Dewayne and Diana Bean


Madisonville, KY

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Secretary / Treasurer, Safety Officer, Lieutenant, EMT - Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
2 + yrs
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Grapevine Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
2+ years
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Grapevine Fire Department .
My Training:
Diana is an RN has been in healthcare 20 years and A Lieutenant Safety Officer at GFD. Dewayne is a Coal miner for 10+ years and is a Lieutenant/EMT at GFD
About Me:
We enjoy spending time with my family. Also enjoy swimming, camping, fishing and shopping.
Day Job:
Diana - RN ,Dewayne - Coal Miner
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
To give back to the community. To help someone in need and learn and grow in the field.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Helping others
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Domestic abuse issues, drugs, lack of funding.

Comment Wall:

  • Boice Atkinson

    Welcome to the FAM and stay safe out there and GOD BLESS...
  • Filiberto Rodriguez

    Welcome to the family where the language and reasoning importate the border is not in our work is to save lives regardless of color, religion or social position, much less. The important thing in our work does not need language to communicate, or borders to help. greetings from Mexico.
  • Leo Cartwright

    Hi there; Leo from Australia, Paramedic; Welcome to FFN hope U enjoy the site and gather many friends during your stay. If you read my profile and think that I am suited; please feel free to add me to your collection of FFN friends.
    Cheers Leo
  • catfish

    welcome to your new family darling.good to know someone close im from cerulean.just wanted to say hi
  • Dennis Brown

    welcome to ffn Diana from the jersey shore
  • roy yoder

    hey diania what is viper training and welcome to the service. just remember the training never quits till you quit.
  • Dennis Brown

    Your welcome so hows it going out your way good i hope be safe out there D&D
  • Doug

    Welcome to FFN from Wrightsville Warren Co. PA.
  • Willie Dillingham

    i wish you all the best and be satey
  • Dennis Brown

    Hey D&D we are slow to but just like you ill take that anyday be safe talk to ya!!!!
  • Andrea

    Hey guys. How's it going? You going to the FF1 and FF2 classes? Hope to see you there!!!
  • Doug

    the weather is cold, the temp right now is about 14, lots of snow and a heat wave is coming in tomorrow in the mid 30's. this weekend is suppose to be rain and snow mix, back in the single digets. stay safe.
  • Doug

    stopped by to say hi, busy sat. night with a mutual aid structure fire, temp. -1 at 9 pm when we were dispatched returned home around 1am. had to hand jack 1,000 feet of 3 in. hose and wyed off with inch and three quarter lines do to the driveway conditions. house was total loss. we responded with one pumper, one tanker and the 4x4 mule which was used to haul equipment back to the scene. have a good evening and stay safe.
  • Hugh

    Hi Dewayne and Diana, I am very sorry to hear about DeWaynes father and I am sure he would be Very Proud of him and You for following in his footsteps it takes special people to want to do this job whether you are a Volunteer or a Career Paid Firefighter. Is it true you guys are getting snow and ice down there in Ky I thought I heard that on the news!! I have thirty years in as a active Volunteer and I have one gorgeous brilliant daughter and she goes to Penn State University Main Campus up at State College and she is Majoring in Architecture and she is doing fantastic and rally loves it. She called and said she had twenty students drop out of her class . She has a petite girl from China has her Dorm mate and the first time I went up to see Rachel my daughter and I walked into the dorm I laughed my head off her dorm looked like a tornado hit it. She said Dad I am sorry I just haven't had time to do more cleaning but I have everything organized under my bed. It was so funny and I thought to myself typical college lol lol Rachel loves to read and she is very brilliant but has a world of common sense and is very artistic and very muscially incline she plays the piano and loves it and she loves to draw by freehand. She graduated with honors in high school and was the number one or number two student in her high school. I fell 15-18 feet inside a home under construction and busted all of my ribs and several other things and was in the hospital in Pittsburgh for over a month and they took me by medic unit which was a twenty minute drive when I thought they would have flown me because of the injuries. So I have been off of work and hope to be better within three months . I thought all these years as a firefighter I never went through anything like this but such as life. My daughter is an under graduate and in her third or fourth year she will go to Rome to study and England to study Diana I am so proud of her she is the Air that I Breathe. Take care and Stay Safe. GO STEELERS!!! Your Friend Hughie The 57 House
  • Hugh

