
35, Female

Keeling, Virginia

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Secretary / Treasurer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Keeling Vol. Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
FF2, Haz-Mat Ops, EVOC class 3
Day Job:
City of Danville 911 Dispatcher
Relationship Status:

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  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Well, I can understand about the laughing. Moose do look pretty funny. They are usually about 12 feet tall from rack to toe. Hitting one is a freaky experience if you live through it. It sounds like your experience was freaky enough, even if the deer was a small one. I am amazed that it jumped up and ran off into the woods. Do you suppose there is some kind of deer ems? Just joking!! Lucky for you that things happened the way they did, otherwise it could have been a much scarier experience. We are expecting a ton of snow here tomorrow, I will try to remember and take a picture of it and scan it to you so you can see why I hate this stuff so much!!! I have to shovel it....take care and talk soon!!!

  • Jethro

    Hey aint not problem... Hope you have a good day!!!!
  • Corey Hite

    yea i hope to get a job with Salem Fire. i cant get a job there until my dad retires because hes a lieutenant and their SOPs state that no family member can be in charge of another family member. I got my EMT two years ago just due to the fact that i couldnt join a fire department until i was 18 and running rescue was the closest i could get to the fire department as far as running calls. it also helped get my foot in the door. i enjoy the forestry department. its strenuous at times but u meet all kinds of people and u get paid for doing it at the same time. yea i have myspace. i use it more than firefighternation.com. my URL is www.myspace.com/dave_matthews_fan
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Oh yeah, you do not want to hit a moose. Like I mentioned, most people here are killed in those accidents. The moose weighs on average, 300-500 pounds. You can imagine what it looks like after being hit by a car at 90 mph...

    The snow is falling faster than I can shovel it out of my driveway, so I am off to bed for a nap. I know when I get up, it will be deep and I will have to shovel it for hours. When we have a storm here, usually 10-25 inches constitutes a storm, the schools close but only for a day. The clean up crews have everything back to normal the next day. We average about 20-30 inches a month in winter.
    I know what you mean about patirnts hitting on you, I used to work with a female paramedic and guys would hit on her all the time. I told her to be stern with them but I think she was flattered by it. I would be annoyed. I know what you mean about calls too, it seems that I will go a long time without a certain type of call and then all of a sudde, I have like five in a week! I hope you are having fun? Stay safe...

  • Jethro

    Thats cool im about 1 hr west of Richmond and about 45 mins from Lynchburg.... so we aint that far from each other. Anyways whats goin on down there?
  • Michael

    Just checking in to see how your patch collection is coming. I just past the 1,000 mark
  • Jethro

    Yea i try and go tolynchburg everynow and again. thats cool. Yea we had 3 calls new years eve and one was like 5 in the mornin so we done had like 5 calls since the beginning of the year. Well i hope you had fun at work today...
  • Jethro

    Yea that sounds like us we only get about 1 or 2 calls a week . I remember last year we went 2 months with out a call. But we just got our call sheets from last year and it says we ran 167 calls last year and we had 6 in 3 days. So it all depends on the weather up here too.
  • Jethro

    Hey this might be kinda weird question, but sometime your gonna have to come up here and hang out with all my firefighter buddys, we have a party pretty much every weekend. We hang out with all the cumberland Firefighters and one of the LT's lets us party over at his house cause he got a mud hole and we go boggin over there all the time. So if you ever wanna hang out just let me know and we will plan somthin
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    My daughter would love to be where you are....they hardly ever stay home because of snow!! I would take the rain over this snow.....do you work far from your house? It takes me about 20 minutes to get to the station house from here. Stay safe Kasey!

