
61, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Private EMS
Job Function
EMT - Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Smith Ambulance of Northeast Ohio
Years With Department/Agency
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
LOL! It all started when I fell down the basement steps and broke my tailbone. Sherry came with 52. They only had one EMT so they couldn't transport me. Nashville came to get me. I met Terry, Barb and Jeanie and the rest is history!
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I love helping people

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  • Lisa Haywood Campbell

    Too funny! Only 2 are mine. The one in the green shirt is my nephews baby.......still have my hands full though.
  • Budd

  • Knody Makutu

    All human are vunrable to some extent, so all need help. To help people is a blessing to the one giving. Stay in touch.
  • Ariel 683

    Thanks, you look like this really nice lady i work with :-)LOL!!
    I am feeling much better, just a little bit of a sore throat. Not sure what i had... Fever, severe headache, really sore throat....
    Dr. said it sounded like a virus thats been going around... most people don't remember being exposed to anyone who was sick.... I was wiped out all of Thursday, most of Friday.
    Anyway, hope you are all well at work....
    Stay safe and healthy, Ariel
  • Rhonda Guidry

    We have to make the long nights go by fast somehow lol;

    Take care and blessing to you too!!!
  • Chaplain Gerta Coetzee

    Hi Jill, ALS 2 from SA. Just wanne say HI. Have not heard from you in a LOOOOONG time. Hope you are still doing well. Sad about that helicopter that crashed isnt is? Its devastating when a firefighter gets called back home. You must take good care of yourself and those you love. Love & blessing from South Africa
  • jill

    Funny...I was just thinking about you Monday morning. I worked 24 on Sunday nite. Went home Monday morning to get a message from my friend Dustin at work. He was shook up and just kept asking if I was OK. He has heard the squad get called to the building I live in. There is a store on the first floor and I live above it. Turns out, that my landlord fell down the basement steps and was hurt pretty badly. Dustin panicked because he thought it was me. So, did lots of other people at work. The pastor that I had mentioned to you before showed up to help Dana and so did most everyone else. She is VERY sore, but, thankfully nothing was broken. I am doing well, and have found out that maybe people do like me after all. I actually heard that one patient heard the squad call and showed up to check on me.

    I have been praying for the ALL the victims and I keep you in my prayers every night. We are having a good summer! Blessings and Be Safe,

  • Donna Connell

    Thanks for the welcome! I look forward to meeting new people on here!
  • Rhonda Guidry

    Just wanted to say Hi, How's it going? and Have a great week!! =) - rhon
  • jill

    Thanks Rhonda. Hope you have a great week too. I'll be working 24 tomorrow with my sooo young medic partner. He is 23 and he really keeps me hopping.
    Blessings and Be Safe,

  • Dorothy Brown

    Hey , Girlfriend!
    Funny meeting you here.... One of the girls at the department told me about this web sight .Thought I would give it a try ! Never know just might meet someone here....
  • jill

    Maybe Britney or Ariel? I found it from Melissa B. and sent Britney a link. I have LOTS of WHCFD on my friends list. Check my friends list and see how many you know! LOL

    Blessings and Be Safe,

  • jeremy higbie

    thank u!! be safe!!!
  • Lizzie~Lu

    Thanks, Jill!!!

    You be safe as well!!! You only have 1*!!!
  • Moises Ruiz Ramirez

    Thanks for the warm welcome !!!

    be safe
    see u soon
  • REV.R.Chance Voight

    Thanks Jill For Teh Add and Joining RHMS Worldwide Outreach Church online ...We Together Shall be The Voice Of Protection For all Women and Children as a Voice In Servitude ..


    Rev.R.Chanec Voight ( RHMS )
  • jon shackelford

    Thanks for the add
  • jill

    I know an FF named Jon Shackleford! But, he is from Killbuck, OH!!!
    Blessings and Be Safe,

  • Chaplain Gerta Coetzee

    Hi Jill, Long time no hear. Hahaha, hope father time & mother nature are treating you well. Thing have been hectic here by us with the xenofobia and the year nearing its end. Patries are every weekend and people get very "thirst". Need I say more. "Thirsty" people get depressed and that means we get all types of calls - non stop. But thats life - God is kind and loving and He takes care of us all the way. You take care and stay it touch. Love and Blessing, Chapl Gerta C, South Africa. xXx
  • jill

    Thanks Levi! Things are great here. But, of course, I have to work 24 tomorrow. But, I am off for the holiday! That's nearly unbelievable, seems I ALWAYS work the holiday. Have a great weekend.

    Blessings and Be Safe,

  • jill

    I'm not crazy about the weather here sometimes, but, I can't imagine living anywhere but, Ohio. Originally, I am from Springfield(between Dayton and Columbus). But, now I live in Glenmont....in Holmes(amish country)Ohio.

    Regardless of where I live I'll die a Buckeye!

