water rescue and when we do standby's for Crew/Rowing races up here. Anyways we always have local Coast Guard Auxilary members on the water in their own boat. It's pretty cool.
    Alright well have a great day and good luck with the Fire Service-it's such a rush!
  • David Schneider

    HEy! wow, did i fall off the planet or what....lol how ya been?
  • Skyler D. Moore

    Hey, cool page! hope to talk sometime!
  • David Schneider

    Hey, Iv been so bust lately...lol, always fun tho. I've been talking with some family and their telling me to join the USMC...lol, I've been thinking about it, but sure yet. Are you all set for Christmas? here's my email if ya want to email me there..might be easier.

  • David Schneider

    You doing something that will benefit yourself and your family. I agree with you, its something great. I love the airforce, so never get me wrong, i just think the marines would push me the way I need to be. I hope you have a great time, you'll have to keep in touch when you go. Take it easy
  • NYFireengine

    Enjoy the fire service as much as I have...Cool site..Love the pics ...Make Dad proud...JD Otisco,NY fire
  • DUST

    Thanks for the add and keep in touch!
  • Brett Smith

    Thanks for the add. I'm good and you?
  • Brett Smith

    Just eh??
  • Brett Smith

    Work on that eh and keep in touch. Stay safe.
  • scott foulk

    i am doing good and thanks for the add just trying to keep kool in this weather been hot here lately