

Clarksville, TN

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
22 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
firefighting,tactical medic,rescue operations,k-9 search n rescue, k-9 cadaver,haz-mat op,mach 1,confined space and trench rescue,ropes and knots,paramedic,USAR,fire attach residential and commercial, incident command, ventilation,SCBA,radiological monitoring, jump rescue,fire safety, rescue and fire suppression,NFA's initial response to hazardous materials and incidents,emergency response to terrorism,disaster services and instructor ,NFA's incident command, recognizing and identifying hazardous materials,CPR and first aid instructor,extrication instructor, and many many more...btw, do I have to get into the medical or k-9 rescue/cadaver portion too?lol.
Day Job:
um,,, whatcha think i do in the day time?lol
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
To save lives. Whether I'm Fire Fighting, EMS, Rescue or instructing Extrication or CPR...I just don't feel whole unless I am out saving some ones life or at least making a difference in their life just being there at there time of need. My entire life is all about helping others, whether I am at work, home or socializing.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
the idrenaline rush, the simple "Thank you", the feel of a childs arms around your neck,and a simple smile of gratitude, the glistening in a childs eye when you just saved her daddy,a tear of joy in a foster childs eyes when you just saved her only friend in the world...her puppy,the dropping on a mothers knees in relief when you saved her baby,a grown mans hug when you just saved his wife, and the list goes on, and on, for the last 22 years, no other feeling in the world like it...ever.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
I feel the government needs to realize how important firefighters, rescuers and ems are.The Government pays people to sit behind a desk and push pencils all day on whether a chicken came first or the egg, but they cant pay emergency workers, whom risk their lives daily for the lives of strangers? There are far too many volunteer stations, and not enough paying stations. I feel the states are also responsible.But if a county are to have an emergency station, it has to be volunteer because the state is to busy paying for daisies on the side of a congested road or busy paying a golfing trip or luncheon with your tax dollars.How about stop worrying about how comfy the prisoners are and their education time, and use the money to pay the emergency workers.I say...Pay the emergency workers, they risk their lives, the state and government needs to risk their wallets .

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  • Ross

    Good morning haven't heard from you in a while hope you are doing well and you are getting a lot of rest get better son sweety take care
  • Engine 32 Capt.

    Hey - where are the pictures from? Looks cool.

    Stay safe.
  • yves rollin

    hello hun its great to see you going better and better you,my irongirl,continue to take care of you baby
    and have a great return on duty be safe and take care xoxoxoxoxoxo
  • Danny

    Hey Lyn how are ya doing..whats ya been up too...hope all is well and stay safe out there...
  • Danny

    Well I am doing pretty good for the most part..Just working and really havent been on any calls..they have been far and in between for me..Glad ya enjoyed the tunes stop in anytime and listen. Hope you had a great weekend. I have a couple more days and then I will have my two days..take care and you stay safe out there also.
  • M Clark

    Lyn come down to Georgia and get yourself a tactical medic certification. Check out See you soon!
  • Danny

    just stopped into say hope you had a great weekend..take care...
  • J Mac

    Hi Lyn,

    I just stumbled across your page and read that you are a writer. How is that going?

    I swore that I was going to write a book called “You can’t make this shit up.” But first it would be longer than War and Peace if I included just my best experiences. And second, nobody would believe me.

    Stay safe!

    J Mac
  • Engine 32 Capt.

    Have a great weekend.
  • Rob

    Hi Lyn thanks for the add.
    Talk to you soon and be safe.
  • Chan Rivera

    hello thank you or th add be safe be good "Chan" from NY
  • Duane M Messner

  • Duane M Messner

    Changed the comment to changed the comment
  • Duane M Messner

    how are you doing this morning.
  • Duane M Messner Hope these come up there is one I think you will like
  • yves rollin

    hello my love just a stop for say hey sweetie n ship you a lot of love
  • Engine 32 Capt.

    Thanks Lyn! I hope you have a fun and safe weekend as well. Be good, or be good at it!
  • Ross

    Well dear I been good very busy up here but that keep me out of trouble I have been working 24-7 glad you contacted me I like hearing from you well you stay safe and stay well and that is a order from this Assist. Chief
  • Danny

    Hey there i am doing good..yes i have been working hard..i am doing a double on monday but hey be maken the big bucks hehe..other than that not much going on in the fire world..just a call here n there while i am working..darn it..hope you are doing good and that you have a great memorial day..take care n be safe
  • Chan Rivera

    hello Lyn want to say hi to u see u are on line looking good be safe "Chan" for NY
  • Rob

    Thanks I had a great weekend, hope you did too
  • yves rollin

    hello my dear i miss you hope you have a great memorial day .see you soon huggs n kisses
  • yves rollin

    hey my dear i,m with you in this sad days n i keep our fallen brother in my mind
  • Jim Seargent