    Blessings and Be Safe,

  • Leisa Storey

    Glad to meet u Jill!!! Stay safe this week end!!! I get my k9's from Columbus from a German Shepherd rescue group!!! Got to luv Ohio
  • jill

    Hi Leisa,
    I know that Ohio has a lot of canine rescues. But, I had no idea we had a German Shepherd rescue in Columbus. My oldest son Tyler goes to OSU, Columbus branch. He is studying vocal music education. Have a safe holiday weekend!

    Blessings and Be Safe,

  • jill

    Things are great in the Buckeye State...except for the fact that it's a beautiful day, and I am on a 24! Never fails!! How is your weather? Any rain?
    Blessings and Be Safe,

  • jill

    Sorry to hear about your heat. It's fairly warm here, but, not above 80. We have been fairly busy today, for a Saturday. Hopefully, things will change after midnight and we can sleep....LOL....now that I have opened my mouth!!!! Any big plans for Monday? I think Im gonna grill some chicken and steaks! With propane, cuz, the ex has the charcoal grill!!

    Have a great Labor Day!
    Blessings and Be Safe,

  • jill

    Hey! I missed the game, but, I heard they clobbered YSU! Don't know the final score, though. Have a great Labor day weekend, what's left of it anyway.
    We just got back from Cleveland Clinic at 230 am, the cops were out thicker than I've ever seen them!
    Blessings and Be Safe,

  • Rhonda Guidry

    Hiya Jill! Thanks, I appreciate it! Take Care and God Bless- rhon
  • Jay

    hey ya..just saw ya in the chat.. i see you are from springfield.. i am from fairborn...look me up if ya wanna chat
  • jill

    Thanks!! I grew up right up the street from Wittenberg and Station 1. Great to meet you, Jay! If you use yahoo, I am jillbturner. Blessings and Be Safe,

  • Pam B

    Hope you had a wonderful Labor Day Weekend!!! :)
  • jill

    It was great, even though I had to work Saturday. We were off on Sun and Mon. Hope yours was great too!
    Blessings and Be Safe,

  • Trish Girard

    thank you they are getting big. mikyala is alm,ost 5lbs now and zoey is over 7
  • jill

    WoW! That's awesome. You must be thrilled that they are gaining weight. They look very healthy. Hope everyone is well.
    Blessings and Be Safe,

  • Ariel 683

    Hi Jill :-)
    I'm sure I'll see you there sometime between trips..... He has me in Millersburg this month so I'm not sure when I'll be there... How's everybody in Wooster?
    Talk to you later, Ariel
  • jill

    WE are tired!! Miss you my friend!
    Blessings and Be Safe,

  • Chaplain Gerta Coetzee

    Hi Jill.
    Just checking in to see how you are doing.
    Beautiful profile picture. What a sad day from all peace loving, God fearing people every where.
    Stay safe and God be with you and yours,
    Chapl Gerta C, SA
  • Rhonda Guidry

    Good Morning! Just wanted to say Hi and Have a Great Week! We weathered the storms ok here and are keeping those affected in our prayers and thoughts. How're you? Thank You for your thoughts and Prayers! Take Care and God Bless-rhon
  • jill

    Hey Rhonda,
    I was just thinking about you. We just got hammered by storms too. there are trees down everywhere. We had pole fires all over the surrounding area, the poor firemen are not getting any sleep this shift. We usually have a day like this about once a year or so, then we get a chance to recover for a year. I can't imagine dealing with storms like this all the time!

    Blessings and Be Safe,

  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd

    Read Gerta's page and noted that perhaps you could use a couple of extra prayers thrown your way. Done! God Bless.

    Mike from Santa Barbara : )

  • jill

    Thanks so much! I know that God is with me, He will get me through all of somehow.
    Blessings and Be Safe,
  • Don Sims

    Thank you very much Jill. I hope you have a great day. Don
  • Chaplain Gerta Coetzee

    Just me AGAIN.... How you feeling my friend???? Hope things are looking a bit brighter for you.
    God be with you, Chaplain Gerta
  • Chaplain Gerta Coetzee

    PS: I see at the top of your page you left a message for Justin. Pls just be patient with him. He works very looong hours but he will get back to you. Baaaaai
  • Chaplain Gerta Coetzee

    We cant be people pleasers all the time - and that is something we dont always understand. We want to keep every one happy and then we suffer while they are smiling. Saying "no" is one of the hardest things to do but sometimes we have to in order to survive. God knows your heart and He will bring healing if and when the time is right. We just have to be patient. The answer to your prayers is as far as your knees is from the ground. X
  • Chaplain Gerta Coetzee

    Have not forgotten about you, just do not get time to sit and visit with everybody on FFN. We are well into Spring and now the parties and the suicides begins. Hope you are doing better. Lots of love and blessings, Chaplain Gerta C
  • Kimberly

    thank you very much you stay safe!!
  • The Outlaw Firefighter

    Thanks.. You have a safe Thanksgiving too! Im working at the firehouse today! Pffft!
  • Kimberly

    happy thanksgiving to you to. i had to work today and we were really busy. have a great day!!
  • barbara sparr

    Hi Jill, Found you on the site. Good to see our neighbors. barb
  • Tracey Butler

    Hey Jill , How is everything going with you?