  • Corey Hite

    yea u dont need your EMT for the forestry department. you just get paid a lil more. the way my class was was they gave u an online study course that you could take at home and they can see your scores and whether or not you took the whole course from their computer and the only classroom you have is the first day, final exam, and practicals. last time i went it was like 2 hrs i think? i cant really remember. it didnt take that long though.
  • Jethro

    yea i understand. yea i dont think ur mustang would make it..... Hell my Chevrolet with 35's will barely make it. But you like Fords so i know nothin you have will make it. lol
  • Michael

    Well if u send me another one I will send u one from my old dept. Buffalo TWP FPD in Louisiana MO
    Michael Wojick
    5316 Blow St.
    ST. Louis MO 63109
  • Jethro

    lol thats cool.
  • Corey Hite

    most definitely. i havent been down there in a year or two. im sure my cousin wouldnt mind. do u ever travel near the roanoke area?
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    I wish I was 30 minutes away from some things...Do you wait at the firehouse for calls or respond from home? We must sit around on street corners {with the engine running} and wait for calls. We cover a specific area while we are waiting but we are also moved around quite frequently. We serve a population of over 1,000,000 people. The area is quite large too. I'll ask my daughter about swapping places with you for a spell...lol! Stay safe.

  • Corey Hite

    haha. u should! we've got a pretty nice mall. If u do u just let me know and we can meet up.
  • Corey Hite

    im going to virginia western right now to get my general studies out of the way then i plan on transferring to jefferson for my paramedic and fire science degrees. hey im prob. not gonna be near a computer all weekend. i got haz-mat ops and our fire dept. banquet. u can text me though if u want. 540-580-0395.
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    That's pretty good response from anywhere wouldn't you say? Our average response is 6 minutes and we are already in the rig waiting for calls! I am impressed with your response time. Keep up the great service!! Stay safe...

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    The way I see it, we can only do what we can do right? If our response time is too slow, is it really our fault? Sometimes outside forces change the outcome of things and we cannot change that. Be proud of what you do for your community, you are a hero!
    Back to school...I remember doing that too. I always hated working in groups because inevitably, some jack ass would just sit back and do nothing but always take the credit! Just stay focused on this thought...it will all be over one day!!! Stay safe Kasey...talk later!

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Well, I believe that we learn through our mistakes and that others can learn through them too!! Remember, another member of the group can make a mistake just as easily as you and then you would loose out. The temperature here today is -32 F. That's minus 32!!! Skin freezes in four minutes at that temp! We have been trying to convince all the homeless to come inside but some are hard-core and we find them frozen to death. Stay safe and warm!!

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hi Kasey! It get's even colder than that sometimes! Yes, all businesses and schools are open. I even remarked to my partner the other day that I was getting used to it and wasn't wearing my coat to go from the rig to the house on calls! We had a jumper this morning who kept us at bay for an hour and a half and then jumped anyways! He hit the fourth floor on the way down from the 16th. Not too much left of him but he was steaming on the ground....it's a weird sight to see. Take care and be safe!!

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Congratulations!!!!! Well done Kasey. You must be proud? The weather is a little better today -25....it's getting there! Gotta go to bed.....stay safe!

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    If you are the only one who knows how to do the computer work, then you deserve the award! I wish it was in the thirties here! It is warming up a bit here....it snowed again today and it only snows when it is warmer. Oh well, only three months to go before I open the pool again....Stay safe!
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    We are getting more snow again today! I am running out of place to put it. Yeah, I always thought it was weird that it snowed as it got warmer too.....oh well. Have a good one and be safe!

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Oh how I wish I could send you some of this stuff. I hate it and you seem to love it! We got more again last night, I am running out of room to put it. It is very cold again today. I started to shovel with no gloves but my hands froze in five minutes....where is spring??? Take care and be safe!!
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Ha ha ha ha, yes I guess that makes a difference! I should be grateful that it only lasts for one season, the eskimoe's have to deal with it forever!! Stay safe.

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Oh, yeah...I miss so much, I keep some in the fridge to look at in July!!! Ha ha ha ha ...
  • Matthew

    I'm doing good! busy with school and such, but it's all good...how are you?
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Well let's not go too far...I like looking out the window and seeing nothing but green and blue too!!! Stay safe!

