Dave Casey


Ocala, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid, Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Assistant or Deputy Chief
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Seminole Tribe of Florida Fire Rescue
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Clay County Fire Rescue Chief - 11 years, Sunrise Fire Rescue - 15 years, Plantation Fire Dept (Volunteer) - 14 years
My Training:
Florida Firefighter 2, Fire Officer 1 (NFPA 2), Instructor 3, EMT, Paramedic. MPA, EFO.
About Me:
Just retired as Chief – Bureau of Standards & Training for Florida State Fire Marshal, also serving as Superintendent of the State Fire College.
Relationship Status:

Comment Wall:

  • Don Vuletic

    OK Dave, You got my attention, The picture with the tanker and firetruck on the train, new way to fight fire, whats the story
  • Don Vuletic

    Creative way to fight fire, I remember watching those fires on the news up here. Good Luck in your retirement but you don't look like a guy who going to stay behind to scene. Stay Safe
  • Allen Howard

    Cheif, thanks for sharing the great photos. Take care and be safe.
  • Allen Howard

    Sorry for the spelling error. Fla schools are the best!
  • luis campos

    chief casey ??
    where you there for last year fire explorer camp around august??
  • Chris Dilley

    It's the army's version, called a CH-47 Chinook. The 46 & 47 were both built by Boeing. The US Navy & Marine Corps operate the 46, while the 47 is currently only operated by the Army. It has the capability to lift over 11,000 pounds of water in that bambi bucket. Could be of great assistance to us in the coming fire season. The unit moved to Cecil from Craig airport a few years ago and recently added the 47's to the hanger. One of my fellow St 15 vols is a full time flight medic on the blackhawk. Thanks for the heads up about Jim, will look him up as well. As for FRE, was only there for a few hours, had to work that night. Took my father in law, made the rounds and left within 2 hours or so. Made the 12 hour night shift much longer, but FRE is always worth attending. I found the old E221, it's over in a junkyard in Lake City. I believe that I still have some pics of it, I will post them when I get home in the morning.
    Enjoy the retired life
  • Chris Dilley

    Can you call me in the afternoon sometime, got a issue that you might be able to assist with. One of my station 15 vols is having some difficulty with FSFC on getting the state FF1 exam. She completed the CCFR FF1 class a year ago and the state has her paperwork. Hoping that you would know who she needs to speak with. I work nights, anytime after 2pm is good any day of the week
  • Chris Dilley

    Thanks for the assistance. It is greatly appreciated. Check my page again tonight, going to post some additional pics of the happenings here at CCFR.
  • Chris Dilley

    Thanks for the help. It's nice to know people who can make things happen. Uploading some pics now
  • luis campos

    i remember you chief i went to the camp
    do you know if it will happen again this year?