
37, Female

Lusby , Maryland

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic, Firefighter, EMT - Basic, 911 Operator/Dispatcher
Years in Fire/EMS:
8 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Prince Frederick, PFVFD
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Was a member of Benedict but moved back to PFVFD
My Training:
FF1, HAZMAT, Emergency Response to Terrorism, EMT-B, EMD and EMD Advance, ETC
Day Job:
Emergency Dispatcher 1/2
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I grew up around the firehouse w/my father and its been in the family throughout!
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Helping others

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  • dustin molina

    hi how are you doing
  • Kris

    Thats cool, So how do you like things in down in Prince Frederick? You guys busy there?
  • dustin molina

    im doing good working all the time
  • Kris

    Yeah, I know Shaun. He has been here a few years. I have not been riding at 12 since April because of being in fire school for BWI. So how do you know him?
  • Kris

    Thats cool, I have not met a lot of the new people because of being away. So what ya up to this weekend?
  • Kris

    sounds fun,, I have my daughters this weekend so I am most likely just hanging out around here. I know that they want to go to the park and bike riding so other then that I don't know
  • Kris

    Kaci is three, and Makayla will be 5 in December
  • Kris

    thats cool, take it that you like kids then. so How was your weekend?
  • Kris

    My weekend was nice. been sick since Sunday though. I just spent some time with my girls and relaxed. Spent a few hours at the tick house on Sunday. any plans this week?
  • Kris

    Well congrats and good luck on that. What haunted house are you going too? Finally took my hazmat tech test today.....passes with an 88.... Well off to the tick house for a meeting...ttyl
  • Kris

    Sounds like fun, enjoy. Hey ya wanna try and hang out sometime... grab something to eat or grab a drink or something?
  • Kris

    Well hows was Deal? Anything good happen. So when do you have some free time?
  • holly

    ended up not goin just went out to jaspers n hung out at the bar lol---might go sunday night if it doesnt rain ne more--right now its a lilhard cuz brooke had her puppies--but im off sunday thru wed this week--work shift work
  • Redneck

    hey u how have u been? hey i have a ? to ask u so email me sometime. have a good n fun halloween and ill talk to u later be safe
  • Kris

    Hey you, whats up? how have you been.....?
  • Kris

    That sucks. I was sick all of last week. Hope that you are feeling better though. So other then being sick, How are things going? Any plans for this weekend?
  • Kris

    Well, I am getting ready to wake my daughters up from their nap to take them to their mothers house for a birthday party. I might go downtown tonight, Not really sure yet.
  • Kris

    Hey, ya feeling any better? How are things going down south?
  • Kris

    Wow, Thats really shitty! Right out of the Truck. That takes balls. Have you reported it and all?
  • Kris

    Well if ya need any help let me know. So any plans this weekend?
  • Kris

    Emt refresher....yay Have fun with that. I was down your way for a wedding at huntingtown fire company. They have a nice house. Fire time I have seen a firehouse that has a dog that lives there. I have off tomorrow, Thank god for a three day weekend. I needed some r&r time. Any plans for tomorow?
  • Kris

    Hey you, Happy thanksgiving! Sorry haven't been on in a few. Class has been kicking my ass. How have u been??? Stay safe out there.
  • Kris

    I am doing good, Enjoying a good long weekend with my girls. Any good plans this weekend?
  • Kris

    sux that you have to work on sunday, did ya find anything good in Pa?
  • Kris

    Hey, whats up? What ya got going on this weekend?
  • Don Smith

  • Scott

    hey hope you have a great and safe weekend
  • JC

    Holly, Thanks for adding me! I just started on here and really love it. Its awesome to meet so many new people with the same interest. So whats it like being a dispatcher? [Non Sebi Sid Omnibus]
  • Scott

    hey i am doing good i guees just keepin busy
  • JC

    HAVE A GOOD DAY ! :)
  • Redneck

    hey holly i just wanted to stop in n say hi n see how ur doing? well write or comment back sorry so short, well be safe n ill talk to u later
  • Brad Duncan

    hello holly how are you today
  • CF 18-1

    Thanks for the add
  • Kris

    hey there, how have you been?
  • catfish

    just wanted to say hi
  • mark

    hi holly write back like chat
  • Shawn

    Just dropping in to say Hey!

    Shawn G.
    Co. 7
  • Chan Rivera

    hi and welcome to ffn from NY
  • mark

    thanks for the add. would love to chat sometime
  • Shawn

    Nice to "meet" you!! Thanks for the add. Things are going ok. My day job has been keeping me crazy busy lately...not much left by the end of the day.
    See you around!
  • mark

    hey whats up how r u . hope to chat with you sometime
  • David Skaggs

    not a whole lot....
  • Scott

    hey i hope your weekend is better then your week
  • JC

    Hey hope everything is going good for you! be safe
  • Wilsy

    Hey Holly, Merry Christmas hope you have a great holiday! Cheers.
  • Wilsy

    Thanks, what's up with you?
  • Wilsy

    not much just relaxing with the family, taking it easy today have hockey tomorrow.
  • Wilsy

    oh that's not good get it over and done with do you have any holidays coming up?
  • Chad King

    Hello there from Belmont, NY
  • Chad King

    What's new in MD?