Jessica Travis

30, Female

Bagdad, Kentucky

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Junior Firefighter/Explorer
Years in Fire/EMS:
1 year 6 months
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Bagdad Fire Protection District
Years With Department/Agency
1 year 6 months
My Training:
we do a little bit of everything...
About Me:
Well my name is Jessi Travis and i am a junior firefighter with bfpd. my nickname is care bear (JFF's had a camping trip and one of the advisers gave me that because my hair frizzed at 4 a.m.) Im 16 years old and hope to become a first responder in january. I would also like to become an EMT while in high school (when im 18, senior yr). I love being in junior firefighters, the people there are amazing, honestly they are my best friends. These people are the best, we might argue a little but if i needed them they would back me up. I guess its like having 4 more dads 2 more moms, 11 brothers and 6 sisters, you become family. I wouldn't trade them for the world. I recently joined an EMS explorer post in our area, it seems like an awesome program we just need to get more people interested in it, (we have 4 counting me)
Day Job:
Im a full time high school student :)
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
So i could help people
Why I Love Fire/EMS
i get to come home knowing i did something useful and maybe helped someone
Top Issues Facing Responders:
careless drivers not respecting emergency personnel and vehicles on roads...

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  • Allen

    It is a little cute. lol interesting though
  • Allen

    LoL Sounds fun,
  • mike

    hey. hows it goin.
  • dj lee

  • Aussie_Wildfire

    I did agree with you. and look the discussion has gone. I feel like going else where. The almight seem to be bullies. and they are not caring about the internation market by saying the chat room has had bad comments after hours, which to me is midday. Keep your chin up Jess, i have 2 son your age and I would be proud of them to make comments like you do in a adult envioment Randall
  • Michael Whitby

    You are VERY welcome! We all had bundles of fun doing what we did! We were just showing God's love in a practical way! Rest assured, I and others have not forgotten Oneida FD! We are still looking for donations of equipment and apparatus to get them fully functional as a department. Some of us are even purchasing surplus items such as lightbars, sirens, etc. so that they can get what they need but cannot afford! :) It is nice to hear from someone who has been/indirectly been touched by what we have done! I am a member of the church and group that started the whole ball of wax to begin with. Again, you and your family are VERY welcome!

    As Tiger would say, "Stay Safe -- Train Often!"

    FF/EMT Michael Whitby
  • Joe Stoltz

    Hey Jessica, great that you're certified for adult CPR now. Here's hoping you never have to use it.

  • Don Vuletic

    Hey, Neat Name, I call my Daughter ClaireBear. Good Luck in your firefighting career.
  • Dave

    Hey Jessica

    Thank you for the add and stay safe out there.
  • BillySFCVFD

    haha, Your Mom can just crank the headband ratchet down and break off the knob. Hope ur feeling better. TCSS
  • Kimberly A Bownas

    That's good and that is how patient care should be. I always go in and say good bye to the patient and wish them luck. It makes you a good EMT in my opinion when you do that. Good luck and I think you will do well as an EMT.
  • Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp

    Jessica, I would be honored to have you on our Department. Your attitude and heart are truly what OUR service is all about. You represent your Dept and yourself very well. You can GIT ER DONE with the best of us.
  • Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp

    Your welcome Lass! Keep up the hard work an you'll have my job some day. People like you make our jobs easy. Its all about your heart. Thats a testament to your parents and the daughter they raised.
  • Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp

    Well it is obvious that your a hard worker and you have your heart into what your doing. You will make what you do count because what you do counts. :) Keep up the hard work and effort. IT SHOWS!
  • Bob

    Gday from Down under Australia ,

    ITs Good to see young people wanting to help , and its great to see young people in the emergency services i also started out as a JNR when i was 14 and thats nearly 13 yrs ago now so good luck and all the best . keep safe

  • Bob

    hey any chane you could post some photos of your fire engines ?


