
San Diego, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
United States Department OF Defence San Diego CA
Years With Department/Agency
25 yrs +
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
My PAST Dept ...... US Forest Service 8 Years :o)
My Training:
California State,DOD Federal Fire F/F 1 & 2 Haz-Mat EMS EMTDC Driver Ops and USFS Wildland Firefighter Hot Shot Class IR yrs 79 thru 1982. At The End of 1982 Transfered to USFS Engine Companys Thru 1986 then 12 of 1986 to Now Presently i am with (DOD) The Department of Defence Federal Fire Department ... :)
About Me:
i have choosen to be more into my Faith
which helps me in my life.
I enjoy time with my kids (4)
divorce 4 yrs now.

I view the fire service clear and differently now,while
i attend to emergencys giving aid to the public
i am happy because i dont have that empty feeling anymore.
for years i have been just a normal guy- firefighter
now i feel alive :o)
as a firefighter driver
I am Thankful.
Thank You Jesus
Thank You Lord :)
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
helping others :D :) :o)
Why I Love Fire/EMS
When my F/F's family says Happy Birthday to me. Mine is Dec 13th
Top Issues Facing Responders:
The Lack of Respect within the Fire Service.(SOP'S)
Firefighters Relationship's On or Off Duty
Firefighters Lives thier Conduct,Faith,Behavior and Ect.

Comment Wall:

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  • Rebecca

    Thank you!!! :D
  • RetCGGirl

    Hey You!! How was your turkey dinner? Did you work toight? Take care and write when you can. Stay safe.....
  • Lisa

    Hey Buddy!!!! LMAO!! Did you know that we were already friends on here?? Im not sure for how've been on this site for quite a while now. Pretty funny huh??
  • Lisa

    Funny how stuff works out huh? Lol.
  • Heather

    Yes, A great fun day at a live burn. How did I do,,well I always learn new tricks at every burn. I'm On Standy by tonight. Covering for 5 towns. A huge factory fire is happening right now a few towns away. Tons of people got to go. I feel like I was forgotten about. :( I'm sure there will be many more fires though.
    Stay Safe!
  • Colleen

    Hey, I left around June of this year, trying to get a bunch of stuff done. I'm hoping to go back sometime, I just don't know when
  • Colleen

    Yeah I was looking into that for whenever I went back. A couple of the stations in San Marcos were actually right around the corner from my house. I came out to finish school out here.
  • Colleen

    Really? that would be awesome! Of course I'm up for it!
  • Jenn

    Thank you! You too Stay safe
  • Bunny Coy

    Thanks for inviting me. Bunny
  • Rachel...

    Sigh....the bagpipes always did bring a tear to my eye... Must be because I'm not only part native american...but Irish as well.... Makes for an interesting drinking
  • Jenny

    Thanks Anthony, hope you had a quiet New Years. Stay safe
  • Colleen

    Thanks i had as good new years and christmas. I hope you did as well!!
  • angelicgrace

    Thank you for the comment Anthony very nice of you to post.
  • Sue

    I just wanted to say hi. :-)
  • Dawn Melody Bladel

    Hello Anthony !! I just sent you a message with the hope that you'll send one back to me . I really need my friends right now and I do think of youas one of my friends as I hope that you consider me as one of you friends that you can turn to during difficult times. Just now catching up on all my messages so far behind. SSOT!
    All my warmest regards,
    Dawn Melody Bladel
  • mudnut

    Sick as a dog. Glad it's Friday. Have a great and safe weekend.
  • jgirl0809

    I cutie! I am trying to do both... some days it's easier than others... :)
  • jgirl0809

    And you have a good day and stay safe!
  • Dawn Melody Bladel

    Howdy , I like your song list it has my song on it !!, Brown Eyed Girl, I have cooper brown eyes and I hail originally from east coast beach coastal areas of Florida Cooool !! , Miami and Jacksonville. I also lived in the Tampa -Plant City area as well . Well got to go !!
    SSOT !
    Warmest Regards,
    Dawn Melody
  • mudnut

    Well thank you. Happy Valentine's Day to you to.
  • Colleen

    i have been doing good!
    how have you been?
  • chele

    Hi Anthony! Nice to "meet" you! As for the pic, yes, I had just come out of the KU burn trailer. It was the first time I had ever been in a structure fire of any kind. I went in several times, it was hot in there! *LOL*
  • Dawn Melody Bladel

    How are you ? Hey cute pic of your furry bestfriend !!=0) I have a mini pincher she is fun !!, your "friend looks like fun too any know any tricks !!?? Mine does a couple of tricks. SSOT
  • Dawn Melody Bladel

    My dog's name is Doodle-Bug she plays fetch, and tug-a-war,hide and seek (find Daddy-David)sit, stay , lay down , and we are now working on stop ,drop and roll ( for fire prevention classes maybe some day to help to teach the kiddies ! :-) ! I'll try to get a pic of her up on my profile soon ! You and Maggie have fun !! Bug says ARF! (Hi to you both ! ; -)~ SSOT and God Bless You and your loved ones !
  • Guerrerita

    Thanks! There's always something to smile about, isn't there?

