John Waltenbaugh


Orchard Hills, PA

United States

Profile Information:

What State do you live in?
Type of Organization
Federal/State/Local Government
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Pennsylvania Bureau of Forestry- Special Asst. Forest Fire Warden
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Clear Creek Wildland Team- Firefighter -Current
Kiski Twp, Armstrong Cty PA- Jr and Sr Firefighter-past
Coal Run, Young Twp, Indiana Cty PA- firefighter- Asst Chief-past
Cimmaron Hills, El Paso Cty CO- Firefighter-past
City of Fountain FD Fountain CO- Firefighter-past
Hanover Fire Protection District, Hanover CO- Wildland Coordinator-past
My Training:
s-110 Wildland Fire Orientation
s-130 Basic wildland Firefighter-1996
s-131, Advanced Wildland Firefighter-2002
s-133 Look up, look down , look around-2004,2010
s-190 Basic Wildland fire behavior
s-215 Wildland Urban Interface-2007
s-230 Crew Boss 2007
s-231 Single Resource ,Engine boss-2007
L-180 Human factors
FI-110 Wildland Fire Observations and origin scene prtection
Fire Service First Responder- Colorado -1994
Severe Weather Spotter- National Weather Service
Armstrong County Fire School- Basic Structural Firefighting1982
Armstrong County Fire School- Advanced Structural Firefighting1983
Armstrong County Fire School- Arson Investigation1984
City of Fountain Fire Acadamy-1995 FF1
Water Rescue-Awareness 2009
About Me:
I have been in the fire service since I was 14, doing wildland since I was 16, I specialize in Wildland but still do some structural and some ems ( I don't like medicals). I am a father of four , in the process of a divorce . At the present time I am still a Firefighter , and taken the position of Asst Forest Fire Warden and have recently joined the district 8 strike team. I have decided to go back to it, cant keep me out of it. Like I've been told before Dont let the Bastards get you down. and the bastards know who they are. I'm still watching you so beware
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Followed my Dad. My Dad was Lt. when I was a kid, It seems like the family business, My Uncle, cousin, are still in the fire service.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I like the challenge of Wildland fire, I want to see my department operate at the safest and best trained level that I can.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
.Lack of Training , Department Fire boards that dont care and want to run departments like a good old boys club or like it is their own little dynasty. Putting people into positions that they are not qualified for just because they can talk the talk or are popular. There needs to be qualifications for Line Officers in all states. We should never see an officer without at least 10 years in the fire service and trained to the fire officer level . The inexperience factor alone is enough to keep them from the position.

Comment Wall:

  • Chris Capps

    Hows it going. Im part of El Paso County Wildland Fire Crew. There is a few of us the nation
  • Bill Heizer F/F E.M/T.-P

    Welcome to the Nation. Enjoy the site and stay safe
  • Chris Capps

    Would love to get the crew together will work on it on my end
  • LT Barry blumenberg jr

    welcome to ffn you can add me has a friend if you want to.stay safe and cool
  • whitney

    glad 2 see were friends and have a good stay safe oh ya welcome
  • Alex, Ossendorf

    Hey John how are u? i saw that ur relatives are from Eitorf!
    iam living very close to it about 20km. if u want to know something just tell me. take care
  • Alex, Ossendorf

    Just tell me, i got two guys on my shift that live there, so ask me what you want.

    stay safe
  • Alex, Ossendorf

    Sorry iam not up to date, was on leave 4 weeks and half of it iwent to Bali
  • Wyld_fyr

    Thanks for the add! I love meeting others who share my love of the "wild" ha ha ha.