Ted McAfee


Shermans Dale, PA

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
West Hanover
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Relationship Status:

Comment Wall:

  • Leo Cartwright

    Hi there TED; I would like to Welcome you to FFN & hope U enjoy this site and gather as many friends as I have during your stay. I’m Leo, a Paramedic from Victoria - Australia; If you read my profile and think that I am suited; please feel free to add me to your collection of FFN friends. If I have not added you as a friend, it’s because I have reached my Max and I am waiting for members to reply to me.
    I also collect Patches and badges and would love to show one of yours in my collection. I am looking for Police, Medical, Ambulance, S&R; Dispatcher & Fire Service patches. If U are interested, or U know someone in these groups please contact me. My Email is lecar1@bigpond.net.au
    If you feel like sending me one of your Service patch … don’t be shy….
    My address is:-
    Leo J. Cartwright
    246 Kay Street
    VICTORIA 3844

    Cheers Leo
  • Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp

    Ted, Welcome to the Firefighter Nation. I am glad you joined the group.There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all. Have fun and look around.

    Chief William Sharp
    Brookings, Oregon
  • Tracie

    thank you for the add and i hope things are well with you and you stay safe !
  • Dawn Melody Bladel

    Welcome to FFN Ted :0) !!I have a career in Fire Science/EMS/Healthcare that spans 21 years and I just as you do volunteer as a firefighter/first responder .SSOT Enjoy FFN its a great website to network internationally as well as domestically we're all brothers and sisters in the fire service WELCOME !!
  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer

    Hey Ted: I saw that Leo had posted on your page - so I am forwarding this from another friend of mine.

    At 10:37pm on August 19, 2010, R. "LUCKY" BRUN said… Hi, welcome to the group,

    I've found the people here are very nice and have found the discussions fun, interesting and some informative ... Some members sound like firefighters but some don't ...

    It's also a great way to see how other parts of the USA and other countries perform firefighting operations ... Looking at the different pics of apparatus's from all over the world is kinda cool too ...

    Soon you will get a message from a gentleman named LEO CARTWRIGHT from VICTORIA AUSTRALIA ... He's looking to trade patches with you. "DO NOT SEND HIM ANYTHING" ,,,, He uses the excuse, he can't get "NEW MAIL" as a way to avoid answering your e-mails after you send him stuff then don't hear back from him...

    He sends a message to all "New Members" asking to trade but doesn't follow threw on his end of the bargain ... He's stiffed a lot of people on this site including me so I'm making it my mission to let every new member know so you don't get taken like so many of us already have ...
    Be safe, god bless and enjoy the site,
  • Fabulous Heather Days of Summer

    Hi Ted: Nice to meet you. Look forward to chatting with you around the pages. Stay safe. Heather