

Helix, Oregon

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Fire Chief / Chief of Department, EMS Chief / Division Head
Years in Fire/EMS:
20 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Helix, Oregon
Years With Department/Agency
10 years
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
District 12A Training Association
Apple Valley City Fire Department
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
San Bernardino County Fire Dept.
My Training:
FF2, EMT-B, Instructor 1 And you get the idea, 20 years of training adds up to a really long boring list of classes and certificates.
About Me:
Let's see, I grew up as the Captain's daughter, swore to myself that I would never work in the same station as my step dad because of the headaches that would cause. But about 6mos after turning 18, I couldn't stand to not be a part of it so I joined the local PCF station where he was also a Captain. Needless to say, there were challenging times but I wouldn't change it. I met my husband of 18 years in that dept. and got my first taste of the being a firefighter. The rest is history you might say. Over the course, I've tried to give up suppression because as a Mom it can be dangerous and little ones made it difficult to respond as much as I would have liked. I went into prevention and all the while my heart ached to be back on the engines. Following my heart, I returned to the suppression end of it and continued to work hard and to learn a lot. Recently I was promoted to Fire Chief. Now I'm REALLY working hard and learning A LOT! :) So in a nutshell, there's the Cliffnote version of my story. Zip me an email if you have any questions or comments.
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
It's in my blood. My Dad is a retired Captain for the Space Shuttle Rescue Team at Edwards AFB. After experiencing the fire service through him I knew there was nothing else that would satisfy me.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
being able to help my neighbor when no one else can.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Being everything to everyone at any time and being good at it.

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  • Leola Hulet

    Hello, yep they are good guys. I learned alot from both of them. Me and my husband was just there in Weston last year and visited with bill, don wasn't in town that day, would have been nice seeing him too.
    Stay safe. Leola
  • Lane Doby

    Asheville is about a 2 or 3-hour drive west from where I'm at. Beautiful area, though!
  • Jay

    Just wanted to introduce myself and hope you stay safe out there. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Ric Smith

    Well the Navy moved me to Hawaii for 6 yrs, then I worked in Colorado before taking a better job in Washington....for now ;-)
  • iceman

    Hi Michele,
    Just dropped in to say hi.
    Stay safe and have a great night

  • Kelly

  • Captain Hays

    Hay Michele. How's everything going in you next of the woods. Open all is going good. Just stop to say hi. Hope you have a great week. I am on shift for the next week. Been off for i while looking forward to get back into the action. Talk at you later.
  • Kelly

    thanks for letting me add you hope to talk soon got to go and study
  • tony

    stay safe out there
  • Danny

    Hi Michele how are ya doing..whats been going on in your neck of the woods or maybe hills that is..hehe nothen too much here anyways just been doing some early spring cleaning..take care...
  • Al

  • Leola Hulet

    Happy Easter!! Michele
  • Bobby Shelton

    Please come join our haz-mat discussion group. With your years of experience it would benefit us all
  • Chris Manning

    Hey there, I used to be with Apple Valley as a PCF. I now live in Amherst NY and am with a Vollie company here, was a capt. unitl last year. Decieded to step down for now and just be a regular old black hat, less stress and same amount of pay, if you know what I mean. It is quite a small world, I notice my friend Kyle has already found you on here also.
  • Heart of a Hero

    It's been a while since I've come over and said hello - so I wanted to take a minute and do it - -hope you're doing great and staying safe!

    Come by and check out my page leave a comment if you'd like. Thanks!

    Paul King
    Heart of a Hero
  • Leola Hulet

    Hello, Its been a long while. Hope you have a save and great weekend. Doing well here in Montana. Take Care
  • Chan Rivera

    hi welcome to ffn from ny
  • Chan Rivera

    thank you for the add "Chan"
  • Chris Manning

    Yes they did go county, alot of turmoil going on there from what I have read. Becker cleared out his desk that night and retired so they have in interm chief until the change over. I moved to the suburbs of Buffalo about 10 years ago. It is ok here but I miss the west coast and the good fires we used to get there. I just laugh everytime I hear them tone out a brush fire out here. They have no idea what a real brush fire is around here. I started out there as an explorer back in '86, when st.1 was the only fulltime station and everything else was PCF. Talk to you later
  • Chris Manning

    yeah it is AMR now. They say that having a medic on the engine will supplement the amr medic, so lets say they roll on an MVA they will have atleast 2 medics on location right away instead of having to wait for another ambulance. Yeah i guess a bunch of them and stormed out of the meeting. The way I look at it, they should justbe glad to still have a job. |I would love to have a FT FF job.
  • Chris Manning

    I guess this (the medic thing) is something that a some of the guys have been trying to get implemented for a while now and it kept getting shot down.
  • Chris Manning

    Yeah tell me about it, things have really changed there with a lot of stuff. When was the last time you were back. I went back the last couple of years and could not believe the growth up there. I know a few people that have left AVFD andwent to county because they were not happy with some of the stuff going on there.
  • Chris Manning

