

San Antonio

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer, Emergency Management, Other Response Agency Type
Job Function
President / Administrator / Commissioner, Lieutenant, Firefighter / EMT-Basic, Hazardous Materials Team Member, Driver / Engineer, Other Emergency Services Staff, Other
Years in Fire/EMS:
Years With Department/Agency
Web Site:
My Training:
Dive recovery, Medic, Verticle Rescue Tech, Tower Operator, HazMat,
About Me:
Just a country boy who likes to play
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I found this while looking at a few profiles and it has one of the best explanations i think i have found.

Why a firefighter, Medic? Isn't it dangerous? How do you deal with the stress? Well I'm here to tell you that yes; it is in fact very dangerous. And at times it can be very stressful. However, I don't do it for the stereotypical image of pulling little Sally out of a burning building. But don't get me wrong, I would have her unfortunate ass out of that building faster than you could say I think my house is on fire. Then why do you do it? I'll tell you. When flowers randomly show up at the station with a card showing how much we cannot be thanked the day after we run a horrific car accident, it keeps you coming back. When that 5 year old boy shows up the day after he broke his arm falling out of his tree house wanting you to sign his cast, it keeps you coming back. When you have a long day at work and need to grab a cup of coffee on your way home and someone randomly pays for it, thanking you for everything you do, not realizing you're wearing your station's shirt, it keeps you coming back. And right as you're about to leave, a mother of 2 comes up and informs you that she has taught her sons to say a prayer for us each and every time they see us going down the road with lights and sirens, you can bet it keeps us coming back. The feeling you get when an Air Life helicopter takes off with the patient you just spent 20 heart-pounding minutes extricating from their now destroyed vehicle that you could have very well just saved their life, and at the same time wondering why it took you so god damn long, keeps you coming back. Your brothers at the station you will have for life because no one else knows what you go through, keeps us coming back. Being dubbed "Homer" by your peers because during DPO class you leave out 25 PSI to account for master stream friction loss in a total pressure loss calculation you exclaim "DOH!" keeps you coming back. Because all in all, you are just another body on the street, another car in rush hour, to your boss you are a number, but when you put that uniform on and the tones drop for that structure fire in your first-due with a report of someone trapped, for that brief moment in time, to someone, you are everything
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Just like what i do and knowing i am doing my part to make a difference.

Comment Wall:

  • Leo Cartwright

    Hi Allen; Leo from Australia, Paramedic, Welcome to FFN hope U enjoy the site and gather many friends.
    If U are interested and If U send me your postal address via my Email I will post you one of my (Ambulance) service badges, for one of your service patches, My Email is lecar1@ (LECAR1@BIGPOND.NET.AU)
    Cheers Leo
  • Daniele

    I've already completed my EMT-B class and passed the National Registry test and obtained my State Card! (First try!!!) That was the worst 24 hrs of my life waiting on those results. I was pulling my hair out and driving EVERYONE nuts cause I couldn't think straight. I'm signed up to take the basic Firefighting class in Jan. which the volunteer dept I'm on is covering the cost of. But like I said we just are a quiet dept and the runs are far and few apart and I really want to do this for a career and I feel the experience here is lacking. Don't get me wrong, I love it there! I'd like to start doing it for a living, the pay probably isn't any worse than the place I work for now... LOL
  • Cierra

    Thanks, and you stay safe out there too! Have a Great day! =)
  • Mandii Dawn

    you work for san antonio??
    i think one of our guys is testin for yall.
  • CJ

    Thank you! Got the tat at Cat's Tattoo in Addison, TX.
  • Mandii Dawn

    ohhh okay
  • RetCGGirl

    Hey Allen,
    Thanks for the comment.... Which one did you like? Hope your thanksgiving was great! Take care and stay safe.
  • RetCGGirl

    Hey Allen,
    You have some great words there and you are so right, there is nothing like it I have thousands of pictures from 9-11, it took me a long time to be able to post them. We got lots of Thank-yous, people lining the streets with lots of signs. It felt good. Yes, I am interested in seeing your pictures. Please do share when you get some time.
    Stay safe, take care of that family and I will always pray for you.

  • Theresa

    Thanks so much for the Birthday greeting. Your the first from firefighter nation that i have received. I read your bio and agree with all you wrote. I am 3rd generation firefighter and both my kids are 4th generation. My grandfather is not with us as he lost his life when my dad was young from a fire. Anyway it is indeed a proud profession and very rewarding.
    May the Creator walk with you , guide your steps and keep you safe each day.
    Blessings to you and yours this Holiday Season.
  • Bre

    Thank You
  • Jennifer Anders

    Thanks. I try to be safe everyday! TTYL
  • Crystal

    Thanks for the comment!!!
    My good friend Jeff owns a photography studio. It was fun doing all the pics and he added the art work!
    Thanks again!
  • Daniella

    thank you!!
  • Melissa

    Thanks u too. Stay safe out there
  • Oceaneyes329

    Hello Allen How are you nice to meet you I added you as a friend hope that was pics you have here......
  • Heather

    Thanks, and you too stay Safe!
  • FrenchWomanFirefighter

    Really thank you much for the comments
  • Jo Davis

    thanks for the welcome!
  • Caty

    by the way thanks for the birthday wish i haven't been on for awhile.. because of all that has been going on.. but i thank you very much.
  • Keesha

    i will and im sure he would appreciate it
  • Colleen

    Thanks!! You stay safe too!!
  • Colleen

    When I get around to it =]
  • Colleen

    great minds think alike.. haha
  • Colleen

    School mostly.
  • Lisa

    Lol....Well I disagree but thank you. I hope you have a great night!!
  • FireBarbieT&C16

    same to you!! =) have fun out there
  • Jessica Travis

    i love my nickname lol... its a lot better than some of them
  • Jessica Travis

    yea and theres a long story behind it. camping trip on a lake, frizzy hair, and bright pink silly string fights. i looked like a pink carebear lol
  • jgirl0809

    Allen, that is so sweet! I really look forward to it. Thank you for the comments!
  • Kim #454

    Thanks for the comments, Allen. You take care.
  • Jan K Miller

    Thank you for the welcome and comment on my photos, I haven't even begun to post all the ones I want to. I like your photos too! :-)
  • Felicia A Johnson

    Hey there Allen. Thanks for the welcome. Yeah I hate just waisting time - though I am no stranger to relaxing I am getting ampt in waitfing MX season starting and to race more days than the last 2 years. :0)
  • Dawn

    Thanks for the compliment a while ago!!! Things have been a little crazy here in South Dakota! :) TAKE CARE!!!
  • Mitzi Nelson

    Thanks for the add! How long ago were you in Memphis?
  • Mitzi Nelson

    Did you go to school in Memphis? I grew up in Midtown, lived in Bartlett shortly after I got married and then moved back to Midtown until I moved here. It is very different being in a small town. I miss resturants...Sonic is about all we have here!
  • Mitzi Nelson

    I actually taught at Woodstock for three years! What years were you there? After that I taught at Millington Middle. Pretty small world, huh?
  • Evelynn De La Vega

    Thank you for your coment, you are so cute jejej Stay safe too. My Lord Bless You And Keep You everywere you go!!
    Have a nice day!