

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter, First Responder
Years in Fire/EMS:
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I love helping ppl been in the med field for 12 yrs
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I love helping ppl and if by me going on a call or responding to a scene makes a difference in someones life thats why Im there

Comment Wall:

  • Will2745

    thanks for the friend request,,,
    stay safe
  • Irons38

    Hell yes, love zombie.. Anything i can bang my head tooo... Thanks for the comments. TTYS
  • Allen

    Just checking in to see whats up!! Everything is cold here and we are all freezing our butts off:)
  • Ron Maddox

    Welcome to FFN
    Be safe and have fun
  • Scooby

    well hello oceaneyes you look really familiar like someone i know.....but you sure are purty :) I dont know what i do anymore chat with me and find out :)
  • Irons38

    Rock on girl. hope your weekend is good
  • Irons38

    DAMN, i missed you again!!!!!! Thanks for the comments again... Hope your week is good and your catching some work. TTYS SS
  • BIG Firefighter Bear

    Hi, thanks for the friend request..... hope all is well and you are ready for the holidays. Keep in touch and stay safe. Take care.....
  • Will2745

  • Erick Wendler

    hope you have a merry christmas
  • B.Nadeau

    have a great new years and be safe.
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hey...just wanted to say hi! I hope Santa was good to you!?!? Are you into trading patches? I am a paramedic from Montreal, Canada. Let me know!!!

  • adel

    hay ani and good family
  • adel

    Hello Jennifer,
    Would you please send your email address so I can send some information about incident command training and responder wellness. Thanks, John
  • Irons38

    ive been around... busy busy.. how are you doing? What are you up too?
  • adel

    Hi there by the looks of your pictures the road didnot fair well hope it all back up for you hey take care stay safe
  • Irons38

    TAG!!!!! Your it AGAIN!!!!
  • Erick Wendler

    I have been doing good. Sifts at work keep me busy how have you been stay safe out there
  • Erick Wendler

    we have been having our share mix of fires and mva's
  • Irons38

    mmmhmm, yep you guessed it, TAG YOUR IT!!!
  • Joe

    Yeah most guys don't think about the fact that places go with cheap instead of quality when specing out new rigs.
  • R Griffin

    BE SAFE!!!
  • Rick K.

    TY have a great day !!
  • Rick K.

    I sure will and you have a safe day as well !!
  • adel

    My name is Adel and I am trying to figure out what products are best for female firefighters. I have worked as a firefighter for only three years so I am just getting started. Currently I am a student at Eastern algerinne University in in the Fire & Safety Engineering Technology Program. Although I have only been a firefighter for three years I have had my fair share of small gloves that were still too big and pants that went up to my belly button! I was wondering if you could take the time out of your busy schedule to share some of your favorite/best fitting/most functional products for female firefighters. Weather it’s an awesome fitting pair of pants, A polo shirt that has sleeves that do not go down to your elbows, a pair of great gloves, or boots that have an awesome fit. It would be greatly appreciated if you could share your opinions with me. Thank you very much. Please feel free to e-mail me back at adel_pomper@hotmail.com or leave me a commentDelete Comment
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  • adel

    To all my good friends. Thank you so much for all your patients during this past year. All of you are such great friends and I am so proud to be your friend. To those who trade with me patches thank you again. You really made me feel good and I will walk the extra mile for you. I do hope that all of you will have only the best of times with your family and friends. Merry Christmas to you all and GOD bless you all. Warm greetings from adel in Africa algerie