Jeff Taormina

57, Male

Nutley, NJ

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Assistant or Deputy Chief
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
Firefighter - HazMat Tech.
Relationship Status:

Comment Wall:

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hey Jeff! Thanks for the add bro. I admire what you are doing for your brother. I too like to lift and train. I am nursing a back injury right now and not being able to work out is killing`s like a drug man! What is the temperature where you are at now? It is freakin cold here today. Do you by any chance, swap patches? I have been doing that as a hobby for almost 20 years and have over 4,000 so far. Let me know if you would be interested in a swap!! Stay safe out there bro.

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Thanks Jeff! I will check out the site!!! My address is:
    Daniel Garvin
    4399 Viau Street
    Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada
    H9H 3B1

    Stay safe my friend
  • Stephen Kisak

    Haha yeah thanks for the add man
    do you go to competitions?
  • Stephen Kisak

    yeah i can understand im a junior in high school im 145 lbs i have a good lower its just upper i need to start workin on i placed in state last year with a 180 bench 415 squat and a 375 deadlift
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Thanks Jeff! Stay safe out there bro.

  • Justin Westmoreland

    thanks for the add bro
  • Justin Westmoreland

    Hey Jeff, No prob.

    stay safe
  • Sue Okenyi


    Awesome being a fire fighter in your brother's honor. You have been in my prayers these last few days. Take care.
  • Sue Okenyi

    Wow. Thank you for sharing that story with me. It always touches me to receive such personal stories. Hope this week will be a good one for you. I've been away from work for a week. I went to San Diego for the Firehouse World Expo that takes place there. Not well attended but still an awesome experience.
  • anne potter

    welcome to the nation.. And thanks for the invite.. Here's to a new firend made....
  • Timothy D. Stone Jr

    Hey man just want to say i think its so awsome you do this in your brothers honor. Stay safe out there man.
    PS Batmans cool as hell
  • Rae Ann Ozelis

    Hey Brother! how are you? Love your page! Ya have a great taste in music! Keep it real and stay safe out there! Bring em' all home!
  • Rae Ann Ozelis

    You got that right!
  • Shawna Syth

    no problem. :)
  • rebecca carlino

    no......thank u for accepting!
  • Chel

    Your Welcome....stay safe!-
  • Barbara Leach

    I just wanted to drop you a note to say that what you are doing is beyond honorable in your brothers memory. You are amazing.
    I grew up in Jersey and spent every weekend in loss is no comparison to yours but please know that my heart will always be with you and all those who lost a loved one that day. Always get back safe and God Bless you always. Barb