Dexter Hatcher



United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Beckley Fire Dept, Beckley,WV
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
18 years or in house training officiers, West Virginia Univ. fire extension program, RESA, and various state schools
About Me:
Retired in 1990 after receiving compression fractures of my disc from a airplane crash. I enjoyed firefighting more than any job I have had or ever will. Past advisory board member of the West Virginia Professional Firefighter Association and Vice President of the West Virginia Professional Firefighters Association For more years than I care to admitt.
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
http://ddhatcher or sugarbear1950@hotmail
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Every little boys dream.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
feeling of accomplishment with no thanks needed.
Top Issues Facing Responders:

Comment Wall:

  • Keith Bradt SR

    welcome to FFN.from Renss NY.
    you will like it here on FFN.we are
    one big happy family.Stay Safe out
    there Lates BRO..
  • Jim aka Bick

  • James

    hey dexter your welcome yes i am one of your friends now wlecome to FFN FROM ME TO TTYL MY BOTHER
  • Dexter Hatcher

    Thanks for the add beer pong be safe
  • Dexter Hatcher

    Thanks for all the ads
  • Dexter Hatcher

    Ck Video Ref. Beckley Fire Dept 3 tapes you tube
  • Nathan Smith

    you're welcome man. stay safe out there
  • James

    hey Dexter what station are stationed at for right now also if you are out my way come stop by are station
  • Zach

    Your welcome Stay Safe..
  • Timothy White

    You are added. Remember a dead hero is no good to anyone!
  • Timothy White

    No problem on the add. I'm always thankful for the "old guys". There is so much we can learn from you and your experience. If you ever get up to Northeast PA look us up and come see the station. We are proud to be one of the top training companies in the county.
  • James

    cool dexter i just got you comment thats cool bud he bud when you get a chance come down to the station i will give you a tour bud so i guess i will ttyl james
  • QFDWife

    Thanks for the Welcome!
  • Shay Bond

    Thanks Man nice photo to you to!!!!
  • James

    Hey bud what Beckely station did you used to work before you retired becuase i was just woundering ttyl bother
  • andrew

    Thanks for the welcome stay safe
  • andrew

    my pop and i built them one four years again and the other we just got it back out on the road
  • Eric T Mcvey

    Thank You... Sorry I took so long to answer. I have had 2 surgeries and been in the hospital for over a week.
  • James

    Hey Dexter I need to ask to a question ttyl james b
  • James

    Hey Dexter i just wanted to say i not what thats like i havent been able to check my profile for along time to so don't worry about ttyl bud
  • John Kriska

    Back at you. I have been retired twice, first from the USMC and second form the Fire Service. Currently fish, travel and teach PPA.
  • Josh

    Thanks for the Wecome. I just stumbled acrossed this website and its the first thing that I have found for u Firefighters.
  • Jeff Borra

    Hi from Roanoke VA
  • wvhuckleberry

    thanks for the "friend" invite!!--always behind on keeping up with new friends--thanks again--
  • John Cox

    Hey Dexter, I finally joined the nation. This thing is huge.

    John boy
  • Dexter Hatcher

    Glad you found it, I don"t get to spend enough time here. As you noticed I don't have my page complete, Its all I can do to answer messages and comments. Nice to have a personnel friend aboard.. My nephew is setting up a new web for Beaver. Later feiend
  • Lisa

    Thanks for the friend request!!
  • Carrie Hawkins

    Hello, Your profile reading is inspiring and I hope some young men and women read it and follow your mission level work.