

Oxbow, New York

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Secretary / Treasurer, Firefighter
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Oxbow Vol. Fire Dept.
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
On scene support
Fire Behavior and Arson Awareness
hoping to take firefighter 1 soon
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I joined the fire service as something to i do it because its something that i absolutely love doing...i still have lots to learn but i enjoy learning new things about being a firefighter
Why I Love Fire/EMS
protecting, helping and serving people is somthing that is extremly important to me

Comment Wall:

  • DoubleH..Harry

    Hi Amanda
    Did you see the video on youtube of the fire in Antwerp? It 's a good one! Harry
  • jim

    hey there i gave u my pager thats why it didnt look like your ,its got a black strip on it jim
  • anne potter

    hello amanda find your pager lol
  • anne potter

    jim is on here also also tom
  • anne potter

    good I am glad.. to hear that.. bored being off work stinks...
  • Rom919

    Hello Amanda,,,,, good to see Oxbow Fire on the front line...
  • Raymond C Drake

    Hello Amanda
    Keep up the good work in oxbow and tell Chad Decker we miss him at upstate
  • Rom919

    Hello Amanda... Jim should have the pics from that training exercise that we where in .... I also got them on CD for you to use... Good Luck on the Phoenix Application... Tom
  • Rom919

    Hello Amanda.... why or why haven't you stopped at Jim's house and got those disks I got for you to use.... LOL ... How about starting a Myspace page for Oxbow Fire and putting the pics on that??? Just a idea... let me know on how the Phoenix App goes.... Tom
  • Rom919

    OUTSTANDING..... CONGRATULATIONS... I believe you will have a great time and learn a lot about this field of firefighting, including some things that we do wrong... surprise.. Again... Congratulations... Let me know if you need anything.. I am heading down to Harrisburg, Pa, tonight to the fire expo.. 15-18 May.. Keep me informed... Tom