Rik Helldatshot


Clinton ,Mississippi

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
2 9 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Jackson Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
27 years
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Currently a member of our newly formed METRO JACKSON FIREFIGHTERS EMERALD SOCIETY.
My Training:
About Me:
I've been in a relationship with my Wife for 28 years BUT I've been informed that a Relationship ant the same as SAYIN' your Married ! (LOL,I thought I was just being funny!...found out it wasn't funny !)So I've been Married to my Wife for 27 years ,we have two FINE SONS! I'm a Blessed Man ,and I know it ! Thank You JESUS for the Blessings you Give me Each and Every Day!
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My Dad was a JACKSON Police Officer for almost 30 years , I grew up around the lights and sirens but the Big Red trucks looked like more fun than those lil' ol' Police cars.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Helping people in a time of need !
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Trying to serve better ! Do no Harm ! and going home at the end of your Shift !

Comment Wall:

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  • Joel Swanson

    Hi Rik,
    Just dropping by to sat Hey.
    We had a beautifal day here. I had training in the morning and then worked outside in the yard.
    How's about you?
    Take Care Rik!
  • Matthew Jones

    Yeah your right. There are alot of really good folks on here and oh yeah sorry about that Rik haha. Anyways how are things going up there man im about to try to get in a class at the academy so ill be up that way before long. Well take care and be safe buddy.
  • Lori Wagner

  • Joel Swanson

    Hi Rik!
    How Ya Doing?
    It's been crazy here Eric was in a crash and his car is in pretty bad shape. He walked away without a scratch Thankfully. We've been having some weather here. The town of Parkersburg was wiped off the face of the earth, isn't pretty. Tornadoes all around us but we'restill here as of today!
    Well, haven't gave a shout in a while thought I'd better see how you've been. Take Care Buddy!!!!
  • Joel Swanson

    Well, You and the Mrs. have a Happy 25th Celebration. I always tell my Mrs. I have an expiration date in the fine print of our wedding license and it's getting close to it. Oh well, I've been in trouble before.
    Take Care & Stay Safe!
  • Matthew Jones

    Rik!!!!!!!!!! Where have you been buddy I aint heard from you in a while. Haha im doing good down here. Take care man and Stay Safe up there in the BIG City. LOL.
  • Joel Swanson

    Hey Rik!
    We are flooded out BIG TIME. Pulled a long one today and more long days a head. I know your busy this weekend, prepar'n for that 25 year celebration, so hope it goes well.
    Probably have some floodland USA pics later on.
    Have A Super Weekend!
  • Clint Millsaps

    Whats Up rick. we aint getting married. she left me for some one else
  • Joel Swanson

    What's up Rik? We're still fooding here. Rain in forecast everyday for the week. Trying to stay on high ground whever I can, sometimes it's hard not too.
    Take Care and give me a shout when you can.
    Take Care Buddy!
  • Jenny

    Hey Rik, how's it going? Things have been busy here. no grass fires, thanks to the rain we are getting. I haven't seen our end of Nebraska this green in about ten years. We had a bad DOA call the other day, a few rescue calls, one dwi wreck, not too bad. Got our new 6x6 up and running. I have two wounded, hubby broke his foot when he wrecked his dirtbike, my older son broke his arm racing his four wheeler. Then My dad and my younger son wrecked a semi when the spring holding the front axle in place broke. just bumps and bruises thank God. The truck wasn't so lucky. Guess we will have to trail the cattle to pasture now. . Not a good month around here. Hopefully I am not next on the list. Take care and stay safe
  • Lori Wagner

    Hey there! Hope you have a safe trip to Texas, but the heat's not any better here. We have been having temperatures in the triple digits. Stock up on Lone Star, enjoy Big D, but most importantly, be safe. Have a great weekend. Talk to ya soon... ~L~
  • Shelby

    Hey how are you doing hope everything is good where you are at!!

    It's way hott here in Texas watch out!!!

    Take care

    how are things in your neck of the woods? hot hot hot out here...
  • Joel Swanson

    Thanks Man!
    Yeah, it bad enough that we have tornaodoes, but even a bigger tradgety that it had to hit a children's camp. We're flooding out big time here. However, storm warnings go hand in hand.
    Justwaiting for a dry spell.
    Take Care& Thanks Bro!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Joel Swanson

    Well Bro,
    Down sick with pnuemonia in both my lungs. Don't know how long I'll be down but for a week for sure. I can't stand being down as you probably guessed. Don't know if it's being around all this flood water and storms. I hasn't been like this since 1993. I was a lot younger then.
    OH Well, I'll be laying around if they can keep me down, Not a whole lotta of fun. Take Big Rik!
    Happy Father's Day to ya
  • Delayne Webster