  • Brandon

    ya its sweet and nope no limit. i missed my chem test today :)
  • Brandon

    no but they hear the call on our pagers so they kinda have to believe me. haha i do get some crazy looks though. esspecially if they dont hear it and i stand up and run out of the class :) its awsome!!!!!
  • Jeff Wright

    Hi Jessica
    I seen your post on Jr leaving school to respond to calls. As a Chief and a schoolboard member I think this is a very bad ideal. That is something that as Chief I would not allow, that is for me. As to your other questions you had, I'd contact Mr. Ronnie Day Exc. Director of the KY Fire Commision in Frankfort, he a super nice man and should be able to give you some info on your other question. Are you all under the BSA Exporlor program and the Bagbad Fire Department . Here is the problem I see, under state law a person under 18 years old cannot be a firefighter, it's in the KRS under Chapter 95, I think that the jr firefighter program is a great program and we need it to get a jump on all the training that is required to become a firefighter. Two of my younger members started as Jrs. But I could not enter any of their training until they were 18 years old. And to be covered by the workers Comp Ins the state carries on a member they have to be listed as a member of the department. Please don't let this keep you from following your dream from becoming a firefighter, I started making runr with my father at age 15, it helps if he the Chief, but that was in the early 70s when the fire service in Kentucky was in the dark ages. I've got a son your age and he to is very interesred in fire service. I've told him the same things I've told you. Please be Very careful and Please keep Following your Dreams..... Jeff Wright Chief West Point Fire & Rescue West Point, KY
  • Brandon

    um well last week 3 but the week before that 5 and this weekend we have had 1, an MVA.
  • FETC

    I was just stating that is what I would have done. The ambulance would be another report for injury claim. The workmens comp thing usually gets denied, (proof or workers injury) and police report would document the injury as well. The dog actually assaulted the kid and the PD would usually quarantine the animal around here while they test for rabies. If the owner can prove the animal does not have rabies, then the victim may have been spard from the painful series of shots. This might not be the first dog bite for this animal... and may have to be handled by the law enforcement. Small bites usually lead to bigger ones, next time could be a small child to the face, etc. Without the proper documentation the owners will plead "this is the first time"
  • Coapus

    Hey just wanted to say congrats and hang in there i have been fighting fire for 14 years and finally made Chief this year
  • Rusty Mancini

    Jessica,There's nothing like your first fire scene and you will never forget it.I too was nervous,it's the human nature in us.There is something else you will never forget and that's your first interior attack.I was nervous on my first attack,but if you stick to your training,you will do just fine!On my page the top head line is what I tell my guy's all the time.
  • Rusty Mancini

    Thank you for the add on! Nice sounds on your page.
  • Rusty Mancini

    Jess,you got plenty of time.Fighting fire's is not for everyone.I have a few members that have the certs.,but they rather do the other important jobs that go along with the firefighting aspects.Take your time,the answer will come to you.I wish I had 10 of you's.
  • Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp

    Jessica, You go girl! Keep up the good effort.
  • Cory P. Taylor

    Thats exactly right jess. Be safe out there.
  • David "slick" Rivers

    They will....but even now still get the jitters lol...Guess thats why firefighting gets in you blood.
  • Firefighter Walther

    Damn girl, Firefighter at 15, good job! i wish i had started getting into the fire service sooner, lol, i guess better now than never, anyways, take care.
    Be Safe
  • Firefighter Walther

    wow, now that is quite amazing! if i had done my research earlier, i probably could have been a volunteer by now, but, its ok, lol, btw, awesome playlist you got up, got some of my favorite songs on there! lol
  • Firefighter Walther

    haha, no, it for sure isnt, im pretty excited about Fire academy, i have wanted to be a firefighter since i was like 8, lol
  • Firefighter Walther

    really? lol, thats pretty cool, i knew i wanted to be a firefighter, but i also wanted to be a US Marine, thought about SWAT for a while, but i finally came to the realization that firefighting was my thing, so im gonna stick with it
  • Firefighter Walther

    haha, yeah, i guess those jobs arent for everyone, i still wouldnt mind SWAT, but maybe after a while with firefighting, idk, lol
  • Firefighter Walther

    haha, yes, you are correct!
  • Michael Vito

    Hey Sis, its been a while I've drop by to your site. We've been busy as hell since the flood. Great photo update you got there. Glad you guys had fun. Keep it up. God bless you guys. Mike
  • R Griffin

