Austin Glasser

33, Male

West Sand Lake, New York

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
I have been around it my whole life.
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
West Sand Lake FD
Years With Department/Agency
2 years
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
- NYS swift water rescue
- NYS Firefighter1
- ICS 100
- EMT basic
About Me:
I like hunting, Fishing and everything about beeing out doors.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My dad was a West Sand Lake firefighter and I wanted to carry on the family name in the fire department. I have always been interested in the FD and helping otheres.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I like helping people

Comment Wall:

  • Chan Rivera

    hi welcome to ffn from NY
  • Chan Rivera

    thanks for the add "Chan"
  • brock griffin

    thanks for the add
  • brock griffin

    thanks... have you been on any calls lately

    stay safe to
  • brock griffin

    i know what your talking about with the new gear i got a new jacket last year and i wanted to get it dirty to

    no i havent been on any good calls lately the last one i went on was during pouring rain and there was a line fallen and a tree in the road
  • brock griffin

    thats exactly what i did to

    im waiting for a good call to come in to

    my favorite call was last year on the towns b-day there was fireworks and i was on firework detail and one of the fireworks went off to early and cought a side of a hill on fire it was easy for us cuase we were less then 200 feet away and allready had water supply hooked up all
  • Sara

    i knew that it was soon actually, however i won't be around the area at all ....but thanks for letting me know
  • brock griffin

    yea it does

    my favorite time to wait for calls is on saturdays and sundays cuase people are having camp fires brush fires and stuff like that plus on the dept. im on theres only 2 people on call on weekends so we just play get everythin g done in the morning then have the rest of the weekend to do what ever
  • brock griffin

    i got on another call today the explorer meeting just got out and i was waiting for my ride and the tone went off we all thought it was ems so we didnt pay attention till we heard strafford country to farmington fire i got on the first truck responding then i was told to wait for second truck to roll out someone called in with smok showing it was an appliance overheating
  • brock griffin

    lol.... alot of the time we dont get any fire calls a day but we usually average 2-3 ems calls a day the last fire call besides last night was 4 days ago last week if i remember right we only got 5 fire calls but about 15 ems
  • brock griffin

    im hoping to start ems soon as soon as i get my cpr card and an ems appprentice card i can ride on the ambulance
  • brock griffin

    in NH you can ride the ambulance as long as you are cpr certified and have an apprenticeship card and atleast 16

    whats your favorite truck to ride on
  • brock griffin

    that is a nice truck the town i live in got a truck like that last year as a fema grant

    my favorite truck to ride as to be our 2001 international pumper with a 750 gal tank 1000 gpm pump with the 5 man cab witch is the 1st due on all calls but the only time i get to ride that is when theres a call on weekends witch is when im at the station most cuase theres only 2 peple on call but the most time im stuck (not complaining) riding our new 08 FFA intruder 2 quint with a 400 gal tank 500 gpm pump and a 6 man cab ... once in a while when theres a brush fire thats out of a hydrant district and we need a 3 truck i like to ride the 78 maxim just to sit in the jumpseats in the back
  • brock griffin

    i tried uploading a pic of my favorite pic but it only shows the middle of the truck but if you go to and go to the photo gallary you can see some of our trucks

    we dont have the ladder truck or the rescue we replaced both of them with the 08 FFA intruder 2 quint
  • brock griffin

    i got the pic to upload right when i put it in my profile like the pic you have of the brush truck
  • brock griffin

    yea thats one of the oldest trucks still in service in new hampshire but the city next to us beat us cuase they have a 1975 e-one but we dont even use our 78 maxim much mostly for forestry or when we have detail somewhere like for festivals
  • Sara

    Yeah...5-7 is my favorite so far but they're supposed to be getting a new american lafrance pretty soon so we'll have to see about that one....
  • brock griffin

    i looked at the call sheet of last month we had 35 fire calls and 63 ems calls
  • brock griffin

    summers are the good months for calls for us cuase the heat and all the camp fires winter is alot slower

    it sucks a 1/2 hour after i left the station sunday a call came in cuase a camp fire spred and cought a shed on fire
  • brock griffin

    the last mva i can think of we had was a few weeks ago and i girl at my school rolled her car into a tree
  • brock griffin

    today was a rough day i was at the station for 12 hours and we got 4 transports 1 line coverage and 1 fire alarm activation and i went on all of them
  • brock griffin

    today i had to again sit in the rain for 4 hours waiting for the power company to come out cuase there was a tree laying on some lines on fire
  • brock griffin

    yea weve been having alot of heavy rain here cuase i had the babysitting a tree friday night and yesterday there was another wire down and a tree in the road so all in all i made 9 calls since thursday but mostly ems

    yesterday i mainly went doen to the dtation cuase i was right down the road from the station and a box alarm went off and when i got there another call came in then while on that 1 the tree in the road came in

    my girlfriend didnt like it much cuase i was on my way back to her house when the box alarm came in and i was walking with my friend and the pizza i through the pizza at him and ran the other way ad didnt get back to her house for two hours and my shirt drenched in sweat
  • brock griffin

    lol.. we had a call like that last thursday there was a fire alarm activation at a elderly complex and it turned out to be some one cooking on a grill in there apartment
  • brock griffin

    we had a 1 alarm structure fire over the weekend all of our trucks rolled except the forestry but i didnt get to go cuase my scanner died on me a few hours before the call came in so i didnt no it happened till the next day
  • brock griffin

    we had another structure fire last night in my town (middleton) it came in as a possible brush fire since it was 2 miles out in the woods then there was explosions so they reported it again as structure fire only 3 trucks could get to the fire we had over 20 trucks there ( no hydrants) but only the forestrys could get out there we had 2 trucks from my dept 3 from the town it was in 1 from alton 2 from new durham 1 from acton then they called in a 6x6 tanker to get out there and 4 trucks from milton and 2 utv
  • brock griffin

    we had some what of a structure fire last week a cieling fan cought fire and went into the walls but we put it out with apws last month all together we had 93 calls fire and ems i joined another fire dept i joined middleton volunteer fire rescue dept cuase i live in middleton but there we only get about 200 calls a year the last fire call we had in middleton was last month when we had a structure fire
  • brock griffin

    have you heard of kentland fire dept in maryland there the most active fully vounteer dept in the coutry with just about 400 calls a year with over half of those being fires on average they have alot of videos on youtube and if you go to they have webisodes in hd of the san fransisco fire dept washington d.c. dept. and kentland vol. dept. on the webside
  • brock griffin

    last year for farmington we had 1,271 and in middleton we had 183
  • brock griffin

    yea on averave in farmington each month we have about 90 calls 60 med 30 fire on average
  • brock griffin

    70 calls nice in farmington we got 65 calls in 4 days cuase the ice storm and in middleton we only got 7 calls the 4 days of the storm
  • brock griffin

    4 structure fires nice dude we had 1 chimney fire in farmington and i went mutial aid to another town with middleton 4 a chimney fire with extension
  • brock griffin

    we just had a 3 alarm structure fire sunday morning the tone went out at 5:08 in the morning in farmington but i went with middleton( theo ther dept im on) and we got toned at 5:14 after that we went to a call for a flooded basement but actually a pipe bursted in the wall of a 3rd floor bathroom and made the cieling tile come off the cieling of the living room and then it went into the basement
  • jen 82

    ok big boy
  • jen 82

    after you come down ahhhaha
  • jen 82

    sit in a corner and cry forever =[ ahhahaha.
  • jen 82

    jkkkkkkk =]
  • jen 82

    glad you came to visit =] i miss you already