Scott A. Carrigan

36, Male


United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic, Other
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Montville fire rescue, Montville Ohio
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
36-hr fire card.
About Me:
well what to say humm well im a true die hard Cowboy i love horses i used to ride untill i joined the military im in the 2 battalion 5th Cavarly Regemint wich i love due to the history with horses back in the wild west days and im a part of that!! i love to go riding in the woods behind my parents farm its just so relaxing to trail ride on a horse. i also 4-wheel mostly in very muddy areas and getting stuck all the damn time i go in to deep in the swamps lol i love the fire department with all my heart and cant wait to get out of the military so i can keep fighting fire and pulling peoploe out of fucked up cars
i do have tatoos and a toung percing i have four tatoos right now one on my lower left arm one uper right arm and two on my shoulder blades on my back that arent done yet and cant wait to finish
Day Job:
U.S Army Active duty/ Deployed
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Love to help people and to do some thing not many people want to in to a burning building when people are running out.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I love to help people in need
Top Issues Facing Responders:
finding a job up north i looked around when i was home on R@R and there was all waiting list because they wernt hairing but down in Texas diffrent story you need a fire rescuse job go to texas

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  • Meris

    Oh wow, okay! Very neat :)
  • Meris

    It said you were online, and I tried IMing you, but who knows, haha! Well anyway, feel free to email me whenever you want.
  • SLIM

    hey hon.... keep your head up. you know how some depts are. just smile and laugh!!!
  • Meris

    Oh goodness, that doesn't sound fun at all :( I hope it gets better once you're out of the house!
  • M.A. Perkins E.M.T.(aka Tony)

    welcome too firefighter nation be safe and be careful we wish you all a merry christmas and a happy new year

    Lt. Michael A. Perkins
    Fire Department
    Rescue Squad
    Infectionist Control Officer
  • Jessica

    white is too cool! we have the only white and blue ambulances and fire trucks in all of my county. so i think it's pretty awesome!
  • Jessica

    oh and btw King George here in Va have green ambulances. yeah but i'm in training. we have a class at my high school.our state finals are in may, i've very excited! i'll be 18 when we do the test. my b-day is in 9 days! =] thanks for the red head comment. lol. i get that alot. =]
  • Jessica

    that's cool. i'm full blooded irish. =]
  • Meris

    Haven't heard from you in a while--you doing okay?
  • Jessica

    havent talked to you in awhile. how are you?
  • Scott A. Carrigan

    sorry all im back but that will be till sunday them i will not be on for three and a half months. im open for addresses so i can write but i have no computer access
  • Meris

    Glad to hear you're alright :) Yeah, I'd love to send letters (I'm a dork like that!), so I'll email you my address. Can't wait to talk to you.
  • Jessica

    that's pretty coool. i dont meet to many people with that much irish in them.
    that sucks you have to go to boot camp! =P
    Happy New Year to you too!
  • Scott A. Carrigan

    ok count down is now four days till i leave and im sick so i hope i get better befor i leave lol. hope every ones new year was great!! stay safe
  • ricky

    hey im doin the same thing just with the coast guard because it gives me more of a chance at being stationed in new york or chicago but stay safe have fun at basic
  • Jojo

    Hi amd welcome to FFN! Thanks for being a solider we need more people like you:)
  • LittleDorn

    scott ur a dork. n i still hate u
  • Scott A. Carrigan

    Hey every one lol im on a three day pass off base but ill still be in basic till may 9th. oh with in six months i WILL be in Iraq.
  • Meris

