Mark Garrow


Plattsburgh, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
South Plattsburgh Fire Dept.
Years With Department/Agency
Sense Dec. 16 2008
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
I was in Rescue Hose Co. #5 from Jan. 22 2000 to Dec.15 2008 when we shut down because of funding we supplied air and man power to over 20 different depts. We covered around 1500 square miles plus went to 4 depts. in Canda and two other counties.
My Training:
Basic, Intermediate, FF2, Haztmat awarness, ops, tech level1, EVOC, Saftey Officer, Fire Officer 1, ICS 100, 200, 300, 700, 800 Have more to many to list
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Uncle got me in enjoy it so much never to get out

Comment Wall:

  • Nanny

    Hey Mark, Welcome to FFN.

    Stay safe and have fun!
  • Tim

    Welcome to the nation
  • Allen Howard

    Hey there. Welcome to Firefighter Nation. It's a pretty cool website, so be sure to look around some. Stay safe out there.
  • Allen Howard

    Thank you sir for the add. Stay safe.
  • Nanny

    Hey Mark, Thanks for adding me to your friends list.

    Wishing you a super day! Please remember to stay safe outthere.
  • cortney

    well being a tech is ok really not all that interested in it the class was hard ass he** but i made it through it but we dont have that many hazmat incidents so i just like my medical n fire thats all me they can keep that haz crap lol
  • alex

    hi mate its alex if you got time look up black saterday 7/3/09 in victoria austraila see the shit that my famaly and i went throw we staid and defended
    our house .. over 200 dead and more than 2000 houses burnt down the wind change hit us at 120 -135 K P H got some pics and vid if u would lick to see them all from my place ..
  • Candaice Sowers

    Thanks for welcoming me to the nation.......
  • Carrie Hawkins

    thank you..nice station!