    You are all in my prayers.
  • Joel Swanson

    Our thoughts and Prayer from Kelley Fire & Rescue to you and your fallen and injured! Stay strong and fight on, honor them by continuing to run the calls and continuing to do the tough job we have.
    Peace be with YOU!
  • Duane M Messner

    As a friend is laid to rest today, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Know he goes and prepares a way for all his fellow brothers and sisters. I feel your pain and sorrow, just know that I wish I was there with you to offer the support you and your fellow firefighters so rightly deserve in this time of sorrow and need. Give my condolences to your men and Joey's family. Know that the brotherhood of firefighters is feeling your lose today as well. Rest in peace Brother for the final bell now rings for you on your last call. We as a brotherhood miss you, love you, will take care of yours as you would do for us. We honor you by getting on our trucks, rigs, engines, and squads to continue saving others as you would want us to do every day. You did as you were called to do and made the ultimate sacrifice, and in so doing you also saved a childs life. For that there is but one small word to say, THANKS.
  • J Mac

    Hey Cap,

    Any update on our brother?

    I read your post and know that you have to be a very respected member of your department. Continue to stay strong for your troops and the family members. Know that if you need a release from all that going on, we are here for you.

    Stay safe!

    J Mac
  • yves rollin

    i hope Anthony gonna be better and better .I,m with him in my mind n with my heart.My prayers are with your men, my brothers
  • J Mac

    Hey Cap,

    Don’t worry about an absence from the board. I’m sure that you had much more important matters to tend to.

    We are her for you if needed.

    Stay safe,

    J Mac
  • Chan Rivera

    hello and G M lyn is a great day too you have the same be safe "Chan"
  • Danny

    Hey girl just stopped into say hi n hope things are going good for ya..nothen too much going on over this way..just worken n try to stay out of trouble...take care n have a good weekend...
  • Duane M Messner

    Just wanted to let you know that you are thought about on a daily basis.
  • Danny

    hehe thanks for the comment but don't have any kids and won't be able to send ya any grub cause will be at work so you will be empty handed here..but thanks anyways...will send ya a hug...take care
  • Chan Rivera

    G M Lyn is going to be a great day in NY and you be safe "Chan"
  • Duane M Messner

    Good morning, still feel like I have been beat with a hammer
  • adlene

    well, just i hope you're okay
  • yves rollin

    hello my dear have a nice day .talk with you later
  • Jim

    Are you a member of the International Search K9's and do you know Kelly and Scottie Emerson from Winston-Salem, NC? Just sent a request. Be safe and kick ass. I think thats probably a natural thing for you. LOL Jim
  • Danny

    Hey there lyn how are ya doing...hope the 4th weekend wasnt too hard on ya..i stayed pretty busy just before that i think i ran 3 calls but it totaled about 24 hour stint there..beside already had worked so i figured i had been going about 40 hours before i was able to lay down and go to sleep again..anyways take care n stay safe..have a great rest of the week...
  • Duane M Messner

    I prefer the Captain. Well Lt. looks like we are starting again, have to get my hours right so I can get some darn Will talk to you soon and hope all is going well for you, as well as it can be. Will be seeing you soon dear. toksa.
  • Pompy

    Hey,I'm doin just great hope you are as well.Can't wait till the poo fights begin again.You make sure that you're drinkin plenty of fluids as well.Stay safe and ttyl.
  • Danny

    Stopped into say the song hero..great job...
  • Dominic Giovannone

    yes i am training in k-9 search and rescue. i dont have a dog yet but the pics i have are of the other handlers dogs. i really enjoy doing it though. looking foward to getting my own dog soon. well hope you and your family have a happy and safe safe out there
  • Duane M Messner

    Well this is the first that I have been on this site if a very long time and figured I better stop and say hello on your page. Know that no matter what u r cared 4 and loved by many who will stand and fight with u no matter the circumstances. Whether it b job related or other matters, ur network of friends/family will be ever vigilant by ur side. Tah ana'wah mah'nei nihi. Ta'tama to'wa nu'ha. Pa'ata'hi.
  • yves rollin

    Hey Babe ..I just wanna stop by your page n look at you n remembering a wonderfull woman ...Love you always Hun...Always xoxo
  • Danny

    Hey there how are ya doing...just stoppen into say hi...i know its been too long anyways i am still kicken with every breath..take care n be safe...
  • Jason

    well u have a great day as well u can
  • NYFireengine

    Awesome pics girl....Always nice to see the lady's who are bvery professional at they're work...Nice site...TTYS..JD
  • R Griffin

    BE SAFE!!!
  • Danny

    Hi Lyn how are ya doing...just stoppen in to say hi..hopethings are going good for ya....