


United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer, Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter, Auxiliary/On Scene Support, Other
Years in Fire/EMS:
1 year actually in but I grew up around the station having family involved as well
Years With Department/Agency
since 2000
About Me:
Im 18 going on 19 in about 2 months. I have been around the department since I was about 9. Im really big into photography, I have a $1300 camera and im not done adding to that cost.
Day Job:
Full time Student
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I just like the adrenaline. Im the Photographer for my station. The one and only and it's amazing! I go on all the calls and I help out as much as I can. Im not interested in going into fires as of right now but I enjoy helping at car wrecks and medicals.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
It's a blast, and a good way to make a difference.

Comment Wall:

  • Dominic Giovannone

    welcome to the nation
  • dj lee

    welcome to ffn stay safe fight hard

    welcome to this big family
    stay safe & keep in touch
  • Scott Glynn

    welcome to the family of the nation Jess, from Orange County NY Stay Safe !!!
  • Ron Maddox

    Welcome to FFN
    Be safe and have fun
  • Jarrod Arnall

    we had just got done at the burn tower on flw SO much Pain
  • Ryan *1137*

    Hey whats goin on? How have you been? ttul and stay safe
  • Ryan *1137*

    I been good! Have a happy thanksgiving and be safe ttul gorgeous
  • Ryan *1137*

    My thanksgiving was good! Hope you had a good time ridin 4 -wheelers, have a good weekend and i'll ttul
  • Ryan *1137*

    Lol so what are you up to today?
  • Ryan *1137*

    Yeah, its been pretty quite from where i am which kinda sucks but its good when everyone from my dept. is out of town
  • Ryan *1137*

    Yeah it pretty much sucks usually theres only 2 or 3 of us which makes it kinda difficult on any call but we survive til mutual aid gets there or its actually not that bad with only that many ppl at a vechicle one runs the truck the other one or two ppl fight the fire! Thats kool so do you ride on the trucks to the calls or take your personal vechicle? Its been so quite here lately i want a good fire we havent had one in awhile.
  • Ryan *1137*

    Damn so what do you usually do there when you dont have any calls?
  • Ryan *1137*

    Thats good sounds like the dept you are on isnt a bunch of guys that think there bad asses lol. Wow thats sweet hopefully he will select one of your pics for a cover page! So do oyou have facebook?
  • Ryan *1137*

    Haha yeah we have several ppl on our department that we just dont claim that they are part of our fire dept. So ya for some reason i thought i knew how to do our facebook link but it isnt letting me do u know what else i could try to do to make it work or another way i can find you on there?
  • Ryan *1137*

    Well i think i added u there was 2 jessicas that looked like u so i picked the first one i hope i added the right person lol well if you dont get my request look for Ryan Ford that might help out some Indian Hills and Kc are my networks so that will help put if u look it should say below my pic. Hope your night is goin good ttul
  • Ryan *1137*

    ok got i guess i didnt look hard enought lol
  • Ryan *1137*

    Hey nm i just been workin some and i just finished school for the semester. So what have you been up to??
  • phoenixfire27

    hey jess!! hows life??? you guys stayin busy??? hope you had a good christmas and new years!!! stay safe out there and god bless you and your family!! :) talk to ya soon!!!

  • Heather Dennis

    What is up my chica wake up earlier J/K!
  • Heather Dennis

    I told you take off the longunderwear last night but you wouldn't listen so thats totally your fault chica love ya since you are like 5 ft away from me ! :P
  • jake (6672)

    hey hope everything is ok for you to keep it safe