Loyd Dittfurth


Higgins, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
EMS/Rescue Squad/Hospital EMS - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Hemphill EMS
Years With Department/Agency
0 just started
My Training:
Several training hours as a volunteer then took my emt basic then went to fire academy am certified in the state of texas in both
I am currently taking a Basic to Paramedic class online and I will be the first to say I think I am over my head just a little
About Me:
just a good old boy
Day Job:
fire ems
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I believe that every day that we live is a gift from god and the more good that we do in this world the more time god gives us.

that and when I started the chicks sure dig scars
Why I Love Fire/EMS
i like helping people
Top Issues Facing Responders:
In the Texas Panhandle MANPOWER no one wants to volunteer anymore and If they do they dont want to train or show up they just want to wear the pager and get all the credit

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  • Amber Richardson

    Hey how are things going today
  • Amber Richardson

    things here are getting cooler then they where getting eady to rain a lot. I hope that your class goes well.
  • Tara Mitchell

    Well Hello to you!
  • Tara Mitchell

    Hi! I am good. How are you?
  • Amber Richardson

    Well it is in the 50's here today raining and the fire and ems have been busy today with recks. I hope that you have had a good day
  • cowgirlmedic

    it is cold in wyoming... but a wonderful place to live
  • Amber Richardson

    Hi I hope that you have had a good day I just got home....Glade to be hope its been a long day
  • Childressfirefighter36

    mainly grass, but one vacant house I know of, and it started from the alley, and no evidence to be found. The house was spared, I was coming back in from a car fire, and I happen to see what looks like a grill, but didn't smell like one. I cranked up the pump, and watered it down. I dunno where he will strike next. When he does we will be ready.
  • loretta

    My fireman friend lost one of his best friends wednesday night in a structure fire, he didnt make it
  • Amber Richardson

    The past two days have been long and crapy...I hope that your days have been better...
  • Childressfirefighter36

    thanks, usually we are not that fast, but something told me to take a truck that way, I was in our fast attack.
  • Amber Richardson

    how was your day did you have class
  • Jessica Colleen Brown

    alabama aint so bad, jus cold rite now lol
  • Amber Richardson

    It is all worth it at the end...hang in there
  • Jessica Colleen Brown

    i thot we were 2 but it's n the low 50's rite now
  • Amber Richardson

    I wanted to say Hi and see how things where going? I hope that all is going well and I hope to hear from you soon
  • Regina Ryder

    sorry....been busy, haven't been here for a while....I used to work for an airline.....decided to move to Buffalo....I've got my reasons......part of my reasons are that I needed a change of scenery
  • Jessica Colleen Brown

    it's no problem.
  • Mandy

    Hey u =) Cali sucks I wanna leave already haha time for a change..been here 27 yrs
  • Mandy

    Maybe I should say my town I live in sucks haha..I just got back from San Diego..It was beautiful there. I didnt wanna come back to the town I live in. Im just sick of my town I think =) Hows Texas?
  • Brittany Rivas

    Thank u its good
  • Mandy

    LoL thats hilarious..There is nothing to do in this town but go to the bar haha. Hope u have a great and safe weekend
  • Mandy

    Oh yeah sucks..Everyone here knows everyone..And ive been here 27 yrs..I wont date anyone from this town haha
  • Firefighter Walther

    Hey Brother, hows it going?
  • Tara Mitchell

    no just too young and too stupid
  • Tara Mitchell

    ok its unseasoned and unmotivated
    he was 20 and i am 40 he is too young
  • Tara Mitchell

    Wow Its too bad that you live in Texas and I live in New York
  • Tara Mitchell

    if there are i have yet to find them
  • Tara Mitchell

    ok thanks for the ideas i will try them
  • Tara Mitchell

    while i have tired looking in some of those places there are some i missed so i will look. On a different topic I need to find a good mouth guard for my muay thai kickboxing class and I am asking all I know which brand is better and why Shock Doctor or Under Armour? What is your input on the matter?
  • Tara Mitchell

    just learning currently so not that good so i need to use one but thanks for the confidence booster much apprepriated
  • Oldman

    I do in house instruction, currently finishing an introductory class for our cadets. I also teach at the University of Houston Downtown campus, in the Criminal Justice program.
  • James L.Hoffman, Jr

    loyd how eveything down in TX. most of our exteriors were once interior but for some reason the prefer not to go in anymore that is their choice and i wont force them to do it my wife is one off our exterior FF and believe me she helps out alot
  • James L.Hoffman, Jr

    loyd seems that thats all my wife and i do is paper work
  • Trey Ford

    Oh you're going through TD? Thats cool man! I'll tell you the fire academy is pretty sweet, I loved it. I'm a little nervous about emt b. How do you feel about the Paramedic program through TD? I just thought medic was an EXTREMELY hard cert to get, and doing it online would make it way harder. I could be wrong. What do you think?
  • Trey Ford

    Well man I wish you good luck in the fire academy. Let me know when you're goin! Its a blast. I'll look more into the paramedic course too. I've thought about it and I thought itwas going to be way too tough to go through TD, and I cant go to the college here for it, I've gotta work. But maybe I will go through it!
  • James L.Hoffman, Jr

    Loyd those pics of the vehicle acc. the driver was DUI . Crossed the center line and struct the tractortrailor nearly head on. Both of yhe vehicles were totaled. One thinng at least no one died
  • James L.Hoffman, Jr

    only if people would use their heads the right way
  • Cody W. Nelson

    sorry for not getting back to you sooner friend. I haven't been on here in a while. We did not test in Sept. We are taking apps right now online and testing in Feb I believe. Class should start in June. Go to the City of Lubbock web page, look for Fire and look into it....Good luck.
  • L

    thank you! stay safe!
  • Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp

    Loyd, I looked at the game and havnt got the mental fortitude at the moment to invest the brain cells. I will come back another day. Thanks for the invite.
  • Derek R.

    Hey Loyd, Thanks for the add. That jeopardy game is killing me. lol.
    Keep safe and have fun. Anything I can help ya with, just let me know.
  • Derek R.

    hey, sorry, I just noticed the message from you about my training. I don't check it very often. It was at the Nova Scotia Firefighters School in Waverly, NS.
  • Derek R.

    Yah, we have a pretty good school here. It gets high ratings from what I hear.
    A lot of hands on, which is great.
    How about you, where did you go?
  • Derek R.

    Yes it is pretty expensive. But worth it. Can't put a price on quality personal safety and knowledge though.
    So where did you go?
  • Derek R.

    how did you find that academy's way of teaching? Were they helpful and quick to answer questions? Did they explain things well? I was looking into a paramedicine course like that and was wondering what it was like.
  • Derek R.

    That's awesome, Loyd. I wish you the best of luck. And it's good to know that they are recognised courses too.I'll be going for FF2 here soon and also plan on volunteering at the fire school as a asst. instructor. Going fo all the knowledge I can get.
  • Bryce Zitterich

    Yes, Cabot is paid. I work there parttime. I actually lived in Searcy for about a year and a half. Love their new station.
  • Firefighter Walther

    Hey bro, its going good, its as every bit exciting as it is tough! had our first major exam last saturday, made an 89! :) the Instructor made us a bet that if we had a class average of 85% or above, he'd buy us pizza! and we had a class average of 86%, lol, free pizza! yay! lol, right now were doing SCBA training, pretty intense, but were all getting it down, i can now don the PPE and SCBA in under 2 minutes!!! how goes it with you?
  • Firefighter Walther

    damn bro! that is a time i will for sure try to break! lol, it takes practice im sure, and ill be getting alot of that over the next 8 months! lol