VaLeRiE cRaWfOrD


Jefferson City Tennessee

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
8 Months
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Jefferson city Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
8 mouths
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
Tennessee Fire Service and Codes Academy
FF100 Basic Firefighting (64hrs)

Tennessee Fire Service and Codes Academy
FF100 Live Burn Firefighter (22hrs)
About Me:
Jefferson City Fire Department 2008
Recruit of the Year
Day Job:
BAE System
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
to help people
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I love to help people

Comment Wall:

  • Jeff

    Ah, another Jefferson City citizen. Welcome, from Knoxville. Hope everything is going well for you. Stay safe.
  • Jenn

    Hey on your comment on female firefighters that you left, a couple tips if you are humpn hose sometimes it is easier to twist the hose so it does a loop, try and make a big loop then you just have to roll it around(if you dont know what I mean let me know I am bad at explaining things but I can try and go into more detail if you need it.) and if (still humpn hose) the nozzle person stops to spray water try knealing on the hose a couple feet behind them but not too far that way you dont get tired of holding it and the nozzle person can pretty much have no pressure pushing them back at the tip b/c your knealing on it is taking that force and you dont feel it either. And if you fold your arms around the hose like you would fold your arms as if you were just standing around and then just lean your back to the person at the tip and just use your weight to lean back into them that takes some of the pressure off. In my Dept we use 2 inch. It sucks and itseems to feels a heck of a lot heavier than 1 1/2 inchs but luckly When we went to the burn building we went with a few other Depts and they all used 1 1/2 when I picked that up I felt like I could go all day. So if you want that feeln I suggest getting a 2 inch charged hose line and draggn that around for a while :-) I hope this was the info you were looking for. Hope it helps Good Luck and stay safe!
  • boots

    I apologize it has took me so long to get back with you. What exact problems are you having when it ocmes to the hose? Going to BellBuckle will be a great experience, they work with you and do not make you feel as if you know nothing. You will have a good time, dont be afraid to ask questions, they are very informative. As long as I habe been doing this, there are still things I learned from there, I cant wait to go back. Just give me a shout, I will help any way I can! Take care,
  • Angie Taylor

    sounds like you've gotten some great advice already. i personally find it easier to put the cross-lay on my right shoulder and run my left arm through the loop, securing the knob with my other hand. it's kinda hard getting started when you're a small woman. i know my first few years on the job were the hardest. i worked damn hard and took direction from some great guys. i also hit the gym and packed on about 10 lbs of muscle in about 8 months. i've since slacked off on that, but bought myself a Bowflex for Christmas. i plan on being one of "those" people. you know..."i'm 41 and i'm in the best shape of my life!!" good luck to you. and keep asking the sisters for help. we're your lifeline to keepin' your sanity while runnin' with the BigDawgs. LOL :)