    I like the smile on your profile picture, too. Did the birds actually fly in formation like that, or was that done in a studio (or photoshop or something)?

  • patty prime

    Hey, nice to meet you. some cute pics posted. hope all's well.
    stay safe...
  • Danielle

    Your profile pictures is awesome I love it!
  • Nanny

    Thanks for adding me to your friends list.
  • Nanny

    Hey I see you changed your profile photo. Both look great! Also you're from San Diego? Wow that's cool. I have a nephew that live in SD.
  • Guerrerita

    Hi - Thanks for the shirt! I can't find a way to accept the "buddy list" invitation - the link doesn't work. Are you anywhere near San Francisco? I am coming out there soon for vacation.
  • Amber (red)

    hello handsome,
    hope all is well and that your staying busy. Pretty much the same here sense the last time i talked to you. Keep in touch.
  • jennifer burlage

    thank you im not dressed up that usually in you have some very great pictures as well. be careful and stay safe.i give props to all of you because i know that its very dangerous and i dont think i could do it.
  • jennifer burlage

    hello. you are very welcome.thats to bad that some of your friends had bad far everyone has been very nice on here.thats good that you still keep in touch.i have been friends with a lady that i have known for eleven years and we still keep in touch even though she lives four hours away.i hope you have a great weekend and holiday and be safe.
  • Kris Sihachack

    Hi, thanks for the warm welcome and friendship!
  • Kris Sihachack

    I know, wayyy too late. Have a good night ;-)
  • angie the fire/resqmom

    thanks for the great profile comment. i hope you stay safe and god speed brother. always, Ang
  • cowgirlmedic

    hey thanks for your comment... hope you're having a wonderful week and your weekend be blessed
  • Daniele

    you too!!!
  • FireBarbieT&C16

    hey thx for the add =)
  • Amber (red)

    hey stranger, how the heck have you been??????
  • abi

    hey im sorry lol
    for not keeping in toch :)

    howz u been from abigail x
  • Rachel J. Case

    Hey thanks for the comments, I'm only here to support, my father was in the Cincinnati Fire Department and loved it, I have many of his awards on my wall...stay safe, keep in touch and take care!

    Hi sorry I have not gotten back to you sooner as I have had computer problems and then got called to work as a medic for the fires in LA etc. I hope all is well with your family and your children. You have a nice life. Yes I would love to exchange stuff with you and maybe i will see you on the fireline one day. Not in a medical sense. So give me a buzz and I WILL GET BACK TO YOU So Sorry for the lateness. and Be safe and Take Care B

    Hey There So sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Have had computer problems and then got called to the LA Fires as a medic. So yes I would love to exchange with you. And I hope you and you family are doing fine. Just give me a buzz and I WILL GET BACK TO YOU Take Carebe Safe and sorry again Brenda

    Hi There I would love to exchange stuff just give me a buzz and I will get back to you I am sorry that I did not respond earlier as computer virus and I was working the LA fires as a Medic. So get back to me Take Care be Safe Brenda

    Hi so sorry for not getting back to you sooner as I have had no computer due to a virus and also was called to work as a medic for the LA Fires. I would love to exchange stuff. Just give me a buzz and I will get back to you ASAP. Take Care Be Safe Always Brenda
  • AFD

    Brenda Your an Awesome Woman : )
    Thank you for hanging in there with a terrible computer and its problems
    Been there done that :o( and believe me it Sucks .... yes !
    i am all up for it sending some stuff :o)
    I am alone at this time and i only see my kids when they need stuff....
    i have teens and my youngest is 10 Kat...
    we spend time on payday fridays so that will be on Oct 16
    she will be back with her mom on the 17th 8 pm
    i will report back to work on the 18th 0730 hrs ;o) Booooo !
    actully i sleep : ) or watch movies LOL :) slug!
    Brenda what size would you like in a T-Shirt ..?
    i am XL Stay in Touch Okay Thanks Anthony : )
  • Sarah Turner

    Thank you, it is much appreciated!

    hey mate i am a collector of patches and shirts and was wondering if you could trade shirts with me and patches aswell i have a nswfb xl size shirt to trade and when i get more patches to trade i will send you 1 let me know if your intrested here is my postal address

    r elliott
    658 princes highway
    russell vale nsw 2517