Denise Co 29

55, Female

Bernville, PA

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Hazardous Materials Team Member
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Bernville fire company
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
I have my first aid and CPR , Hazmat awareness , Delmar 1, EVOC,
About Me:
I am a mom of 2 children ages 19 and 16. I work 2 jobs and still try to help at the fire company as much as I can. I love doing the photography for the fire Co also helping with the fund raisers. My goal in life is to help people and make people feel good about themselves. I am an easy going person with a great personality. I love to go out and have fun. I am the type of person where I always need to being doing something, ( I get bored easily ) I love to be outdoors. I hate shopping, backstabbers ( that's why most of my friends are guys), know it alls, liars, spiders and blood.
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I joined because I was interrested in helping others and helping out to raise money for our company. I enjoy helping out with the fund raisers . I am now involved with doing photography for the fire company. I am really looking into becoming the company photographer.I do learn alot being at the fire house and taking pictures at the trainings.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I love doing for others

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  • Josh

    Hello from Iraq. Thanks for the add.
  • Nathan Whoric


    have a good one and stay safe out there
  • Alan

    Hi Denise, I just saw your photographs and saw your hand pumper, which I like. We have one exactly like it in our station. It was our first piece of appratus that we owned.
  • Alan

    Not yet, but I will. I have to get a pic of our appratus and put it on. By the way, I like the Phillies too. Take care and be safe out there.
  • Barbie

    Denise thank you so much I admire your strength...keep up the hard work and help me get started on FFN I'm good in alot of things but not computers...Barbie22
  • ladyrehab18

    Thank you for the friend request.....looks like you are one busy lady!!
  • matt

    no prob thanks for acceptigng
  • Robert J. Ward

    Thank you, I'm from West Hazleton, Luzerne County, I am a career Fire Chief. I'm also a PA State Fire Rescue Instructor, I'm in you area a lot. I have a Camper parked at Penn Dutch Camp Ground in Shartlesville.
  • 32 Crew

    hey thanks
  • Padre Pete

    Denise, Great site. Im guessing you put the same kind of professionalism into our Fire Service. Good to know youre out there and one of us ""Brother". Via con Dios
  • Sean Vatcher

    Thankyou Denise....
  • Septiman

    Hi!! Hey!! very good clip on your site. I'm new here and i'm doing new friends. Feel free to add me as a friend. I hope we can share info and some experience about the job.
    I invite you to visit the web of my fire station on

    Take care! see you!

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hi Denise!
    I just wanted to stop by and say hey! I enjoyed visiting your page and love the message at the beginning...we know who the HEROS are don't we? I would like to know if it is possible to swap a patch. I am in Montreal Canada and work as a Paramedic for the last 24 years. Please stay safe out there! You are a hero.

  • Ana

    Hey Denise how are you?? I miss you!!
  • Maruska

    Thanks for your message. Very encouraging, and actually all of the feedback I got on this site was super positive. I'm with you on the "most of my friends are guys"...not too much of a 'girly-gossipy-backstabbing' lover there...I stay out of trouble by taking care of true people. Anything I can do, I do. How did you become a volunteer? Did you have any kind of training before or did you get the training on the job?
  • AFD

    My Dept hasent taken the time to invest money or time to set up a fire fighters banquet.
  • AFD

    My Dept hasent taken the time to invest money or time to set up a fire fighters banquet.
  • Bobby

    whats the quarter auction?
  • Septiman

    Hello Denise,
    Nice to meet you over this. I'm introduce me. My name is Alvaro and I'm a volunteer firefighter from Chile, South America. I live in Valdivia (South of Chile) and i belong to the seventh fire station ( I hope we can talk about the ff'ing know another experiences.

    Alvaro Ibar Q.
  • AL Ursich

    Thanks too for the comment. I worked in Bristol, Bucks county for 4 years at the Sony Service Center and drove home to the mountains on weekends. It was a nice place to work, I fixed Play Stations and DVD's. Then they closed.
    This site looks like a great place to meet good people.
  • edward mccauley

    Thanks for the comment. we are not to far apart. I am just in lancaster lol.
  • King Cobra 428

    hey thanks for joining the group i started. its cool to people join
  • Phil Lawther

    Thank you
  • Carl E.

    Thanks so much. I just stumbled onto this site and am trying to find my way around.
  • Michael "MOOSE" Mussleh

    Thanks for welcoming me to the site...
  • Carmine Maggio

    Thanks for the welcome Denise!
  • Jim

    Thanks for the welcome from up here in Tioga County.
  • fireman1049

    nice tune you have here on your home page..
  • Mark A. Duell

    Anything exciting going on lately in Bernville ?
  • Jose Gomez

    Hi, pleasure to add you! I'm from Costa Rica...
  • Daniel

    berks county?? is that up by poconos?
  • Amanda

    Hi thanks for the request!!! Be safe!!!
  • fireman1049

    thanks,, i will add some music as soon as i figure out how to add the music player.... LOL.. i know enough about computers to get myself in trouble.. LOL..
  • Dan Miller

    Thanks for the Welcome:)
  • John Kalix

    Hello Denise, Thanks for the welcome!! :-)
  • Michael Thomas Naylor

    Well thank you ..... you stay safe as well.
  • Greg Burgess

  • Patrick J Cronen

    thanks for the friend request. Hope to talk soon. We have a lot in common. I am also very into photography.. HAve done many CD covers for Country bands. Rascall Flatts the biggest..
    Have a great Easter.
  • Bob

    Thanks for the welcome. You have some great pics as well. Those I posted are from a recent assist call we had.
  • william Gombos

    nice to meet you
  • Mark A. Duell

    Hey, Hows things going in your neck of the woods?
  • Paul Curran

    Great Site Denise, great photos. In relation to fund raising, We used to do a fire engine pull around town once per year for local charities, ie Cystic fibrosis or home care team for cancer sufferers, last time we collected €15,000 = $20,000 in about 7 hours, The trick is to collect in fire kit on the main road where traffic builds up but as near to the fire station as possible. Did not do one this year yet as town has been bypassed by new motorway, but will do something.


  • adel

    Hello my friend
    how have you been
    i just was thinking about you and i like to say :)
    HAVE a Good WEEK ! be safe and stay in good health
    you have a friend in California who Cares :o)
    if you like to chat drop me a email ... chow for now
    always Anthony oh ya God bless Ya 2 :o)
  • adel

  • Ron King (Fire Chief)

    Love your pictures! Stay Safe.
  • Michael J Burke

    Great site with great pictures. Stay safe
  • adel

    My name is Adel and I am trying to figure out what products are best for female firefighters. I have worked as a firefighter for only three years so I am just getting started. Currently I am a student at Eastern algerinne University in in the Fire & Safety Engineering Technology Program. Although I have only been a firefighter for three years I have had my fair share of small gloves that were still too big and pants that went up to my belly button! I was wondering if you could take the time out of your busy schedule to share some of your favorite/best fitting/most functional products for female firefighters. Weather it’s an awesome fitting pair of pants, A polo shirt that has sleeves that do not go down to your elbows, a pair of great gloves, or boots that have an awesome fit. It would be greatly appreciated if you could share your opinions with me. Thank you very much. Please feel free to e-mail me back at or leave me a commentDelete Comment
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  • Randy Soard

    please visit my site I would like your help in distributing this artwork to the world. Please respond to me at

    If you get a chance check out my dog Harlee, wearing my fire prevention helmet. I call him fire prevention Harlee
  • brandweermanjan

    hi thx andor is his name is 11 weeks old you have face book