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    I think it's pretty too.....on a Christmas card! We are getting a storm tonight and tomorrow, probably about 10-15 inches. The only good thing is that it will get warmer, it never snows when it's that cold out. The temperature is still very cold.....stay safe Kasey!!!

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Don't be jealous....we got a foot and a half in the last two days but schools are still open! Stay safe Kasey!!!

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Come and get it...it's all yours!!! I would love to be able to swap places for a couple of weeks with you. I have been thinking about driving down to Virginia beach for a holiday. It is about 14 hours from here by car. Are you near there? Stay safe!!

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Perhaps you are getting what we missed.....we were supposed to get a storm but it went around us! I am not sure when or if I will be going to the beach but if and when I do, I will let you know! Take care Kasey and if it snows...wear mittens!!!

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Can you send me that kind of annoyed??? I would be dancing! Believe me, the grass is not always greener on the opposite side of the fence. Enjoy the good times. Stay safe...and warm!

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    AAAHA! So you admit that you hate the cold right? Well, that's what it is like all winter long here! It is freezing today but supposed to warm up to 0 by the week-end. I am so tired of wearing layers of clothing. My favorite way to dress is shorts and a t-shirt!
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    The temperature here is a little better today, I wrenched my back on a call last night for a patient that was hit by a car. We immobilized her completely on a board and when I bent over to life her, I felt my back give out! Ouch...I will be out for a week or two.....time to work on my patch collection....let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!!! Stay warm and keep smiling Kasey!!!

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Thanks Kasey, I am already feeling better with the great meds the doc gave me. He thinks it is a sprain and wants me off the rig for a week or two. I am itching to get back on...in the blood! We are having a warm spell and some of this white stuff is melting!!! Talk soon...stay safe!!!

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    This is rgw rgird time I have hurt my back, perhaps I should try falling out of my truck? Tell your dad I know what he went through and it ain't no fun! I am feeling better and go back to see my doctor tomorrow....hopefully, I can go back on the road Monday!
    Sounds busy around your part of town...I guess you were upset that you missed the fires huh? Better luck next time. The weather here is warmer than usual and some of the white garbage is melting!!! Yea!! Stay safe...

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    I meant to say third time...
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    The doctor gave me another week, I go to school on Tuesday so that won't be too bad. We are half way through this damn winter and I am happy as heck to say that the good weather is on the way!! I hope you had a great valentines day? Stay safe.

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Happy belated Valentines Kasey! I had to go to school to learn protocol updates. I am mentally exhausted! We also had to be tested on IM injections and pediatric immobilization techniques. We usually have to go to school two or three times a year. It's a nice break from the road. I go to school for an 8 hour period and get paid for 12 hours...not a bad trade off!
    Sounds like you had an interesting Valentines date...do you like the guy that likes you? I guess the gay guy was alone? In any case, I hope you had a good time even if it wasn't romantic. Roses and champagne are so much nicer though!
    We are getting more snow tomorrow. It has been clear for the last couple of weeks but here we go again! Spring approaches like molasses rolling uphill.....very slowly if at all!!! Hey, stay safe Kasey, talk to you later!

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Howdy! My back is much better thanks! I go back on the road Wednesday night.
    Boy, the date thing sounds complicated for you and Peyton. I can't understand how a guy says he's gay and then falls for another girl. I can understand why the other girl is angry with him. Is he really gay or was that an excuse to break off with the other girl? You gotta wonder about people like that. Too bad you didn't like the huy you were with. Don't worry, I am sure that a wonderful guy will come along and steal your heart. You sound like too nice a girl to be alone for very long.

    We are getting more white crap, I shovelled my driveway out this morning and it took me 2 and half hours! Now it's snowing again!!! I cannot wait for spring. Stay safe and keep smiling!!!

