

Manchester, TN

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Private EMS, Other Response Agency Type
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Day Job:
EMS helicopter Mechanic
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Prior military aviation, work for EMS air ambulance service, and am envolved in emergency med sevice community through my job as a EMS helicopter mechanic.

Comment Wall:

  • john

    Welcome to firefighter nation and be safe . you can pick up alot of good things here and make friends to.

    welcome to this big family
    be safe & have fun
  • Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp

    Judi, welcome to the FF Nation. I am glad you dropped in to join the group. Dont be shy. There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all. Takes a bit to kinda figure it all out but you will be glad you did. Have fun and look around.

    Chief William Sharp
    Southern Oregon Coast
  • Cliff Utt

  • Cliff Utt

  • Cliff Utt

  • jack lambert

    welcome to ffn from new brunswick canada
  • jack lambert

    great video keep up the good work stay safe
  • D. Lovelady

    welcome to FFN. I was wondering how my brothers big head kept showing up in your 10 year tribute
  • Chan Rivera

    hi welcome to ffn from NY
  • lori Tallman

    judi your video was totally awsome..what software did you use.i saw myself trice in the video , i watched three or four times. IT WAS GREAT!!! Thanks for all that you do for us.
  • lori Tallman

    Thanks for letting me know what software you used to make that amazing video.. i try to make videos for my dept but mine is nothing compared to yours.. maybe i'll send you all some pizza the next time your on duty.. tell the crew i said hi and let them know that our Hamburger supper at the berlin springs is on june 13. you all should come on down if you can.. If you Can't David has my number, I will bring it to you..
  • Kevin McCloud, unit 307

    HI Judi, I just watched a video from Lori Allen's profile...It was a very good video, nice job...Our Dept. had Air Evac at our station this past Sunday for safety training and it was a fun and educational event, especially for those on the dept. that are new to us. Most of us, though went through safety training with Methodist Hospital, out of Indianapolis, and their Lifeline helicopter. But it's always nice to work with other services such as Air Evac and how their procedures work...Keep up the good work....
  • WRFD 784

    Thanks for the add. Your job looks like it would be really fun. Talke to you later.
    Take Care and Be Safe.
    Jeremy WRFD 784
  • WRFD 784

    I was wondering what application that you used for you music on your profile page. I have been looking for one and haven't found one that is good and has music that I like and you have what I want.
    Jeremy WRFD
  • lori Tallman

    hey judi,
    been a bit busy around here. but i will try and stop by the airport to see you all. and bring food.. i know that you all can't leave the station and i know you all get tired of the same ole same ole. I'll call before i come.
  • lori Tallman

    how ya been? i was wondering were you got your copy of Sony Vegas 9 my boss has been trying to find me one and can't find it.. tell everyone at the air port hi For me and don't forget the hamburger supper is this saturday at berlin springs...if the crew can't make it i'll bring it to them...
  • lori Tallman

    yep you missed out on the hamburgers and homemade ice cream...the crew that was there has my numbers to get in touch with me.. i asked my cheif if he had seen the tribute and he has dial up internet so it's hard for him to see it, i would love to have a dvd of it so that i could show my fellow fighters and our next meeting.. i think they would enjoy seeing it.. and see what an awsome job that you did on it.. i have had so many compliments on the tribute from people on my myspace page.. alot my guys are on myspace. I'd put it on facebook so the other half could see it but facebook doesn't support it...bummer. i would love for everyone in marshall county to see it but that's a little hard...but if i could i would...let your hubby know that we appreciate everything that air evac does for our community...look forward to seeing you all and working with you.I'll look on amazon for that software...thanks.
  • lori Tallman

    thanks a lot i will do that .. i'm under lori allen on facebook.I'll check in a little while...
  • lori Tallman

    from the airport go to hwy 50 and turn left. Go straight through town passed the co-op and the ambulance service after you pass the two churches on your left ,Take the next road to the right (YELL Road) follow that road all the way down til you see Bills McGaugh Funeral Home on the right.we are beside Lone Oak cemetery.
  • lori Tallman

    hello judi,
    how's the moving coming..i know you must be sooo tired. well just checking in to say thanks again for the dvd and let you know i haven't fell off the earth yet. good luck with your new home and try and have a good day.