

Theresa, New York

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Emergency Management
Job Function
911 Operator/Dispatcher
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Yuma, AZ
Years With Department/Agency
Dept of Defense 4 yrs
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Washoe County Sheriffs Dept
Yuma County Sheriffs Dept
Rural Metro Fire Dept
MCAS Fire Dept/DOD
Suncare Air Ambulance
Directorate of Emergency Services, Fort Drum NY
Directorate of Emergency Services, Ft Bragg, NC
My Training:
Extensive.... from EMT to Weapons of Mass Destruction
About Me:
I am now retired after a vehicle accident after 26 years in the emergency business. I love my guys that are heroes in every thing they do. I am married to a great guy who loves to play with the firey beast inside and is also great with a trauma patient or a sick person...it all comes with the work. If you have read previous blogs... we were rocky but never did divorce. Thank goodness we rode it out. He's my Best Friend! and he never gave up on us, I'm glad I didn'y either.
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I first became an EMT to become a better 911 dispatcher. It was great. I grew up with my dad being a Battalion Chief in Los Angeles years ago, so I have been around it all my life.
My brother a bomb squad tech, deputy/paramedic. Mom in the LAPD so I guess its in the blood.
I was proud of what they did so I had to follow....
Why I Love Fire/EMS
There is always some sort of excitement and its fun being in the know before the public.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Safety, Safety, Safety.

Comment Wall:

  • DoubleH..Harry

    Hi Mindy
    Welcome to the FFN from just south of Syracuse ,if you ever get down this way I'll buy you a cup of java........Harry
  • RetCGGirl

    Hi Mindy.... Welcome to FF Nation... Hang in there girl.... I was there too and it will be okay! there are still some good ones out there.
  • Donald Canterbury

    Can't send you a message until you accept me as a friend. I am a very recent divorcee after a 14 year marriage. If you need anything, please let me know. I will give you more info after you accept me as a friend. Take care and stay safe.
  • Duddy

    Welcome to FFN Mindy. I am also a 9-1-1 dispatcher !
  • Donald Canterbury

    Thanks for the friend request. Take care and stay safe.
  • Paul Montpetit

    Thanks for the add....drop a line anytime if you would like to chat.....Paul
  • Dennis Brown

    Hi Mindy hope you have a good weekend
  • NYFireengine

    No problem Girl send me some pics
  • NYFireengine

    LOL... How's the Theresa Flash?? Do you Know Bill Wilcox?? Landstar Transportation in Watertown..Off exit 48 next to Longways...??? I'm a Landstar agent also in Syracuse,NY ....Keep warm up there....JD