  • N.Y fire fighter Lt. #503

    Hello, the reason i'm sending you this comment , I am preaching to young kids about wearing your seat belts. It only takes a second for your life to change . Be safe , Lt Chris
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Well, I guess that you must be happy about that right? We are supposed to get a little of that white garbage tomorrow too. Funny, I am on vacation this week because it is spring break and I am supposed to re-model my daughters bedroom. Some vacation...
    Strange about the gay guy, unless he is bi? You know, like he is attracted to both sides? Oh well, hopefully he will decide what he wants from life. I hope you are planning to have some fun and relax a bit during spring break? What a drag that just when the schools get closed because of snow...you are already off!!! Hey go sliding or skiing....take care Kasey!!

  • Robert

    Extraordinary Career. Extraordinary People.

    We are offering opportunities for full pay and benefits WHILE WE TRAIN YOU to become a professional Firefighter/Emergency Medical Technician! These entry level positions require no previous experience. Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school. A GED is acceptable.

    Our 450 career men and women Firefighters/Emergency Medical Technicians are dedicated to protecting lives. Few careers can offer such a challenging and meaningful mission in an atmosphere of teamwork and camaraderie. Prince William County, VA, pop. 380,000, is a large and diverse community located 35 miles southwest of Washington, D. C. We are a growing organization with tremendous learning and promotional opportunities.

    If selected, we provide a competitive minimum salary of $44,086 and exceptional benefits. For Advanced Life Support certification, we provide an additional $5,291/year incentive pay plus per hour supplement pay. Annual retention supplements are also offered. Employees are eligible for up to $5,000/year tuition reimbursement, and we offer a stipend for individuals who are bilingual English/Spanish. We offer an excellent benefits package with additional retirement options for Firefighters/Emergency Medical Technicians.

    Please visit our web site at www.pwcgov.org/fire and click on “Career Opportunities.” You will find our short employment application form which can be submitted online. Apply now if you are ALS for a July hire (15 positions). Apply now at any level for a Jan 2010 hire. (30 positions)

    Email mail if you have any questions.
  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hey Kasey!

    8 inches? Wow...we usually get between 12 and 15 inches when it snows here. I am glad that you enjoyed sledding with your friends. You sound like an easy going person. I mean sledding with you ex and it doesn't bother you? Good for you for not having issues with that. I hope your friend decides what he wants from life because he sounds mixed up about who he is.
    Enjoy the time off that you have, it goes by fast! I just finished painting the kitchen ceiling and pantry and am resting. I have not started the bedroom yet but I will this week. I also have to get busy installing the hard wood flooring in my dining room, hallway and all three bedrooms.....now that's a job! Keep smiling Kasey!! Stay safe.

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Imagine if we closed the schools every time it snowed....they would be closed all winter long!
    Holy smokes....he said he was going to kill himself? I would council you to be careful with a person like that, he is very manipulative and is just trying to force you to do what he wants you to do by making you feel sorry for him. These kinds of people are dangerous Kasey. I studied profiling of psychitric behaviour for two years and this guy is a classic manipulator. Don't you find it weird that he asked Ed out 6 days later? That was to make you jealous. All this crap about "I won't hang out with you because your friends with them", is just a way to get you to do as they want. You are better off without a guy like that around you. You sound like an intelligent person and can do far better than this kind of guy. In any case, watch your back. I hope you enjoy the rest of spring break and get the chance to go sliding again! Build a snow-woman....everybody always builds a snow-man. Take care Kasy!

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    I wish it would all be gone here too! The weather is much nicer though and I think we are seeing the begining of the end...? I am happy for you that you have met a nice guy and I hope it works out. If he is talking about God, he must be a good guy. How did the date go? Stay safe!

  • Daniel Robert Garvin

    Hi Kasey,
    The weather here has been great! I went for my walk today wearing shorts. The snow is melting and there is nothing in the forecast for the next week.
    I am glad to hear that you are happy with you new {possible} boyfriend. He sounds like a nice guy. Was there a bomb in Walmart? What kind of movies do you enjoy? When you went to Applebees who paid for the meal? If he paid, then something certainly may happen. I'll be thinking of you. Take care and be safe.
