Lars Ågerstrand




Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Värnamo fire & rescue service
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
1 year training and service for military airport fire and rescue.
2 years in national fire and rescue school.

Many years of learning after...
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Made my military service as an airport fire fighter, I enjoyed it very much and went on to make my way in to the municipal fire & rescue service after.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The challange, the never ending need for improvments, the brotherhood and the feeling of making a difference.

Comment Wall:

  • Allen Wahlstrom

    Hej Lars,
    Tack för att delta i gruppen. Ser fram emot att lära sig mer om hur våra skandinaviska bröder arbete. Min familj kom från Eskilstuna och Tvååker på västkusten.
    Var försiktig och vara säker,
  • Allen Wahlstrom

    Hej Lars,

    Are you having the same issues Malmö Fire is having with the stoning s? I have been reading about their problems and can not imagine that happening here. The Police would be far less restrained in their response.

    So I would be happy to add content, I am the department webmaster. And we too are going through a rebuild. My third in 3 years. The new hosting site is challenging, but I am working through it.

    Stay Safe
  • berlinfirefighter

    Hi Lars,

    I think the best way to get a hold of powerpoint is to ask our special Department for education. I send you the e-mail adress und you can ask their directly. Here you are:

    I hope they can help you! If not, let me know!

    Best regards
    Matthias/ Berlin Firefighter
  • berlinfirefighter

    Hi Lars,

    yes I think is possible! You can watch my station if you like. You also can visit one of the other 38 station in Berlin. Have a look to:
    here you have a short view over all our stations, ok it is in German but maybe you understand some of the information. I work at the station Treptow ( 5300).

    Best regards
  • Ben Barker

    Lars I would be happy to help you.
    When I am next in the station I will arrange some info and a pps for you and send it over to you do you have an email address to send it to or canI send it through this?
    I have not used this site much.
    I would love to find out more about life in the fire service over there so I will be keeping an eye on your page
    Kind regards
  • DUST

    Always good to see another ARFF on here!
  • berlinfirefighter

    Hi Lars,

    yes perfect, you unterstood eveything right! We´re the biggest station in Berlin.
    Let me know when you want to come and we´ll make a date! How many FF are you in a shift?

    Best regards
  • berlinfirefighter

    Hi Lars,

    yes, it´s a little more less! :-)

    But, scandinavien firefighters are well known for their good education and training. I had a training in Denmark a few yaers ago and I must say, very, very good! Some colleaques from me were in sweden for a training and they also say: very, very good!

    Like I said, let me know when you want to come and we´ll make a date.

    Best regards
  • Bruno BEUNEUX

    Hello Lars, i 've receve your message and i make inquiries to power point ventilation with my 2 sons firefighters in Paris. i will tell you when i get something.

    Best regards
  • Bruno BEUNEUX

    Hello Lars,
    yes of course Paris firefighters are the best..!!!!why ?????? besause my sons are and so did i when i was there .......when me .......younger.
    For we the Américan Firefighers are good also. we are a big family firefighters.

    Best regards
  • Sune Schønnemann

    Hej Lars!

    I don't have that powerpoint - and never heard of it..
    Ventilation is not used that much in Denmark (and 98% of all ventilation is defensively or as a way to clear smoke AFTER the fire is put out)..

    But I will ask around..
  • Alexey Antonov

    OK Lars! Ready to help you. But my fire service is very special - I locate in Siberia on arctic circle. Now in my town -39'С.
  • Noriko Asada

    Thank you for your comment.butI can't access my site after you left a comment.
    And I can't read your comment either.
    I don't know why. Could you delete your comment?
    and could you try to leave a comment again?
  • Berni

    Austria itself is a federal state with nine states ("Bundesländer"). These states are divided into districts ("Bezirke") and a few statuatory cities. Each state have the legislative authority for some matters of culture, social car and also firepreventing/firefighting. So each of these nine states have it's one firefighting-system - the are very similar but in some ways (e.g. administration, uniforms, ..) not the same.

    Austria has, except of the largest 6 capitals (Vienna, Innsbruck, Linz, Salzburg, Klagenfurt and Graz) a volunteer firefigther-system. In these six cities there are career fire services, assisted by volunteers.
    These volunteers are not paid and structured in fire departments - each city/community has at least one fire department. Firedepartments of sourrounding villages are joined to a firesection ("Feuerwehrabschnitt") and these sections are forming the firedistricts (the same as the politically districts). The highest level of the command chain is the state, to wich all fire districts of itself belonging to - it is called the "Landesfeuerwehrverband" (state firefighting association).
    On the level of the federal state there is only a administrativ organisation, wich gives recommendations to the associations, but don't have any command authority. Lager companys can operate fireservices for there own needs, but these services are subordinated to the local fire department of the village.

    In shortform:
    fire department (with one or more fire stations)
    fire section
    fire district
    state firefighting association

    This was a short summary of our firefighting-organisation here in Austria.
    Hope, it was interesting for you.
    Nice day and best regards,
  • Berni

    Hi Lars!

    Thx for your comment - i'm not sure, if a had a powerpoint about ventilation. On weekend i will scan some pages of our training manuals for you.
    Fireservice in Austria is in fact similar to Germany but it's not the same.

    At the end of 2008 we have 337.170 firefighters in 4.861 firedepartments (even in the smallest villages). The firefighters are responsible for firefighting and helping in other emergency cases.
    Not included in our firefighting system are the Emergency medical services - the are provided by other organizations (like the red cross or rescue departments of the bigger cities).
    All fire emergencies can be reported under the free number "122" - the average response time from giving an emergency call to the arrival of the first fire unit is about 9 minutes all over the whole territory of Austria.
  • Sune Schønnemann

  • Peter Timofeev

    Hi Lars!
    Unfortunately today I am very occupied. Let's discuss one of these days, than I can help you. Sorry with my english language =))
  • Tibor Lorinc

    Hi Lars,
    Thank you for your comment.My name is Tibor and I am a frist respone unit firefighter from Nitra fire station, in Slovakia.
    Greetings from Slovakia. Tibor
  • Bruno BEUNEUX

    Hello Lars,
    My son come back house 12 décember, I think he have information to ventilation for you. i send the message 12 décember.

  • IAN

    Good to hear about your effort, I have different presentation regarding ventilation, hazardous materials and WMD, base on some of the one I presented as an instructor and others I found in the web, keep in touch and let us know the way to load it, Have a Bless day, Ian, Houston, TX
  • Bruno BEUNEUX

    Hello Lars,

    yes my son Olivier send you a message for instruction.

    Very christmas at your family

    best regards
