Marty D. Ross


Republic, MO

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer, EMS/Rescue Squad - Volunteer
Job Function
Assistant or Deputy Chief
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Clever Fire Protection District
Years With Department/Agency
19 years
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
County Wide Fire Dept. 1981-1983 Battlefield Fire Dept 1983-1990 Clever fire 1990-present
My Training:
Tanker ops. scene saftey structurial fire fighting, auto extrication & advanced course, fire fighter 1 (the old style ) haz-mat awareness & ops,fire officer 1, managing under a changing enviroment..
About Me:
I started the fire service to see if I could do it. What I found out is that I really love what I do . My nine to five is in a factory as A painter/ powder coater. I am the father of five children, i've been married for 22years.
Day Job:
Painter/powder coater for Loren Cook Co.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
It was something that I had never done before,but wanted to try. Then I found out that I was good at it.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Of that one small child that says thanks

Comment Wall:

  • Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp

    Marty, welcome to the Nation. I am glad you dropped in to join the group. Dont be shy just jump in anywhere and get your feet wet. There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all. Takes a bit to kinda figure it all out but you will be glad you did. Have fun and look around.

    Chief William Sharp
    Southern Oregon Coast
  • Filiberto Rodriguez

    Welcome to the family where the language and reasoning important the Border is not in our work is to save lives regardless of color, religion or social position, much less. The important thing in our work does not need language to communicate, or borders to help.
    Greetings from Mexico.
    you’re new friend Filiberto.

  • Daniel

    Hey Chief. Hows it going? I posted a picture up here that I know you'll like.
  • firechief911

    welcome to the nation thanks for the add
  • Nikki C. Saunders

    Hi Marty,
    We have another winter storm advisory here from midnight tonight until Saturday night. I am so sick of the snow. Another 5 to 7 inches expected. I guess I shouldn't be complaining. We are finally getting some moisture this winter season. Kinda scares us though because what is fire season gonna bring us? Any ways thanks for the friend request and as always, STAY SAFE!!! Take care and I will talk to you in a day or so.
  • Nikki C. Saunders

    It does say spring on mine too. Sure doesn't feel like it though. It is supposed to warm up by Monday though and possibly 60 by Tuesday. I can't wait. Come summer time we will all be complaining of the heat though. What else do you do? Talk to you later. Take Care
  • Nikki C. Saunders

    Hey Marty,
    Good to hear from you. It's also starting to warm up here also, today was kind of cold and rainy, but tomorrow is supposed to warm back up and be near 70 by Monday. Can't wait!!! Tornado watches huh? Boy one extreme to another!!! We haven't had any of them yet! Knock on wood!! Those usually come middle of summer for us though and they usually don't amount to much except for lots of wind, hail and lightning. I will talk to you soon. Have a great Easter!!! Take care and BE SAFE!!!
  • Nikki C. Saunders

    Happy Easter! Glad to hear everyone made it thru okay!! Mother Nature sure can be wild huh? We had alot of sky lightning lastnight, and a few rain drops but that's about it. Nothing real exciting, except to watch the lightning. It's supposed to be real nice today and up in the 70's tomorrow with some thunderstorms but nothing real bad as of yet. Then we have a slight cool down on Tuesday thru Thursday with rain. Wish this weather would make up it's mind on what it wants to do. Anyways, glad to hear everyone is alright and have a great Easter!
    Stay safe and I will talk to you later in the week!!
  • Nikki C. Saunders

    Hey, it would be really cool for all of you to come up and help! To bad you are so far away! It's supposed to be up in the 70's by Monday. The guys are taking the state lands truck out and the tender on Tuesday and Wednesday. Blm and us are going to finish the blackline, then after that they will set the whole inside on fire. Jim said they are bringing up a helicopter. I don't remember what he called it yesterday, maybe a helitorch? Anyways, I told the BLM guys once you land, I want to see inside. I've never been up close to one before, and this would be a perfect chance. They said no problem!!! I can't wait. I will put pictures on the site once I get them. Anyways, gotta get going. Talk to you soon!
    Take Care and BE SAFE!!!
  • Nikki C. Saunders

    Well, the weather is finally getting warmer and warmer!!! It's realy nice. Unfortunately, I am stuck inside for a little bit so I can get my final paper done for school. Almost done, maybe another couple hours. Then I can go out and enjoy the sunshine and the warmth. Anyways, you have a great week and I will talk to you soon. Take Care and BE SAFE!!
  • Nikki C. Saunders

    Hey Stranger,
    Been along time since I have talked to you. So, how are you and the rest of the gang doing? Everything going pretty good here. Staying nice and busy. We have finally warmed up and had some pretty good thunder and lightning storms Saturday and Sunday night. Nothing real hecktic though. Scared the crap out of my daughter though. We are supposed to get hit pretty hard Thursday night. Can't wait. Well, everything is good here and still going strong with my online college courses! Keeps me pretty busy going to school full time. Sorry, I haven't been on here lately. just been really busy. Hop to hear from you soon.
    Stay Safe
    Always, Nikki
  • Nikki C. Saunders

    Hey back to you! We are going to be celebrating our 100th year on the 3rd and 4th of July this year! i can't wait. It's gonna be a hell of a party. Hopefully we can enjoy it in peace this year without any fire calls. I am keeping my fingers crossed. They are gonna have a heck of a firework show on the 3rd this year!
    Well, we are supposed to get up to 95 today and we have a red flag warning. We are supposed to get some strong to severe storms tonight. Hopefully nothing real violent. Anyways, it is great to hear from you! Say hello to everyone for me. We should have out new Type 6 Attack Truck up and going anyday. It can roll if we need it. We are waiting for our lightbar, siren, and the radio. But, if we have to, Jim has a red light that we can use in it and we have our portable radios if we need them. We are also getting a new DNRC truck this weekend. I think it is another brush truck, that is also certified as a structure truck, but don't quote me on that. I don't remember.
    anyways, I had better get going, I have two assignments due today so I better get busy. I want to get them done before the nasty weather hits.
    So, I will talk to you later. Keep cool
    Stay Safe,
    Always, Nikki
  • Nikki C. Saunders

    That's great! Glad to hear that! So you will be looking for dispatchers soon huh?! Maybe I should relocate and move down there!!! I'm dead serious!
  • Nikki C. Saunders

    Just give me the holler and I will find a way down! Seriously!!!! Anyways glad to hear you got your truck. We get ours from DNRC on Monday morning. Mark is going to meet us at the fire hall and he's taking the old one back with him to Billings.
    Tonight we have severe thunderstorms across the whole area. Have them coming in again tomorrow afternoon and night. Hopefully it will spare us tomorrow night for awhile so we can do the 100th birthday for Roundup with the fireworks and all.
    I will take pictures from my phone and send them to you on Monday. If I don't talk to you again before, you all have a great 3rd and 4th of July. Hopefully, you all will be safe!
    Take Care and Be Safe!!! Happy 4th of July!!!!
    Your Friend Always,