    Aw, I hope you love your three days off base! Call me later if you can, I'll be working on some stupid grant thing all night. :(
  • Scott A. Carrigan

    well im going back to the base today.
  • Scott A. Carrigan

    well im back home after 18 weeks of Fort Knox. i leave sunday morning to go to my duty station at Fort Hood texas then six months of deplyment tranning then getting deployed around thanksgiving
  • Jessica

    im doing pretty good. how about yourself?
  • Jessica

    oh wow. im sorry. be safe okay?
  • Jessica

    that's what im gonna do too. go career soon. it's gonna be awesome.
  • Jessica

    haha neither am i. i gonna go for the paramedic as well
  • Jessica sorry to hear that. i've never had an IV and dnt plan on it either! haha. hopefully it wont happen..........
  • Jessica

    hahahaha...awesome yeah i saw you left a pic comment. we've been friends since i've started using this.
  • Jessica

    aww thanks. those are my senior pics and my fire 1 class
  • Jessica

    haha.....that's great!! haha now im laughing!
  • Jessica

    yeah i know i did! that's funny.
  • Jessica

    yeah i was really happy now i gotta wear 2 retainers and i hate them. i barely wear them. which is super bad of me bc my teeth could go back to f'ed up again.
  • Jessica

    haha yeah i know!!! i did right after i commented you!! i was at kings dominion for the day. rode their new ride and it was fucking AWESOME!!! i got in the front row for that shit. i cant wait to go back!!
  • Jessica

    wells its in va so i guess you wouldnt know since your from ohio. haha. its pretty cool kinda old but we get new rides like all the time.
  • Connie

    aw that sucks were are you getting deployed to?
  • Connie

    well good luck when you go over there!
  • Mandi

    So I've been sitting here tryin to come up with a good come back and I cant, but thats ok because I know that I made the right choice when I chose the Air Force. Just keep this in mind the Air Force is the one takin care of your injured friends and bringing them home NOT the Army! I know this because I have worked in an Aeromedical Staging Facility and have transported several from one plane to the next on there journey home.
    I pray that you come home safe and pray that I never have to trasport you from one plane to the next on your way back to Ft. Hood. (if you come home this way you have to go through Scott AFB, IL which is where I'm stationed)
    Stay safe. Live Well. Laugh Often. Love Much.
    SrA Lockwood
    Medic USAF
  • Greg Burgess

    hey brother stay safe. i am in the air force, 200th red horse. i am home now because of a knee injury, but can not wait to go back.
  • Mandi

    lol...well garenteed jobs in the AF are hard to get.....let alone trying to be a PJ. I got lucky (i came in open general) and am tryin to further my AFC (MOS) so that I'm an Evac Medic...and that aint workin so fast, my flight chief is puttin off some letters of recomendation so i kinda know the feeling. I hate the Army too know that you can cross into the blue........
  • Greg Burgess

    yeah its been crappy, but it 60 today and 70- 80 this weekend. knee doing better cant wait until i can go back, unless they decide to discharge me, then i will check out my options else were.
  • Mandi

    Yep :) lol well good luck when you get out. especially with the economy the way it is.
  • Mandi

    hay its been a while since you had a smart ass comment...prayin everythings ok....a word to the wise...dont play sports! more people come home that way it seams like.
  • Mandi

    apparently some AF guys dont know how to have fun lol

    hope you have as much of a happy birthday as you can!!!
  • Mandi

    lol well at least you had a little fun
  • Mandi

    if you want to be a PJ so bad why did you give up??? you can still do it. or you could be a FF!
  • Mandi

    so find a diffrent recruter and try again. you no longer live in the same area so the chances of you getting the same recruter are highly unlikely.
  • Mandi

    well you can be pararescue and a cowboy!!!! you can do it as a reservist. this article just happend to be in the new airmans mag its about a reservist pararescue group
    so see you still have a chance to do it!
  • Mandi

    ha...ha...u think ur so funny. my desk isnt wood and i have to share an office with 5 other people where patients can see us! and not all of us sit at a desk! i havent even seen my desk since may!!
  • Mandi

    well our security forces are short handed so they vol told some of us from other squadrons to help out. so im worin swings and trying to keep up with my friends and the dog and the computer is the last place i go. i went from workin 07-17 M-F to 13-22 6 on 3 off so my life is a little busy. notice where im at on a Fri night! lol :) Like the background almost confused myself thought i was makin a comment on my own pg!
  • Ashley Hampton

    4-H is awesome in GA....i was in from 5th grade until i graduated this yr....i acctually did my DPA project on was AWESOME
  • Scott A. Carrigan

    getting ready to take the online fire academy course and cant WAIT HAHAHA im so happy right now