    BE SAFE!!!
  • R Griffin

    Nice color of trucks, we have the same with the blue...
  • Rusty Mancini

    Hey Sister, long time since I talked to you last. How things going? Any more fire calls?
  • Rusty Mancini

    I've been training my firefighters on air management along with RIT team training. It's not easy. Anyway I'm fine, thanks for asking! And you'll do fine with SCBA training. Remember the more you wear that mask, the more comfortable you we be in it. It takes some time so, just tell yourself I will do this, because someone is counting on me! Let me know how it goes, and if you need help or tips I'm here!
  • Rusty Mancini

    OK I got it, I don't know what troubles you about them, but you have to keep practicing and it will come to ya eventually. I have faith in you!
  • Rusty Mancini

    Your welcome, anytime you need some advise, let me know in my Inbox! Be safe.....and I have your six!
  • Rusty Mancini

    It stands for Rapid intervention Team. This a team of two to four firefighters that are standing by outside the structure while the interior attack team is fighting the fire, or a search and rescue team is conducting a search for victims. If a mayday call comes in from one of the two teams I mention, then the RIT team goes in to rescue the firefighters or firefighter that's in trouble.

    The RIT team has a bag with them that has a bottle of air with a air line, so in case the firefighter that's in trouble has run low on air, or has run out of air they can supply him with air. Also they carry tools with them such as wire cutters, web strapping, haligan tool, etc.. There primary job is to rescue their brothers if they are in trouble.
  • Rusty Mancini

    RIT team members must be physically strong and fit to drag one of their brothers out of the structure.It's not for everyone. It takes alot of training. I had to carry one of my guys out once from the second floor of the structure, and sister let me tell ya, it was do or die at that point. You have to move fast because time is against you at that point.
  • Rusty Mancini

    This is a must for every fire department to have while operations are going on inside. In my state it's a mandatory law. SC calls it the two in, two out rule.If you have two inside fighting fire, then there must be two outside, in case the inside crew gets in trouble. Now sometimes a department can be short handed on the start of the call. that's when you call for mutual aid to come and help be the RIT team. Not all departments do it, but they should!
  • Rusty Mancini

    Hopefully you don't need them to do a rescue. They been needed around the country on several different cases. The sad thing is they don't always get to their brother and they have to back out, and you know what happens after that. I have a video of an actual rescue here in SC, that the team saved their brother, now he was burnt bad, but he's living today because the RIT team did their job.
  • Michael Vito

    Well it was an answered prayers. We have two storms passed by and we are spared so far. The last one just a little too close for confort. The guys up north are fine just got wind out of it. LOL. Thanks for the prayers Jessica.
  • Rusty Mancini

    Hey Jessica, The answer to your question is, if you think about it, they took out the guy before you probably because he was already down before you were. You had just gone down to where that guy was probably really low on air or was out of air, injury to him etc.., he was there longer than you were.

    Now what I would of done, is called for the back up RIT team to come in and get you.
    If a RIT team has to be deployed in my department, we will assign two more guys to take their place outside in the ready mode. This is for a secondary emergency if needed. So all in all we have to have four guys for the RIT team. Not an easy position to fill when your short handed sometimes.

    If you don't have enough for the RIT secondary team , from the start, that's where the mutual- aid comes in to fill that role. Hope this answer your question?
  • Michael Vito

    Oh yeah. Glad its going back to normal. There are still some areas has flood waters mostly near our flood way area. But for me glad it had receded two weeks ago because engineering analysis says we will have to spent a wet christmas but we didn't. Well glad we are going to spend a normal Christmas here in my place. Have you seen my profile photos and my last blog? Thanks
  • Daniel Ruggini

    wow yea i def misunderstood sorry about that.
  • Joe Stoltz

    Hi Jessica thanks for the add.
