Justin Westmoreland



United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
1 years volunteer
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Childress EMS & Childress Volunteer Fire Dept
Years With Department/Agency
9 months
Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Childress EMS
Childress Fire Dept
Wellington Fire Dept
Hoover Fire Dept
Randall County Fire and Rescue
Wellington EMS
My Training:
Basic firefighter Amarillo Fireacademy
HAZMAT technician Amarillo Fireacademy
Basic ARFF Amarillo Fireacademy
EMT-B Amarillo College
Day Job:
EMT-B Childress Regional Medical Center Emergency Dept
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I enjoy helping people, and i love firefighting and ems.

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Why I Love Fire/EMS
It great career, you could basically describe it as addicting.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Training and staying passionate about our purpose.

Comment Wall:

  • Leo Cartwright

    Hi Justin; Leo from Australia, Paramedic, Welcome to FFN hope U enjoy the site and gather many friends. Good luck with the job hunting as a FF.
    If U send me your postal address via my Email I will post you one of my service badges, its LECAR1@BIGPOND.NET.AU; it's just easier to read in upper case BUT please send/use in lower case.
    Cheers Leo
  • Firehouse Dolls

    Thanks for the friend request. Please join the Firehouse Dolls Group
  • Bill Heizer F/F E.M/T.-P

    Hey Justin, Welcome to the Nation from Amarillo and hopefully the new and refined Randall county fire dept. Enjoy the site and stay safe
  • Wes Anders

    Welcome to FFN and thanks for the add.
  • mario garcia

    hey justin, just say'n hi.its good to here from other ff from our area. I have a good friend from wellington maybe you now him(k martin). well keep safe out there talk to ya later.
  • Bill Heizer F/F E.M/T.-P

    Hey Justin, If you were accepted onto the dept, then you suoulkd be ok. We are going to have a meeting and reapply to the dept, which is just a formality. we should be back in service around the first of the year. I wil let you know when when the meeting is, also you can call me at 676 -9303. see you around
  • Bill Heizer F/F E.M/T.-P

    Hey Justin did you get to make the meeting on Monday evening . If not give me a call and I will fill you in with all the details. See you around
  • Brian

    Hey Justin welcome to the Nation from Ohio.
  • Zach Butt

    Hey crackerdick hows it going, what you been up to latley, and hows the job hunting going.
  • SARA

    Lol! Amber is a really really really small town in OKlahoma. Just one intersection, no traffic lights, and lots of farms and fields. If you blink you will miss it. Its about 20 miles south of OKC.
  • Andrea

    Thanks for the add!!!! Good luck with the job hunt.
  • Bill Heizer F/F E.M/T.-P

    Hey Justin. Did you get the news that we are to start running again on janurary 1st at midnight. Are you going to come back? We are needing lots of members because it looks like right now we have approximately 23 members that are returning. Hollar at me and let me know what your plans are. Stay safe and Merry Christmas
  • Bill Heizer F/F E.M/T.-P

    hey Justin , If your interested, AMS is hiring EMT's at this time , and the pay is pretty decent. Go to the NTWHS website and fill out an application. Also they might possibly begin to pay for you to get your EMT-P cert with the stipulation of working for a certain amount of time. Hollar at me if your interested
  • jgirl0809

    thanks for the add, Justin!
  • ffbull

    aww shucks, twernt nothin.
  • Terri Bonar

    Thanks for the friend request!...
    Ha thats kewl that one of your day jobs is a corrections officer, thats what I do lol... I hope to be a full time k-9 handler and part-time ff/emt one day..
  • Terri Bonar

    Is Wellington anywhere near Killeen (Ft.Hood)?
  • Trish

    Have a Safe and Happy New Year hotstuff! Don't be a stranger.
  • ffbull

    JW is doing fine, Johnson is lazy. but im sure u praly already knew that ha ha ha.
  • Terri Bonar

    Aww ok I see... I was just wondering, thats where I was at for awhile was Ft. Hood, dk how close you was to it...
  • karen

    have a good new year
  • Bill Heizer F/F E.M/T.-P

    Hey justin , what happened to Shamrock FD. The closing came as a major surprise to me. Let me know what went down. Stay safe
  • Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp

    Justin, your welcome. Hope you have fun with this place. Be safe and dont be a stranger.

  • Alessandro

    thx to you for the request.....

    I am very happy to make friends with new brothers ....

    beautiful music!

    welcome from Sicily
  • Shawna Syth

    i love your first song i have been looking for it every where. lol
    nice music selection.
  • Shawna Syth

    lol yea all the songs i like that i can never think of are on there.
    but not a problem for the add.
    blue jeans by silver tide is amazing that whole c.d is amazing thought i would add that in there.
  • Leo Cartwright

    JW; me again, notice you are on line time over here is 1540hrs on Wednesday. Went to your other site, played the tune, Very Nice, neat ballad. I Like.
    cheers for now Leo
  • Jeremy

    hey how is southwest okla. havent been there in a while? i grew up at granite. stay safe over in texas.
  • Lori Wagner

    Hey Justin, thanks for stopping by, hope all is well with you. Take care, stay safe and hope to hear from you soon!
  • Jeremy

    glad to hear that things are going good in that neck. i need to get down that way and go vist my family i just hate going to granite,lol. i live at cheyenne now and i just dont ever have time to go there i guess i just need to go to the lake and camp that way i can go see everybody.
  • Marnie

    Hey Handsome thanks for the ADD!!!
  • Jeff Taormina

    Thanx for joining the Powerlifitng club and adding me.
    Stay safe!
  • Amanda

    hey you i just wanted to say hi. hope things are all well!! be safe hollar at me
  • Amanda

    Hey i am doing great!! I have been going to medic school hope to be done in may. And working all the time. Not much time for anything else really!! So how are you doing? Be safe and talk to u later
  • Amanda

    i hear that it does make for a long day! but unfortunatly we have been busy!! Kinda hard to get much studying done at work!! The whole sick thing is going around to!! I would no. Everyone at work and class has been sick! But anyways how was ur online class?? Anyways bcareful!!!
  • Janelle Musick

    Hi there how u doin?
  • Amanda

    i hate to hear things are not going good for you!! If you need anything i am here!! Well keep in touch with me
  • Kayli Borell

    hey whats up
  • Billy Deatherage

    Broken Arrow, Oklahoma