    Who is your friend there, I know some of those guys.
  • Leola Hulet

    Hello I saw that you put Sunny Ca on the bottom of your comment, I'm in Montana :) but it would be nice to go to Ca hear it is a little warmer there. Hoping that we don't get any fires this year here in Montana than last year. Just setting around home here in Montana and enjoying the good weather that we do have right now. Been to Weston lately? I wrote to Bill Boyd but haven't heard andything back from him, He does get busy through with working on radios and the fd too. Have a fun week.
  • Leola Hulet

    Hey thanks I sometimes get places wrong too. Wow bill's been a single guy all his life, that is some news. O I have a myspace too, I just went to add you on it. If you see don again Let him know that I said hello, I hope he still remembers me as my last name has changed, Just let him know that one of the women firefighters that was on his department said hello. Me and my mom were both on the Weston fd. She is now in a nusing home, She now has Alztimers, it hit her hard. well I must close as Im going to town
  • R. Dale Ladd

    Love the playlist
  • Danny

    Hi michele how are ya doing..its been awhile since i been on to leave ya a comment..my bad..anyways hope things are going good take care..
  • Jeff Ripley

    You for got chief cook and bottle washer - one wears many hats with a smaller agency - which is part of the satisfaction. Are you currently Chief there now?
  • Danny

    Thanks on the comment...yea its been alot of fun was runnen around pendleton and hermiston this eve with a friend...but things have been on n off here...take care n stay safe out there...
  • R. Dale Ladd

    I like the playlist, Check out a group called Shinedown and listen to there version on Simple man. I'ts pretty good.
  • AFD

    Hi Im Anthony
    Glad to meet you :)
    you have an Great Smile
    also Glad to hear your Dad was DOD Fire
    so am i Local F 33 San Diego
    i also worked with and for CDF years ago
    and the USFS : ) Hotshot Crew and Engines.
    my Little Brother Retired CDF
    where the fires just were, BUTT County
    and Paradise . Michele Be Safe OK
    Bless you and your Love ones, Ok Sister.
    always Anthony
  • AFD

    Yes Michele

    California sure is busy
    up North but it happens that way alot
    down here Southern California
    will be busy come next month by Novembers Cool winds
    sometimes October is really a big pain in the kicker too
    but Nature is what it is .
    DoD is Civil Service
    just back then No one
    wanted to use the name Dept of War.
    any how Be Safe Ok Chow Anthony
  • Jeff Ripley

    I'm curious about your service area: square miles, population, number of volunteers, stations, apparatus, budget. I respect your desire to serve in an area like that - lots of challenges, but lots of fun, too!

  • Jeff Ripley

    Yes, I've known Barry for years, good guy.
    Do you work with USFWS? We co-operate in their single engine air tanker (seat) program and have used it over Juniper Canyon. Do you mutual-aid with WW Co. and does your agency train to NWCG wildland firefighter quals? Sorry for all the questions, just curious, being a fellow firefighter and training officer!
  • Barry Homyack

    Good evening Michele. How you doing tonight. Just thought Id say hello to you. Stay safe
  • catfish

    hey gal just wanted to say hello
  • Danny

    Hey girl hows things in your neck of the woods or better yet hows things in your neck of the grass lands...hehe..so how did ya fair out of the thunderstorms that rolled through the last couple days..we ended up with a few..nothen we couldnt handle hehehe...will catch ya later...
  • Don Sims

    Just stopping by to say hello. Take care and stay safe.
  • Don Sims

    Things are good so far. Sunny and not to hot, almost scary lol.
  • catfish

    things here in ky are boring especially on mondays.hope all is well with you.glad were friends
  • Barry Homyack

    Hello Michele. How are you doing. Just wanted to say hello to ya. Have a good week and stay safe out there./
  • Danny

    Hey there no i wasnt able to go to the 730 fire..i was working but was able to hit the fire we had in badger canyon the other day..it looks like the badger one fire was a little stubborn it lit back up again today and took off..take care...
  • FETC

    Nice page Chief,

    Please check out mine and my website also. Stay Safe! Bill

  • Jeff Ripley

    Hi, how was your season of fire this summer? We had a more active season than usual; crews got lots of initial attack. We're rapidly approaching structure fire season and have a new recruit session underway - no rest for training!

  • Mike Moncrief

    Thanks for the friendship, God Bless Ya
  • Danny

    Hey michele how are ya doing..just stopped into say hi and see how things are going.....
  • ~*~Teela~*~

    Michele!!!! How are you???? I miss ya!!! Great to see you on here! Kelly has one too and i think Kyle might also, but i haven't been on here in FOREVER so i have no idea! LOL!
  • Kyle Bryant

  • ~*~Teela~*~

    Hey! Thats awesome your teachin academy!!! That would be a blast! It was great to hear from ya even though i see you all over the place lol.. Well, Merry Christmas! Talk to you soon!
  • Danny

    well hello there stoppen in to say hi can't believe its been so long since i talked with ya...hope things are good take care...