    Hi Diana,You know Diana each time I would watch the news and weather I kept looking to see what they would report about your area and I thought you had a terrible storm go through your state. Listen I will certainly keep you guys in my prayers and my thoughts. Thank God no one got hurt in the house fire . That is a terrible mess when one comes in because its bad enough us firefighters worry about the people in the home but than when you go to get off the engine its like oh boy here we go a sprained ankle or broken leg or cold hands and cold feet and there is nothing worse than that or to see the men and women carry out a little child or occupant from the home. My heart goes out to you but I will say a very special weather prayer for all of you. So the weather lets up and the situation gets alot better for all of you guys but please stay safe. I thought we were gonna get nailed with that bad storm but now they are calling for us to have a 50/50 chance of getting hit by it on Tuesday so we shall see but I will do what I have to especially for my parents because my father is an invalid and he was struck by a massive stroke and he is trapped in his body but I thank god that I still have him but if I have to I will walk through the storm to my parents to make sure they are ok because they live about five miles away from me. If you don't have any power for awhile than you can always get some Spam in a can to feed the firefighters so they have something to eat and won't have to worry about refrigeration and you can get Sterno in little cans and light one it makes a small flame to cook or to heat if it gets that bad. I hope all goes well and tell the men and women they are what the fire service is all about and what makes America so Great. God Bless You Always. Your Brother Firefighter Hughie The 57 House
  • Bill Bryant

    Glad to be here! Still stumbling around in here trying to find my way in the dark! Thanks for the invite, by the way!
  • brian weaver

    u need to return the favor on joining
  • Brad Lieut. #407

    Great lights and vehicles! You guys have great taste in brands of vehicles. I have a 03 Ram diesel and I absolutely love it. I live in Woodsfield, Oh and have been a volunteer fireman for 13 years. LOVE IT!
  • Brad Lieut. #407

    Nice to meet new people. I have an cuz that lives neer Lexington. How close is that to you guys? Thought about moving down that way sometime, but it will be a while. I have worked for O.D.O.T. for 15 years, kinda hard to leave now. Is there any heavy equip. oper. jobs down that way? Thanks for adding me as your friend!
  • Brad Lieut. #407

    Stopped by station to run a couple trucks with my son(Jaydon). He's down from Columbus, for the weekend. Looks like you guys do alot for your comm. also. I think that's great! Nice pics, but looks like someone had bad day with the engine, at the field fire. It happens to everyone, if you are doing your best. Maybe I should come down and give them driving lessons(ha ha)! Well gotta take the boy to see my parents. Stay safe!! Oh, thanks for thinking of our dept. through the tough times!!! Need anything just let us know.
  • Doug

    Nice pictures, looks like everyone had a great day at the asthma camp. have been running a few calls, had a fund raiser for one of our fireman last week, the brother firefighter has cancer and not much time left in this world. continue to have our standard drills on tuesday but not much going on do to the ball games and graduations with the members of the department. Do to the wife and mine our work schedule does not give us much time to spend at the fire hall like we should be. be safe and God Bless.
  • Jerri

    It's awesome what you all do!!!! Keep up the good work!!
  • Nick

    Hey D&D so far so good. Hope all is well with yall! I couldn't do it without your all's support and leadership by stepping up to the plate with recommendations. THANK YOU!!!! I mean that to I am thankful fore each and every member we have right now and I hope to continue growing. Once I get the money and the morale where I want it we will focus on growing the dept and getting out in the community PR wise. CYALL


  • brian weaver

    whats up
  • brian weaver

    what no pics of me