Lou Sclafani


Largo, Florida

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Battalion Chief / Division Chief
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Pinellas Park Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
St. Petersburg College Fire Academy and In Service Training
My Training:
Elevator Emergencies
Truck Co. Ops
Size Up and IAP Skills
Big Fire/Big Water
Ventilation- Why- When- Where- How
About Me:
While I have spent my entire career with the Pinellas Park Florida Fire Dept. I have traveled and seen "how they do it" across the country. Much is the same but many have their own way. None right or wrong, just different.

I have always enjoyed teaching and have been a fire instructor for many years. I am currently working part time at St. Pete College teaching both minimum standards and a number of classes I developed my self. These are listed above under "My Training".

With retirement only a few years away I will be developing more classes for in-service delivery. I hate canned programs and find the classes I develop myself are more high energy utilizing computer presentations, short videos and pertinent pictures found on the internet. I try to keep my classes realistic and not basic.
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
It's in the blood. 3rd generation. Father, Grandfather and a couple Uncle's were all in. It's all I ever really wanted.

For a minute I thought I might want to be a cop. Holy crap, what was I thinking!
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Budget and staffing cuts. Funny, when I cam in 27 years ago those were the same issues. Just keeps going in cycles.

Comment Wall:

  • Christopher J. Naum, SFPE

    Hey Lou...
    Hope all is well w you and the family...
  • John Rulli Jr.

    Lou, Thanks bro!!!! Im in!!
  • michael andrews

    hope the knee gets better i had knee surgery it sucks. im goin to be a volunteer at indian rocks fire. its going to be some good experiance in the mean time. and thank you
  • Randy Keirn

    From what I've seen, it looks good. It's just finding the time right now. Been busy training the new guys. Take care.
  • scott zweifel

    thanx might just do that i will let you know
  • jared m snyder

    So where is it that you do your skiiing here in Utah? I've actually never skiied or been snowboarding. I ghrew up in Ca and I'm not really a fan of being cold... Wouldn't mind trying the snow boarding though.... I used to live up in Utah County, and all we had there was the Sundance Resort. Everything else is up north in the Salt Lake valley area...
  • Frank DeFrancesco

    Hey Lou,

    By chance are you still doing the Tee Shirts?
  • Frank DeFrancesco

    i as thinking of making one for our department to add to developing department spirit
  • marc d. barbieri

    you're seeing my wife?
  • Brian

    Thanks for the friends request. It will be nice to connect with people from South Florida. I am up here in Northwest Florida where Fire and EMS are 20 years behind the times. I started my training company in hopes of changing some of that. Any suggestions that you could make would be greatly appreciated.
  • Kyle Foley

    Thanks for the request, I have a good friend who works for Sunstar I think thats up by you. Joined the group, East Norhtports a fun little town. Be safe brother
  • misty

    Copy that!!! Thank you very much!!!ps love the song on your page. Have a wonderful night!
  • Robert Rewis

    Hey, Hows it going? Things good down there?
  • Rick Lynsky

    Lou, I don't check this website to often- in fact I forgot I had signed up. I am a life long skier that has lived in Park City for 12 years. I work as a B/C in East Los Angeles area and commute to work. I saw you have a trip planned to my favorite resort "the canyons". i have had a pass there for many years and would enjoy hooking up with whomever comes up to ski. If you like off slope skiing this is the best resort in the area. By the way - you can get a "firefighter" season pass for $550 at the canyons. If you ski 8 or 9 days a year you break even. I average 50 days a season and make out like a bandit. My email address is rlynsky@cityofmontebello.com
  • Ed Tenety

    Lou also retired from Dept of Veterans Affairs Fire Dept was a paid firefighter there.Retirement is nice but when you hear and see the trucks going by kinda makes you miss the job
  • adel
