
59, Male

Eastlake Mchigan

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Assistant or Deputy Chief
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Stronach Fire and Rescue
Years With Department/Agency
since 2010
My Training:
Firefighter I,
Firefighter II,
Haz-Mat Awareness,
Haz-Mat Operations,
Introduction to Wildland Fire Suppression,
S-130 Wildland Firefighter Training
S-190 Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior
S-215 Wildland Urban Interface
Educational Methodology
IFSTA Instructor Orientation
NIMS – Incident Command for the Fire Service
FEMA IS-00100.a Incident Command System Orientation
FEMA IS-00200.a Basic Incident Command System
FEMA ICS-300: Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents
FEMA ICS-400: Advanced ICS Command and General Staff
FEMA IS-00700.a National Incident Management System, Introduction
FEMA IS-00800.a National Response Framework, Introduction
Ice Rescue Specialist
State of Michigan Instructor
About Me:
U.S. Army Military Police 1983- 1989
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
To help the community
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The feeling of knowing you helped

Comment Wall:

  • Engineco913

    Hey there! Yeah roofing gets pretty tough, have to have some pretty thick skin. Been really really busy lately, working on a monster 88 square cedar shingle roof in a town called Watch Hill. Next project is a slate roof on a chapel in Mystic Connecticut, then a synthetic slate roof in Stonington Borough. Theres a ton of work. As for tired, yeah I know that feeling, I have 3 kids, they keep me alert and in line LOL. They say if theres something your real passionate about you make the time for it, and thats pretty much where firefighting comes into play. I eat breath and sleep the fire department, so I make the time for what I love to do. I got to get ready for work, you be well and stay safe
  • dcltsc2

    Just thought I'd say Hi.....Stay safe and GOD BLESS
  • Chris C.

    Thanks for the add. Stay safe!
  • dcltsc2

    how are thing in michigan?
  • dcltsc2

    Congrats good luck hope it work out the way you like stay safe
  • pfd824

    I'am just getting in .So reading to see who from Mich.Iam from Portland Mi. Did you go to Roscommon this weekend?
    Well be safe out there pfd824.
  • dcltsc2

    whats new?
  • Suzy Jondreau

    Whats up?! Well, we had 2 days so far mixed rain & snow- but nothing thats sticking. We are suppose to get another rain & snow mixd today too. I can hadle the snow holding off for another 2-3 weeks. Take care & be safe!
  • Jack Karnisz

    Thanks for getting me involved this site, I hope a few more of us get it. Have a great day
  • jdstamp

  • Brian Dumser

    A fellow 95B. What fantastic places did you get to go? My first duty station was Ft. McClellan,(after basic & AIT), talk about getting screwed! Stay safe!
  • FireCat

    Hi jdstamp,

    I appreciated your comment on "Your Harem my Photo"; I wish more men would show the respect to women that you do!

    Cat :-)

    As part of the Law enforcement & Rescue community you are
    more then welcome to join Police Facebook -
    Worldwide Social Network for active, reserve and retired law enforcement officers, volunteers & supporters.
    Avi Lap
  • FireCat

    Hi JDStamp -

    I love your doggie picture!!
  • T.J.

    Thanks for the comment, what were you doing in Petoskey, and give me a shout when you come back maybe we could grab lunch:)