


Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Fire Chief / Chief of Department
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Years With Department/Agency
Day Job:
Software engineer
Why I Love Fire/EMS
To help others in emergency cases - it's the best thing i have ever done

Comment Wall:

  • Lars Ågerstrand

    Hi Bernd!

    My name is Lars and I work for the fire service in Sweden!

    I am looking for a powerpoint about ventilation from Austria, could you possibly get that for me?
    It will be added to a website with lots of powerpoints so that it is possible to view how different stations and countries operate in different areas.

    Actually I am very interested in how you operate in general so I would really like to have lot of powerpoints from you but lets start with one:-)

    Do you know if the fire service in Austria looks the same as in Germany?
    Do you know the differences or similarities?

    Best regards / Lars
  • Ron King (Fire Chief)

    Thanks for the add, Stay safe.
  • DUST

    2 of them pay me & the other one I volunteer at....gotta get away from my wife somehow!
  • Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp

    Chief, Welcome to the Firefighter Nation. I am glad you joined the group.There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all. Have fun and look around.

    Chief William Sharp
    Brookings, Oregon
  • Mikaël

    Hello Bernd, I am looking for a penfriend in your country. If you are ok. I can write in english or in Deutsch.
  • Alan Shaw

    Welcome to the network. My father in law is from Austria, although he was vary young when he came here, so he doesn't remember much from there.
  • Alan Shaw

    Thanks for the Friend Request. I know he was born in Graz, but I am not sur eif he lived there until he parents brought him over here.
  • Vic Silverfish

    Guten tag, mate! (that's all the German I know..oh, wait: "Ein pils bitte!")

    Good to hear from you. Stay safe!
  • Vic Silverfish

    Thank you! I was able to spend several weeks working in Zurich knowing only a dozen or so phrases.

    I look forward to visiting Austria one day. I've changed planes in Vienna, but that's about it. Now when I go their, I'll be able to order a cold one!

    Prosit! (I admit, I looked up the Austrian spelling)
  • Vic Silverfish

    Ha! Now I have to visit Austria! To be honest, all I know about the place is from watching "Kommisar Rex" on the tele.

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas! I do miss the gluvine...
  • Vic Silverfish

    The wife and I found "Kommisar Rex" a couple of years ago. It is shown on Australian TV in German with English subtitles. My Swiss mates tell me not to learn Austrian German! Not that I speak any. I think the only word I've learned is "wursti" (ham roll).

    I do love the Gluvine! My first encounter was on a cold morning in Zurich at a street festival. Nothing like a cup of hot spiced wine with rum at 10am to chase away to cold! How the heck you guys are so efficient with a couple of glasses of that on board is beyond me.