    Hey Rik, Just dropped in to say hello. I havent talked to you forever. So how are things on your end? We have been busy hear both fire an ems. So how was your fathers day? Sorry got to run have a call be safe.
  • Jenny

    Hey Rik, yep, I am being extra careful. Don't need anyone else around here wounded. Just got back from checking cows, had to fix fence, one calf out on the road. missed the steel post with the hammer and got my hand, don't think I broke anything, but could be sore for a while. Hopefully that is as bad as it gets for a while. I sure could use one of those Lone Stars about now. Take care
  • Joel Swanson

    Hey Rik Good Morning!
    Had a rough night but feel better this morning. Got to have some rough ones with the goods I guess.
    Got your studying done hugh, that stuff is probably to much for me to handle right now, might actually throw me into respiratory distress :)
    Well, Have a good one out there today. Whats the plans for the summer? My son Drew is moving back for four month this weekend. Then he'll get transfered back to his place he will be working out of in South Dakota. Makes no since to me.
    Take CareBro Rik!
  • Joel Swanson

    Hey Rik!
    My computer is acting up today so I'll try my wife's.
    Still healing, got our Drew home yesterday. He'll be here 4-6 month until his new transfer comes and then back to South Dakota.
    I was looking at Bufflaloes yesterday in Sioux Falls and today looking at good old Iowa beef cattle. In fact I had a steak last night, the first real food I've had in days. Still on meds so I couldn't soak it down with a brewsky.
    It's beautiful here today, I'm on vacation for the rest of the month so that will help me recoup. I even went on a medical call just for something to do last night.
    But just going to heal and take life easy.
    Got to run the neighbor just got came over so He must have something on his mind.
    Take Care Buddy!!!!
  • Joel Swanson

    Hey Rik!
    Just stopping by to say I'm still on the heal, even though they think I also have whooping Cough, which will be a little annoying but wil be my ornery self real soon.
    Do you have to work the 4th? Hope you have it off, unless that means a big holiday pay day for you.
    You and the Family have a Safe 4th of July!
    P.S. Did Drew get the radio job he was trying for?
  • Joel Swanson

    Hey Rik!
    Thanks for the nice 4th of July message.
    I watched two different fire works dispays from my back patio. We can see the city of Ames & Boone's from our place.
    I missed a fire call and a medical call yesterday due to still being off on medical leave. Had kind of a bad day anyway.
    Anyway, it going to take time, they told me.
    Take Care and Hope your 4th was a fun one!
  • Joel Swanson

    Man Rik you've been pumping iron.
    Yer look'n pretty buff, there!
    Just writing to say I had two rough days but must of got the last of that crap outta my lungs. I'm feel'n much better tonight. I've got to get clearance from the Pulmonary Dept., so I can go back. If all my tests are back.
    It was a nice evening so got out and enjoyed the evening air.
    Hope all is well over your way!
  • Delayne Webster

    Hey Rik, How are things with you? Me jusy trying to keep cool. I am already looking forward to fall an a little cooler weather. Not much going on around here. It has been nice an slow an thats a good thing in this heat. Well you have a nice weekend an be safe
  • Deborah

    Hey there stranger. How the heck are ya? I am plugging away! School has completely consumed my life! I dont have one to speak of, LOL!! Just thought I would drop a line and hope all is well with you and yours. Take care & KIT!! BE SAFE!! Deborah
  • Joel Swanson

    Hey Rik!
    Just a quick Hello...
    I went to the speedway last night and went in the pits and hung out with the dirvers and all that goes on behind the scenes. Forgot my memory card so my camera was useless. I'll have to try again next week.
    Mean while it's hot here, then it storms. Had a lot of medical calls and not many fire calls.
    Hope yer doing fine..
    Take Care!
  • Joel Swanson

    Hey Rik!
    You alright down there in God's Country?
    Haven't heard anything out of ya in a while hope all is good.
    Take Care and write when you can Bro!
  • Joel C Kelley

    Yaeh, I heard its hotter than sherman's march to the sea down there! I am pleased to report that it will be 82 degrees today here with an 80% chance for rain.
  • Joel Swanson

    Hey Rik!
    By the looks of the pictures you posted on myspace, yer having a wonderful time.
    Get some R & R, you've been working hard by the sounds of it.
    Say "Hi" to the Mrs. and Have a Great Time!
    Yer Friend Joel
  • Joel Swanson

