, Male

River City, Maryland

United States

Profile Information:

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
River Ctiy Hook, Hose & Hurst
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
My Training:
FFI,EMT-B,Engine Company, Truck Company, Rescue Tech, Rescue Tech Confined Space, HasMat Ops., NIMS, Responce To Terrorism
About Me:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I like helping people.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Helping People
Top Issues Facing Responders:
TRAINING, And Respect

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  • Jeff Borra

    Just working everyday thats about it how about you
  • TaraMarie18

    we are in a small town so we don't really get a lot of calls. but mainly what we get is rescue/ems calls. what about yours?
  • TaraMarie18

    we definitely don't get that many calls at all. we have had a few mva's in the past couple weeks and medical calls. but that's about it. we don't really have much room to have anything big though.
  • Jeff Borra

    That was great news good guy good firefighter. I was glade to hear it
  • TaraMarie18

    a brush truck, rescue, and two engines. if you want to check it out. the site is pennellvillevfd.com we have pictures of all the aparatus and stuff on there.
  • Jeff Borra

    !st black or youngest to be named a chief can't remember
  • TaraMarie18

    nice. we were going to get a new truck but we really don't need it. the ones we have are fine. so there is really no sense.
  • TaraMarie18

    sounds like you are in pretty good shape then. we want to get ours refurbed. theres really no reason to but whole new trucks. we don't need them. i don't know how old ours are though. i don't really read into them that much. you know?
  • TaraMarie18

    all we have had lately was a propane leak and of course the rescue calls. what about you?
  • Jeff Borra

    Do you know if the Hart man is on the nation
  • TaraMarie18

    yeah. need something interesting.
  • TaraMarie18

    nice. we don't get a lot of them.
  • TaraMarie18

    that sucks. i guess we had a storm. but i slept right through them so i wouldn't know. yeah.... no calls here either. usually we'll get one with a house struck by lightening or something.
  • TaraMarie18

    that kind of sucks. we just went over a week without a call at all and we got a rescue for rib pain or something this morning. didn't go though.
  • TaraMarie18

    there isnt really anything to do for fun in volney. but i go out with a friend when i get the chance. and i don't have a license so i can't really go anywhere. its a really boring town.
  • TaraMarie18

    yeah..... pretty much sucks huh?
  • TaraMarie18

    not really through our town. it's through Phoenix and Fulton. Route 481. we are out in the country so we don't have much at all here.
  • TaraMarie18

    haha yeah... thats kind of far.
  • Rae Ann Ozelis

  • Rae Ann Ozelis

    It is beautiful down here today!!!
  • Katie Moon

    Thanks for the add. Loved your site and the music. Way to go! Be safe!
  • Yee

    No i didn't take the fire truck to prom i wish I could have though! The guy that went with me was part of the same dept. as me so we had to get some pics with the engine.
  • Kelly

  • Yee

    very nice. I had a friend who took one from his dept, i was suppose to go with him but it ended up not working out.
  • Yee

    Our calls come in spurts we will busy all weekend then we just go to nothing. It sucks but we have had a good many of calls. how bout you?
  • Yee

    Not sure haha It's in the other room and i'm too lazy to get up and go look right now. We have had a lot lately. Saturday seems to be the day we get hit with like 5-7 calls.
  • Yee

    Yeah I think it is for everyone. Especially saturday cause everyone goes out to a party then decides to drive. We had a tropical storm come up by us 2 saturdays ago and we got 7 calls and only 1 was related to the weather.
  • Alessandro

    thx for the add...
  • Yee

    It's been quiet here for a few days. All the stand-bys at our county fair are getting all the calls. Sunday they got a lot cause it was in the 90's.
  • Yee

    same here but this time i want to be at the station! I missed 5 that happened in a time span of 2 weeks.
  • Leo Cartwright

    Can send U One patch of 'Ambulance Victoria' - Australia if U wish to trade for one of your service patch. As a Paramedic, I only have Ambulance patch no Fire patches.
    If Interested please contact me by Email with your Name and address and I will oblige. Email = 1ecar1@bigpond.net.au
    many thanks Leo Cartwright (Australia)
  • Yee

    western shore? How bout eastern! haha. Everything is good! Been busy with work, testing the end of February for Loudoun County!
  • Yee

    Nope not busy at all. Last call I ran was last week for flooding conditions in a basement. Pumped water out with our brush truck for a few hours. Water was about 2 or 3 feet from the ceiling and there was about a inch or 2 upstairs. and thanks!! i hope i make it!
  • Yee

    True! I just need to get in shape a little bit more than I am.
  • Yee

    Written....If I pass it then I will go on in the whole process. CPAT will be along the road, there CPAT is not as hard as the CPAT for the county I live in though.
  • Yee

    Thank ya!
  • Yee

    I will defiantly let ya know as soon as I know!
  • Yee

    And how do I apply?! haha. I always need a back-up and I would LOVE to work there!
  • Yee

    Alright. I don't think I am gonna apply. I told my bf bout it saturday night and got the look of satan. Haha. He was a little ticked, but I understand where he is coming from. It would be a last ditch effort to apply if I don't get into Loudoun or Montgomery but I am hoping to get into one of em! =)
  • Yee

    Montgomery may still be open. I am not sure. Check out their website.
  • Yee

    No prob and Thank you!!
  • Holly

    Hello ENGINEMAN I would be happy to be your friend, I am sorry we have not met before this, I have been in and out of the hospital over the past year, But things are looking up here, I hope all is well, with you and yours Stay Safe and Stay In touch. :)
  • Yee

    Loudoun test got canceled!! Insufficient funds, they are going to try to re-schedule it end of March beginning of April. I really hope they can! How have you been?
  • Yee

    I can't apply either. Frederick county doesn't let ya drive emergency apparatus to emergency calls until you are 21. The only thing I can drive is the Medic unit back to the station or to hospital if they go on ambulance, and the Utility non-emergency. So I can't apply and I have been good. Haven't ran any calls lately but oh well I am heading up to the station tomorrow before it snows here and hopefully I will catch some calls. Stay safe! ttyl!
  • Yee

    Well I still have an app. in at Montgomery, and hope and pray Loudoun is able to have a class. They sent an e-mail out saying the board hasn't decided how many people they can hire so that is what they are waiting on. Hopefully they get back with em soon. I was at the station yesterday when all the snow came through. Everyone in the county was getting calls but us haha. Oh well, I may head up there today but I dunno yet.
  • Yee

    Hey! We didn't turn a wheel through all the snow and ice we got we didn't move. Everyone else in the county was. It was a boring 2 days of sitting at the station.
  • Yee

  • Yee

    Thanks! I guy in my Hazmat tech class told me that too but I'd rather not get shot at haha
  • Yee

    Good Luck! My hazmat final is wednesday. I hope I pass!
  • Yee

    I passed!! I'm a hamzat tech! how was your test?