    Hi Rik!
    Hey, tell the young'n a belated Happy Birthday!
    Don't get use to that R&R now. Just because you have yer ARRP Card (& I DON"T, YET) doesn't mean yer ready to turn out to pasture, yet.
    A lot more fires to fight and lives to protect.
    Well, stay cool and talk to you soon. I'm biz..zee again, the students are moved back for the most part and classes begin on Monday (My day off) then our first home football game Thursday night.
    WOOHOO! Later...
  • Joel Swanson

    Rik, Hang onto yer hat and let us know how you are, once Gustav has settled down.
    Yer in our thoughts, prayers and holler if ya need anythang!!!!!!!
  • Joel Swanson

    Rik, Hang onto yer hat and let us know how you are, once Gustav has settled down.
    Yer in our thoughts, prayers and holler if ya need anythang!!!!!!!
  • Jenny

    Hey Rik, we had a great summer, too bad it is almost over. Might get a few more riding days in, We have a three day flashover training this next weekend. looking forward to it, but it has been a while since I have gone in on a structure. Should be interesting, we have few rookies signed up. Take care
  • Joel Swanson

    Hey Rik!
    Have fun in LUCKENBACH and we'll keep the wheels turning.
    Nevada & Colo had all the fun last night with structure fires. We stayed quiet, so it will be our turn sometime.
    Have A Good One Rik!
  • Shelby

    Hey how r u ..i had a great summer..and now back to work! You have fun down there and stay safe.
  • Joel Swanson

    Hey Rik!
    I'm down sick in bed with the flu. It doesn't take long for cold and flu season to come around. It's going around our office something fierce.
    Of course the pager starts going off the minute I'm down sick.
    Well, Stay Healthy & Safe as Always!!!!
  • Joel Swanson

    Hey Rik!
    I'm still alive. It's just been busy here. Once we start into the Holidays it will start winding down at the university. Our last home football game is this Saturday. That will help quiet things down.
    I just can't wait for turkey day and then Christmas!
    Hope all is going well your way.
    Take Care My Friend!
  • Joel Swanson

    Happy Thanksgivings Day to my favorite friends of the south.
    Peace, Happiness and Good Will to you and your family on this day and through out the rest of the Holiday Season from my family in the north.
  • Lori Wagner

    Hey Rik, how have you been? Sorry, I haven't been on in a while. Things are still pretty crazy with me. Just been working. Hope you had a great turkey day. Mine was nice and restful. Keep in touch and stay safe. Talk to ya later...
  • Fire Marshal; Sandy - aka Honey

    Hey Rik, Sorry I haven't been here lately...just lazy. I been checking out South Carolina Firefighter Network....guess I'm not a muti-tasker....hahaha just one page at a time. Hope all is well with you. Hope you have a blessed CHRISTmas this year!!!!! Love, yo SC fire gal... Sandy
  • Joel Swanson

    Here's Hoping for a Super New Year in 2009!!!!!!!
    Take Care & Have A Fun Night!
  • Jeremy Bolster

    they need another big time receiver in order to win it. Hate to say it, but we may need Plax back.
  • Joel Swanson

    Hi Rik!
    I'm back online. Being home and no computer, is a real pain. It was a bad spot in my power cord. Luck for me, it was something simple.
    Just got back from an O.D. call out in the country. Been there before.
    It's been nasty cold and windy here. Thought the grandson and I could go more places, including Colo and look at there new/used rescue truck.
    I bumped into Justin from Colo today at the Lowes' Store in Ames and he said I need to get over and see it, she is sweet.
    Well, just everything and saw your messages and wanted to give you a shout and let you know why I hadn't been on here.
    Oh, the old station is the station my dad worked out of when he was a Nevada Vol. firefighter.
    Later Rik!
  • Rae Ann Ozelis

    Things are going great! How about you?

    hey hows it goin
  • Rae Ann Ozelis

    Hahahahahahah! yeah it is getting warmer! but now it is raining grrrrrr i cant win!
  • Brian Baucom

    Hey rik! I am absolutely excited about the meeting for the order of the mystic emerald society. Then, off to relax at the ol' pub and maybe do an irish jig. I will see you there.
  • Lori Wagner

    Hey you, thanks for stopping by. Haven't been on here in a while. Glad you liked the pics and thanks for the award! Stay safe, talk to ya soon!!!
  • Firefighter Tyler Supplee

    Hey Rik!
    It's been over a year since I've been on here and figured I'd stop by and say Hi and see how ya were doing!
    Be Safe and Have a good night!

    Hey Rik, sorry I havent been on in a while! How are things? Keep the shiney side up and the greasy side down!
  • Milan Zukanovic

    Hi Rick, never late for a friend. Hope you'll you have a successful and safe day. I have not been often lately on the Internet, our new trucks came to unit last week. I will post some pictures late here. Wish you all the best